How to beautifully confess your love to a girl if you are shy

Signs that a girl is not indifferent

When you already have a relationship and have been dating for some time, it is likely that the girl experiences the same feelings as yours. When we are talking about a person who a guy likes, but she does not have a close relationship with him, it is difficult to understand what is in her soul.

Let's look at what manifestations of a woman's character may indicate that the chosen one is interested in you:

  • the girl looks with loving eyes;
  • when she sees you, her cheeks turn red;
  • she gets embarrassed if you look directly into her eyes;
  • smiles if you are nearby;
  • tries to spend time together as often as possible;
  • If contact has already been established, he often calls and asks.

The best tips on how a guy can confess his love to a girl

The first thing you need to know is that all people confess their love in different ways, just as they love in different ways. It doesn’t matter whether your feelings are tearing you apart so much that you cannot remain silent, or you are running away from them because love is not a comfortable thing, or whether it’s just a little warmer for you to live this way.

What and how you feel is normal. And telling a girl about this in a way that suits you is no less normal. Therefore, do not try to cool your ardor or, on the contrary, squeeze out a non-existent passion: your chosen one knows about your temperament and character. And she chose you as you are - which means there is no need to try to be a different person at the moment of recognition.

The best confession is sincere and the kind that suggests itself to you. This is the moment of nakedness of feelings, which means sincerity is a key parameter. Even if the result does not look like scenes from a hundred of the best melodramas in the history of cinema, even if you yourself never thought that your confession would look the way you want it to.

Try to come up with wording that expresses your feelings as best as possible. A declaration of love always turns out to be about both the lover and the beloved at the same time - remember this and strive for a balance between your own comfort and the pleasant words that you want to say to the girl.

Look on the Internet if you can’t figure it out on your own. But try not to repeat exactly an existing recognition, but only borrow ideas or formulations. Love is a serious matter , so approach its expression with responsibility and do everything to the highest standard.

Is there love?

Perhaps you are tormented by doubts whether to admit your feelings. It is possible that the reason for this behavior is excessive modesty or fear of being rejected, and it may also be a signal from the subconscious, indicating that, in fact, this is not love at all.

It is also necessary to understand that admitting your feelings too early can push a girl away. Here we are talking about when a guy already has a relationship with the object of his adoration, literally on the second date he announces that he not only likes the girl, but that he loves her. The real explanation for this quick recognition is:

  • love at first sight;
  • desire to quickly sleep with a girl;
  • a way to bind the object of adoration more tightly.

In any case, confessing too early will alert the girl and may scare her away.

Let's look at the difference between love and the feeling of falling in love.

  1. The first is a long-term feeling that can accompany a person throughout his life. The second is short-term, it goes away as suddenly as it arises.
  2. Love makes you accept your partner for who he is, with all his shortcomings. Falling in love makes you want to change your chosen one so that qualities that are beneficial to you appear in him.
  3. Love is when you feel good together and don’t need anyone else. Falling in love - another person appears who can destroy your union.
  4. The first case characterizes mutual understanding, sacrifice, support in difficult times. The second case is characterized by selfishness in relationships, the desire to satisfy only one’s own needs.
  5. Love pushes aside intimate needs, spiritual satisfaction comes first. Falling in love elevates intimacy; selfishness in sex is characteristic.

It's truly love if you:

  • you do everything to impress the girl, sometimes risking yourself;
  • all thoughts are occupied with the object of adoration;
  • every day you try to become better in order to be worthy of a girl’s love;
  • the most important thing is the happiness of your beloved, even if you are not with her.

When is it time to talk about feelings?

Long-term relationships are a reason to talk about your feelings
. You have already realized that a rapid confession of your feelings will not bring you anything good. It’s better to wait, decide on the truth of your feelings and only then talk about them. Let's look at when you can talk about love:

  • your relationship lasts longer than three months;
  • intimate intimacy took place between you;
  • the girl appreciates you and always supports you;
  • have already met relatives and friends;
  • the girl respects you, makes plans for your future together;
  • you see that your chosen one is in love with you and demonstrates her feelings with constant kisses, hugs and compliments.

A friend of mine dated a guy for a year. During all this time, he never once confessed his love to her. Then they got married. The guy never said how much he loved her, even though she and everyone they knew knew about it. Everything was clear without words; by his actions he showed the truth of his feelings. But remember that girls love with their ears, they will be pleased to hear the cherished words.

How to confess your love to someone

General advice: Think honestly about your feelings and what you will say . Organize the appropriate atmosphere: book a table in a cafe or prepare a romantic dinner at home.

Make yourself look decent, dress neatly - no tracksuits. Monitor your partner's mood. If she is out of sorts or upset, postpone the “confession” for a more favorable moment.

A neat appearance will give you self-confidence.

If the chosen one is a woman or a girl

No matter what age the chosen one is, public revelation will not please everyone. Let the details remain between you.

