General principles of psychotherapy for depression

How to get rid of depression is one of the most pressing issues of our time. This is due to the fact that with depression, the quality of life drops significantly, apathy, lack of joy in life, pessimism, fatigue appear, and productivity drops sharply. And today it is very important to have a high level of performance. This psychological condition is aggravated by the fact that it is impossible to get rid of depression on your own, so this condition is even more painful for a person to bear. Naturally, people try to get rid of depression forever as quickly as possible.

Our treatment can reliably help get rid of depression even in the most severe cases. Psychotherapeutic techniques in combination with neurometabolic therapy and restorative medicine technologies can achieve high results and improve the quality of life in a fairly short time. Efficiency is restored and the severity of the general condition goes away.

Our reliable and safe technologies will help you get rid of depression.

The painful condition that occurs during the development of a depressive state is reflected not only in the way of life, but also in the quality of work. Investing enormous efforts, a person does not get much result from his work. This situation further complicates the course of the disease. Therefore, every person tries by any means to get rid of depression forever. However, at such moments there is a danger of starting to use various psychoactive substances that can quickly, but not for a long period, reduce the main manifestations of the disease. In this regard, there is a high probability of developing various dependencies on these substances (drug, alcohol and drug addiction). That is why, to help a person get rid of depression, special individual therapy programs are needed. They must be clearly verified, safe and time-tested.

What prevents you from getting rid of depression?

Factors provoking the disease:

  • severe stress - death of a loved one, loss of a job;
  • neurological and endocrine diseases.

In some cases, the disease develops “from within”, without noticeable reasons - in this case, you need to get rid of depression as quickly as possible, without harming your body.

It is mainly the social situation that prevents you from getting rid of depression forever. This includes political instability in the country, a constant rise in prices that does not correspond to income, the general nervous tension of others, problems at work, and, accordingly, problems in the family and personal life.

With this type of disorder of higher nervous activity, the sexual sphere and appetite often suffer - the taste of food is lost, and the sense of touch is reduced. This also aggravates the course of the disease and creates difficulties on the way to getting rid of depression forever. There is a threat of relapse of the disease.

Due to the difficulties of a person’s resistance and adaptation to pressing life problems, as a result of characterological characteristics and the impossibility of planning for the future, the human nervous system can react differently. This is where the disease manifests itself in various forms.

Types of manifestations

  1. Neurotic - Occurs when the patient has been in psychotraumatic conditions for a long time. The first signs are a sharp deterioration in mood, tears for no reason, a feeling of injustice of others. Symptoms include sleep problems, frequent headaches, decreased blood pressure, and general weakness.
  2. Psychogenic - Appears due to severe stress in life and requires mandatory treatment from a specialist. It develops quite quickly, the patient constantly thinks about what happened and becomes overexerted. Problems appear in your personal life and work, pessimistic thoughts intensify and often lead to suicide attempts.
  3. Postpartum - Most often occurs in the mother within a month after the birth of the child. Symptoms are nervousness, sudden mood swings, hatred of the child. A few meetings with a therapist may be enough for treatment.
  4. Circular - Appears during seasonal mood changes. During the treatment of depression, typical thoughts about the lack of meaning in life and prospects for the future are observed.

What is depression?

First of all, depression is a mental illness characterized by several symptoms:

  • apathy, decreased interest in anything and everything together;
  • inability to receive pleasure, to be happy;
  • fear of the future, uncertainty, etc.
  • obsessive moods, thoughts;
  • inability to make decisions, in connection with the two previous points;
  • loss or disturbance of sleep;
  • sudden changes in weight. This is not necessarily weight loss - many patients with depression gain a lot of weight by trying to suppress apathy with taste pleasures, eating stress;
  • lack of sexual desires;
  • fatigue, lack of energy;
  • feeling of pressure or pain in the lower abdomen or chest;

There are also individual symptoms, but always together with those listed.

Need for therapy

Starting with anxiety and nervousness, depression without treatment can turn anyone's life into a nightmare. At some point the patient simply gives up.

Timely and correct treatment will help return normal life quite quickly. Without intervention, the disease can develop into more complex disorders requiring hospitalization. The course is prescribed by a psychotherapist based on testing and personal communication with the patient.

How to get rid of depression correctly

The Transfiguration Clinic has been helping people successfully overcome depression for more than 30 years. During this time, we have developed unique methods that combine a special set of measures that helps a person get rid of depression not only in a short time, but also completely safe for the body. The program includes:

  • neurometabolic therapy – drugs created using the latest generation nanotechnologies that help restore impaired metabolic processes in the brain;
  • technologies of restorative medicine - biotechnology, physiotherapy, selection of daily routine;
  • psychotherapy is a special individual complex that includes various techniques (cognitive, existential, gestalt, hypnosis and others);
  • rehabilitation is not an endless return of the patient to a hospital bed, but stable remission with the restoration of a high quality of life.

