How to avoid autumn depression (psychotherapeutic advice)

Autumn depression is a condition characterized by emotional depression, feelings of hopelessness, melancholy and sadness. This is not a temporary decrease in mood, but, as a rule, a long period. For most people, the fall months begin a long period of worry. At these moments, the emotional sphere suffers, additional fears and self-doubts appear. Personal reflection occurs, which can result in making the necessary decisions, or in running away from problems. Sometimes a person does not realize what is happening to him, cannot understand the true reasons for the sadness that has settled in his soul. The situation deserves a closer look.


The symptoms of autumn depression are quite extensive. This is the case when the sense of reality is somewhat lost and self-doubt appears. Some people have a reluctance to act, to make meaningful decisions, because this requires the involvement of the emotional-volitional sphere. Let us dwell in more detail on the manifestations themselves.

Feelings of regret

Autumn depression is inevitably accompanied by a feeling of regret about previously occurring events. A person clearly sees his mistakes, so he experiences strong feelings. Sometimes it seems that there is no future ahead, that all prospects are lost. Most people, finding themselves in a difficult situation, do not know what to do, how not to fall into despair. It seems to them that the world around them is critical, no one can understand them. In reality this is, of course, not the case. The feeling of a universal catastrophe is dictated by an emotional decline and a feeling of fatigue.

Boundless nostalgia

Another symptom that haunts you, does not allow you to enjoy life and experience its beauty to the fullest. Every person has a connection with the past. It should be noted that during moments of transition from one life period to another, a person always experiences anxiety, sometimes complicated by disappointment and the inability to look at the situation from the outside. Boundless nostalgia is not dangerous, but quite an unpleasant sign, indicating a loss of mental balance. It becomes difficult to make decisions, because the individual is constantly stuck in the past. Memories take over him completely.

Old grievances

Surprisingly, it is with the onset of autumn that all a person’s fears intensify, becoming most pronounced and noticeable. This is largely due to changes in the weather. In the warm season, we have less doubt about the decisions we make. With the onset of cold weather, we begin to doubt ourselves and our prospects. Sometimes disturbing memories become so overwhelming that there is no moral strength left to move forward. In addition, endless doubts undermine self-confidence. Old grievances and fears come to the fore, preventing you from seeing the truth.

Inability to make plans

During a bad period, a person is not able to notice positive changes. It seems that nothing good is in store. The individual stops making plans for the future and does not know where to start. This is a very sad moment, which indicates that a personal crisis has occurred, and the previous methods of restoring balance no longer work. During a period of emotional depression, a person is not able to notice the good. He lives one day at a time, pushing problems to last. The inability to make plans leads to a lack of understanding of what to expect from life.

Where does autumn depression come from, why does it happen?

Its appearance is associated with disturbances in the metabolism of serotonin, a biologically active substance that has an effect on mood.

Experimental studies have shown that serotonin levels in the brain are lower in autumn and winter than in summer. An important regulator of serotonin metabolism is melatonin, an active substance whose production depends on the amount of light.

Accordingly, one of the main treatment methods is light therapy. That is, special attention should be paid to the presence of light, both natural and artificial, in your daily life.

We offer a number of general recommendations that will help smooth out and possibly prevent these protracted negative conditions.


Autumn depression is not a disease. It is worth understanding in advance that it is stupid to try to get rid of this condition without properly understanding the reasons. It is necessary to come to an understanding of the essence of what is happening, to be able to separate the consequences from your own far-fetched fears. Sometimes people worry so much that they confuse those around them. To understand what is happening, you need to be honest with yourself. Among the main reasons it is worth noting the following.

Lack of sunlight

During the autumn period, the length of daylight hours changes. Due to this circumstance, the mood also tends to zero. Lack of sunlight affects joy hormones - they simply stop being produced in the body in sufficient quantities. It becomes very difficult to get rid of intrusive negative thoughts.

Changing Perception

In autumn, the perception of reality changes. Everything around seems gray and dull. Depression in women can be much more severe than in men, but this does not mean that the stronger sex suffers less. It’s just that men get used to hiding their fears and don’t allow anyone to look into their own souls. Even without knowing how to cope with increased anxiety, how to overcome the feeling of hopelessness, they prefer to remain silent about the changes taking place.

Emotional disturbances

If a person has any mental disorders, then they also appear in the autumn. Sometimes it becomes necessary to take antidepressants and sedatives to come to your senses. Emotional disorders, for example, hypochondria and neuroses, exhaust the personality so much that there is no moral strength left to withstand stress. Fighting with yourself is a meaningless and futile activity.

What are the signs and symptoms of depression?


melancholy, depressed mood, anxiety, irritability, despair, guilt, dissatisfaction with oneself, low self-esteem, loss of interest in what is happening.


sleep disturbances (insomnia, drowsiness), changes in appetite (loss or overeating), intestinal dysfunction (constipation), decreased sexual needs, increased fatigue.


difficulty concentrating, concentrating; the predominance of gloomy, negative thoughts about yourself, about your life, about the world as a whole; a pessimistic view of the future, thoughts of suicide, a feeling of uselessness and helplessness.


avoidance of contact with other people, refusal of entertainment, passivity, lack of desire to do anything.