Courtship and attention will help prepare the ground A harmless psychological trick - the more often a person sees and contacts you, the better he treats you on a subconscious level. Try and communicate more often

Look for common interests and hobbies with a girl classmate. Study lessons together, be gallant and responsible.

Other guys in adolescence treat girls mockingly and frivolously - you will stand out noticeably from others.

An older woman won't appreciate your words if you don't show yourself anymore. Show that you can be relied upon . Be interested in her, offer to help around the house, spend free time together. Then the woman herself will understand that you love her.

What if she doesn't love you

Confessed and did not receive reciprocation? This will knock the rug out from under you, but it will help take the weight off your shoulders.

Failure can also lead to melancholy - the main thing is not to make the situation the meaning of life.

You have to be mentally prepared for defeat. Behave with dignity . What makes you think that there is no hope for the future? If not with this person, then with another!

How to confess your love to a girl if you are a girl

Non-traditional orientation is accepted with fear in society. Think about the fact that you may be rejected not only by the object of your desire, but also by relatives, colleagues and friends.

Are you sure of your intentions? Carefully find out what your beloved thinks about same-sex relationships. If she's against it, you're more likely to break your heart and embarrass her.

Try telling her that you love someone else, but don't know how to say it. Based on her reaction, you can understand whether you should try .

Declaration of love to a person of the same sex

Male same-sex relationships are condemned more than female ones . Be careful even with explanations of sympathy.

Think about whether your feelings are an obsession. Perhaps you have encountered failure with a woman and now perceive all girls with prejudice.

If people look neat, share a hobby, and socialize a lot, this is not a reason to think about them in an unconventional way.

If you are of sound mind and good memory, find out a man's opinion about non-traditional sexuality before hinting about feelings. Otherwise, you risk becoming an object of ridicule, or even getting into a fight .

Let's confess to our ex

Your connection with your ex may have broken down due to an accident or misunderstanding, but your feelings have remained intact. Even if you doubt it, it's still worth a try.

Think about whether these bonds brought happiness and joy? They could have been completed for objective reasons, and you are grieving not because of a specific person, but because of loneliness .

If your couple once reached an impasse, do not get your hopes up that everything has changed now. Make an effort to cope with the breakup with dignity.

Friendzone: if you fall in love with a friend

Do you have common interests, have a lot to talk about, and are you together most of the time? A love affair with a friend often becomes unrequited , because your loved one perceives you differently and does not want change.

You can remain silent and maintain friendship. Or you can take a risk and tell everything - the choice is yours.

True friends rarely think about relationships. Maybe there is no need to spoil the friendship and it is better to find a new chosen one?

If you decide , be sincere and tolerant of any developments.
Don't talk about it when you're drunk and don't apply pressure to get an immediate answer.

How to make a confession

If you are interested in the question of how to confess beautifully, then I propose to consider ten different ways.

  1. Confession on Valentine's Day. Ideal for a couple who already have a long-term relationship. You can place a heart of lighted candles in front of the entrance and wait for your loved one with a bouquet of flowers.
  2. Public recognition. Suitable only if your girlfriend is a public figure and likes to be the center of attention. You can agree with the presenter at a concert or go on stage in person. This option is also great for a marriage proposal.
  3. Romantic confession in the form of a video or presentation.
  4. Date. You can invite a girl to a cafe and talk about your feelings there.
  5. Like in a movie. You can watch romantic television scenes and, if you have sufficient financial resources, use someone else's method. For example, once on a crane, go up to your beloved’s window, knock, holding a bouquet of flowers in your hand, and say about your love.
  6. Sing a song with recognition if you have good hearing and creative inclinations.
  7. Confess on the radio. But the main thing here is that the girl listens to the right wave at that moment.
  8. Write a letter in which you can tell about everything that is on your soul.
  9. Breakfast in bed. If you spend the night together, then in the morning with a tray of food you can present a card with words of love or write “I love you” on coffee foam.
  10. The easiest way is to come in person with a bouquet of flowers, and when you meet, say everything that’s boiling over.

Declaration of love to a girl in verse

Many girls love poetry. Maybe it's time to confess your love in poetry? Not everyone can appreciate this, but if your chosen one is a romantic person, send or read her a poem about love:

And I love you... and, you know, I will be there, let me Just be with you, you understand... You are part of my... my soul. And in my heart there is only one thing... There is only one place - for you. My beloved, you know... I love... I love you so much.

I'll tell you a secret, believe it if you want, don't believe it if you want. I live with you alone, I am the happiest of all now, Because you, dear, Changed my life, And, without noticing others, I love you alone!

I love you, dear, you are my desired one. You are very dear to your heart, and you are tender in soul. Without you, both days and nights are like long years. May fate prophesy for me to be with you forever.

Common mistakes

Communicating your feelings via SMS is not a good idea.

  1. There is no need to talk about your feelings if you are not 100% sure of them.
  2. There is no need to start a conversation if the atmosphere around you is noisy and uneasy.
  3. It is better to avoid confession via Skype or SMS, using a call.
  4. Drinking an alcoholic drink to give you courage will only push your chosen one away from you.