According to our statistics, when using our method, in 85% of cases there is complete relief from depression. In more severe cases, 10% of patients maintain a stable condition with no symptoms and a significant increase in quality of life. And only 5% of patients need periodic repeated hospital treatment for deterioration, which is mainly associated with violation of the treatment regimen by the patients themselves for various reasons.

Is it possible to get rid of depression on your own?

People are susceptible to depression, this has long been no secret to anyone. The most vulnerable group of people in this case are pregnant women or women who have just given birth, chronically ill people and others. Moreover, they don’t even think about how to get rid of depression. For them, this state is familiar and even normal. But still, treatment for depression is necessary, because it is also a disease. Depression makes a person feel tired. He loses his appetite, is constantly moping, and does not want to communicate with anyone. Sometimes this attitude to life and “soul-searching” leads to the fact that a person begins to regularly drink alcoholic beverages, or switches to some other more serious drug. It seems to him that no one can know how to get rid of depression. But this point of view is wrong. Nowadays, we can safely talk about people who will help in such situations. They are employees of the Transfiguration clinic, specializing in providing psychological assistance to people.

By contacting the Transfiguration clinic, you can count on answering your question on how to get rid of depression. Also, highly qualified psychotherapists will give a lot of advice on how to get out of this state, that is, they will efficiently perform their main job - to provide psychological assistance to those people who need it.

If you want to know how to get rid of depression, we can recommend a few basic points. Thanks to them, you will understand what you need to do to return to a bright and colorful life.

Psychological assistance for depression

If a person becomes depressed, he will need to consult a psychologist. It is undesirable to neglect his help, since he is one of the few specialists who can cope with psychological problems and difficulties that lead to depression.

Before deciding on treatment, a psychologist must identify the disease and carry out its differential diagnosis.


To understand whether experienced psychologists help with depression, it is enough to read the numerous reviews of patients who got rid of a mental disorder with the help of such a specialist. To achieve a positive result, the patient will need to engage in psychoanalysis.

In medicine, depression is usually considered as a depressed state of a person, which negatively affects his emotions and sensations. As a result, he loses his ability to work and becomes less active. Sometimes a depressive state gives a person the opportunity to return to where his life journey began. In this case, the disease is seen as a powerful shock to the body, which has a strong impact on the patient’s goals and views on the world.

According to psychologists, it is psychoanalysis that provides a unique opportunity to recognize the causes of depression. Unfortunately, patients do not always answer questions posed to them correctly, which significantly complicates diagnosis.

After identifying a negative factor, the stage of its elimination begins. To do this, different periods of the patient’s life are subjected to careful analysis. In one of them, the psychologist finds the reason that led to depression.


For depression, doctors recommend listening to your favorite music

NLP (neurolinguistic programming) allows you to overcome and overcome a depressive state. Using this technique, patients are able to combat feelings of depression and anxiety. It also allows them to survive a difficult period in their lives. Among the recommendations of experts on how to cope with depression, there is advice on using therapy that reveals the patient’s internal resources.

Doctors who specialize in NLP allow the patient to distinguish true life goals from false ones. Thanks to this, a person knows in which direction to move in order to become happy.

NLP uses various channels through which a person perceives information:

  • Olfactory (using scents);
  • Gustatory (through taste);
  • Kinesthetic (through bodily contact);
  • Visual (using eye contact);
  • Auditory (through sounds).

Important! NLP gives positive results, even if the patient is opposed to treatment.

Positive psychotherapy

Positive psychotherapy is one of the main approaches used in the treatment of depression. This is the help of a psychologist, which is aimed at mobilizing the internal forces of the body and identifying the main goals. After this, the person begins to solve the problem that worries him.

This method of therapy involves short-term intervention by a doctor in the patient’s life. During treatment, a depressed patient becomes familiar with an expanded system of goals that are present in his life. Their lack or concentration on false opinions is one of the reasons for the development of mental disorder. As a result, an internal conflict appears, which a person is not always able to cope with on his own.

Cognitive-behavioral direction

People who have questions about how to get rid of depression on their own or with the help of a doctor can get answers to them during a visit to a specialist. A psychologist's advice on how to cope with this problem often involves providing such therapy as a cognitive-behavioral course.

This direction is based on elements of behavioral and cognitive therapy that allow a person to think, act and express their emotions correctly.

A psychotherapist who deals with depressive disorder and knows how to treat it offers the patient treatment for depression, which involves finding a way out of a difficult situation. It is very important in this matter to correctly direct your thoughts, since they are often the cause of unreasonable anxieties and fears.

The psychologist must correctly identify the patient’s inadequate and erroneous thinking, which has led him into a dead end. During therapy, he instills in the patient acceptable patterns of behavior and thoughts. For this purpose, the following types of diagnostics and therapy are used:

  • Empirical analysis;
  • Logical analysis;
  • Pragmatic analysis.

As soon as the patient begins to think correctly and set adequate goals for himself, he will immediately improve.

Art therapy methods

A favorite hobby will help a person with depression cope with it

On the recommendation of a psychologist, as well as another specialist who deals with mental disorders, the patient should engage in art therapy. This is an excellent method of self-realization that helps suppress negative thoughts and ideas that cause depression.