How to avoid

Depression that occurs in the autumn is an incredibly dangerous thing. Not only does a person waste precious energy on worries, but he also spoils his health, harasses those around him, and undermines his nervous system. Sooner or later, people begin to think about how to get rid of accumulated despair and reset negative emotions. This is not as easy to do as it sometimes seems at first glance. But if you put in the effort, the attempts will not be in vain. So, what do you need to keep in mind?

Timely problem solving

Do not accumulate resentment, misunderstandings and grief. If disagreements arise with others, resolve them in a timely manner. Your family and colleagues will thank you. The sooner you start looking for a solution, the better. In this case, despair and a feeling of hopelessness do not have time to form. If a person stays in a traumatic situation for too long, then it is difficult for him to gather mental strength and regain self-confidence. Depression can be treated, but not everyone knows how to deal with it correctly.

New impressions

A person must definitely receive vivid emotions from communicating with other people, from bringing what he wants to life. New impressions charge with optimism, add vigor, and replenish the emotional resource of the individual. As a result, no obstacles, even long trials, become fearsome. The sweetness of an imminent victory gives strength, additional strength appears to make decisions and take the necessary actions.


Without knowing how to avoid the feeling of emptiness, you can drive yourself into a corner from which it is then difficult to find a way out. Try not to stay too long within four walls. If you limit your space to just your home, then nothing good will come of it. Autumn depression occurs, among other things, from a lack of sunlight. If you don’t walk much, constantly spend evenings in front of the computer and TV, get ready for a spoiled mood and a constant feeling of depression. It is not surprising that even a healthy person loses desires and develops a feeling of apathy. Anxiety depletes the nervous system. The body is in dire need of restoration.

Healthy sleep

You need to try to get enough sleep. To do this, it is useful to establish a daily routine. If you have a habit of going to bed long after midnight, is it any wonder you feel overwhelmed and depressed? You will need to completely overhaul your schedule to see any noticeable improvements. Healthy sleep should last at least eight hours a day.

A fulfilling relationship

A lonely person always suffers more. The whole point is that he subconsciously feels mentally unprotected. When a loved one appears in life, everything around is filled with a special, lasting meaning. I want to overcome obstacles, set great goals and achieve them. This is why we need to strive for personal partnerships and mutual understanding.


A personal pet will warm your soul when needed. It has been noticed that people who have at least one pet live longer, feel needed and in demand. A purring cat will help relieve stress after a busy day at work, and a dog will make going outside meaningful.


Any hobby will reveal creative energy and charge the soul with new positive energy. You need to be able to listen to yourself, follow your inner voice and not give up in the face of emerging difficulties. Passion can fill life with lasting joy, so that there is no room for sadness.


A person should not focus on his achievements. You should always strive for more, to achieve the best. Self-development will help you not to remain stagnant and begin to feel the fullness and joy of life. The more time and attention we give ourselves, the better. Attend useful courses and trainings; in the end, you can decide on a second education, if necessary.

Change of place of work

Although this event is accompanied by stress, it ultimately makes a person stronger. It is recommended to resort to this method when depression itself is caused by dissatisfaction in your career. It is in the fall that all problems worsen, but there is an excellent chance to try to correct the situation. Changing jobs will benefit those who suffer from self-doubt and want to somehow establish themselves in life.


In order for autumn depression to stop bothering you when September arrives, you need to carefully prepare for this period. First of all, you should stock up on mild sedatives with moderate sedative properties. Prevention is to prevent the development of such a condition. After all, when nostalgia for days gone by takes over, no methods will be so effective. You will have to spend much more time “recovering.” That's why it's best to prevent sadness from getting worse. If you are overcome by sadness, then it is better to try to switch your attention, be flexible and be able to enjoy the presence of other people. Never isolate yourself, it doesn't lead to anything good. Thus, autumn depression is a condition that deserves undivided attention. It is necessary to use constructive methods of struggle and avoid all-consuming melancholy. If you are unable to cope with the problem on your own, we recommend contacting the community of psychologists and rehabilitation specialists Irakli Pozharisky. Consulting a specialist will help you understand the current prospects and outline effective ways out of the crisis.

Do I need treatment or will it go away on its own?

Treatment for seasonal disorder is needed for people for whom the symptoms of the disease really complicate their lives. Depression can go away on its own if the signs of a depressive disorder are temporary, from a couple of days to a week. It is easy to survive seasonal depression with the help of loved ones and family. If the symptoms do not disappear, the depressed state worsens, it is advisable to seek help from a specialist. He will give recommendations on how to treat depressive disorder.

A timely visit to a psychologist or psychotherapist will help avoid unwanted complications.

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