How to Confess to a Shy Guy

If you are very shy, write about your feelings in a letter.

If you are embarrassed to talk about what’s in your heart, but really want the girl to know about your feelings, then you can resort to the advice below.

  1. Look her in the eyes, remain tactful.
  2. Prepare your speech in advance, don’t forget to rehearse it.
  3. Explain in simple words, no need to extol her like a goddess.
  4. Don't put pressure on the girl, demanding a quick answer.
  5. Sometimes it's easier for shy guys to write about their feelings in a letter or with a poem. Perhaps this option is for you, try using it.

How to confess your feelings to a girl?

Love is a wonderful feeling that helps people become better people for the sake of their other half. But all this is good if the love is mutual. Do you know why we can’t decide to tell a person about our crush? Because we are afraid of being rejected, even if there is a high probability that the girl will reciprocate.

Be that as it may, you cannot keep understatement to yourself - any answer from the object that aroused your love will make your life easier

In any case, it is better to get rejected than to think about her all day long but do nothing about it. Do you agree?


  1. Choosing the right place and time. It is important that the girl is in a good mood and that the appropriate atmosphere is present. For example, a romantic dinner or Valentine's Day.
  2. It is better if the girl finds out about your feelings when you are alone with her. In the presence of strangers, even your friends, she will be embarrassed. In addition, in such a situation it is better to confess when you are absolutely sure of the girl’s reciprocity.
  3. Your words should be sincere, confident, clear. There is no need to come from afar, it is better to immediately say about your feelings.
  4. Stay natural, be yourself.
  5. Don't be angry if you are rejected.
  6. Prepare yourself for all possible reactions to your confession.
  7. Take a shower first and be sure to look good.
  8. If you hear a refusal, offer friendship. Who knows, maybe she will change her mind over time and change her decision.
  9. During the confession, continue to look into her eyes and smile.
  10. If a girl needs to think, let her do it.
  11. You don’t need to tell everyone about your feelings for the object of your adoration before you confess to her.
  12. If you were previously connected by friendly relations, and now you want more, then you need to make sure that the girl can look at you differently. Perhaps she needs to change, to become the person she dreams of.
  13. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, you can not immediately talk about your love, but simply when communicating, express compliments to the girl and look at her reaction. It would also be a good idea to observe how she treats you in everyday life. When you are sure that the girl is interested, get ready for your confession.

Now you know how to talk about your feelings. Remember that confession should only be made when there is complete confidence in yourself. Do not forget that the girl has every right to reject you. But there is no need to remain silent because of this fear. Remember that this girl may not be your destiny. All is not lost, there are a lot of beautiful girls around.

Personal confession

Confession in real life requires special preparation. You need to think through everything: from the appearance of the lover to the meeting place. We've put together some general practical tips to help you prepare:

  1. Rehearse. Don't neglect rehearsing in front of the mirror. Yes, it looks strange and funny, but it will give you confidence and help you pronounce your words more clearly. But don't try to play, pretend to feel, or memorize the lyrics. Otherwise, on a date you will look ridiculous, your facial expressions and speech will not be lively.
  2. Choose clothes, take care of a neat appearance.
  3. Think about what place and time to choose. It is better to choose a quiet and secluded place where you can talk calmly and where no one will disturb you. It's even better to choose a place that is quiet and meaningful to you. Maybe the park and the shop where you met. Or the cafe where you first saw your chosen one.
  4. Be prepared to hear no. And also be able to recognize indirect refusals: changing the topic, silence, leaving. You don’t need to ask if she loves you, you don’t need to shout at the girl, chase her down, use force, or insult her. Whatever happens, maintain your self-respect. If she needs time to think about her answer, give it to her.
  5. Give flowers or make another gift that will please the girl. But first, take the time to find out what she likes. Don't think in stereotypes - not all girls love flowers.

The recognition itself can be either brief or extensive. Write a song, a poem or publish a book with a confession for her. Invite them to a picnic or an art exhibition. And if your feelings constrain you so much that they prevent you from speaking, then limit yourself to one phrase: “I love you.” Don't forget to smile and look the girl straight in the eyes. Don't be afraid to say it loudly or quietly, in a shaky voice or in an overly calm one. Honesty and sincerity are important. Let your feelings speak for you.

If it’s hard to talk, you can write a letter. But it’s better to give it in person. You can silently place it in the girl’s hand and leave. Or leave a gift and a letter at her workplace. Be sure to indicate that you will wait for a response (whatever it may be). But don’t come up and demand it yourself, just wait.

After declaring your love and with it, do not forget to show love. Support the girl, show signs of attention, help. Erich Fromm wrote: “Love is an active interest in the life and development of the object of love.” Respect the girl, take care of her. Do not offend your chosen one and do not allow anyone to offend her. For more information about how to demonstrate feelings, read the article “How to prove to a girl that you love her - advice from a psychologist.”

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