Art therapy methods allow the patient to engage in art and find an interesting hobby that acts as a distraction. With its help, a person begins to gain a completely new experience that can diversify his leisure time. In addition, during classes, patients have a real opportunity to express all the negativity that accumulates in them on a blank sheet of paper.


Psychological treatment methods include isotherapy. This is one of the options for getting out of a painful condition. The attending physician will tell the patient in detail how to get out of depression on his own with its help.

Isotherapy involves expressing your thoughts and ideas through drawing. This is a great way to get rid of accumulated tension that aggravates a person’s condition.

Studying the patient's drawings allows the psychologist to learn a lot about his state of mind. The further course of treatment for depression also depends on this.

Fairy tale therapy

Fairy tales are usually called small fictional stories whose heroes bravely cope with all the difficulties that come their way. Therefore, they are useful not only for children, but also for adults who are confused in their thoughts, goals and ideas.

With the help of a psychologist and fairy tale therapy, the patient must learn to be responsible for his actions. They also help him make decisions on his own, on which their future lives depend. All this has a positive effect on the fight against depression and apathetic mood.

Sand therapy

An equally popular method of treating depression is sand therapy. She helps patients who have difficulty expressing their own thoughts and emotions. During classes they can do this with sand.

Together with a psychologist, the patient studies sand figures and how to construct them. Human work allows the specialist to identify the patient’s problem and, based on it, find a way out of the difficult situation, thereby helping the patient overcome depression.

Get rid of depression

It is very important during the period of recovery from depression to do something that can give you pleasure. It’s clear that during depression you won’t enjoy everything, but you should at least try to start enjoying the things you used to get pleasure from again. The same can be said about things that give you confidence. Surely there are some. And they should be remembered immediately when it comes to how to get rid of depression. Also try to concentrate as little as possible on any unpleasant thoughts and feelings. Drive away all this negativity and pessimism.

You may need knowledge of how to get rid of apathy and depression for other reasons. For example, in the near future you will have to make some serious decision regarding the arrangement of your personal life or career at work. If you are in a state of depression, it is not difficult to guess which way an important decision will be made. It will be accepted from a pessimistic point of view, that is, with a pronounced negative connotation. But all this can be avoided if you consult doctors in time, who will tell you how to get rid of depression. Modern medicine has reached great heights, so the help of a qualified specialist will certainly be effective.

Get rid of depression forever

Contact our clinic. We are ready to help you get rid of depression forever. Anyone who wants and is ready to follow all our recommendations is guaranteed to receive the expected result. We own unique technologies that are used only in selected clinics in Europe, Israel and China.

You can contact us by phone: +7(495)6320065,

We help in the most difficult cases, even if previous treatment did not help!


Treatment of depression

Depression is curable!

Depressive state

no less serious health disorder, like any other disease, be it angina or gastritis, requiring timely diagnosis and treatment. Today, to treat depression, doctors have at their disposal a wide variety of medications, methods of psychotherapy, physiotherapy and herbal medicine, thanks to which they can completely relieve the depressive state.

It is important to know that:

· Depression responds well to treatment, resulting in complete recovery

· Talking about your problem means taking the first step towards recovery from depression.

"Depression indicator"

A few centuries ago, an interesting experiment was carried out. They tied the sheep next to the cage in which the wolf was. A few days later the sheep fell ill and died. Read more
If you experience:

  • changeable mood with a sharp change from joy to melancholy, apathy, extreme despondency, depressed, depressing state of despair;
  • feeling of anxiety, restlessness or even causeless fear;
  • decreased self-esteem, feelings of guilt, feelings of uselessness.
  • constant dissatisfaction with yourself and your life;
  • loss of interest and pleasure in work and the world around you;
  • inability to concentrate on a specific job or activity;
  • loss of appetite or, conversely, overeating;
  • constipation, less often – diarrhea;
  • Sleep disturbance, night insomnia with prolonged falling asleep, constant awakenings at night and early waking up (by 3-4 am); drowsiness throughout the day;
  • Causeless fuss;
  • Sexual desire decreases or completely disappears;
  • Unreasonable pain in the heart and abdomen.

There is a chance to change the situation for the better!

Make an appointment

We invite you to a consultation with a specialist at our Center.

The cost of consultation is from 3000-6000 rubles. /at one o'clock.

cost include :

  • The average work experience of a specialist is 20 years.
  • Maintaining confidentiality.
  • Individual approach to your problem.
  • An appointment time convenient for you.
  • Comfortable conditions for consultation.
  • If necessary, provide supporting documents (certificates, conclusions).

What you will receive during the consultation:

  • An objective assessment of your condition by an experienced specialist.
  • A clear action plan and number of sessions.
  • Selection of psychotherapeutic techniques.
  • Individual recommendations from a specialist.
  • If necessary, prescribing medications and assisting with hospitalization in Moscow clinics.

At our Center you are in good hands!

We will be happy to take care of your health!

Make an appointment

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