Nervous system: strengthening nerves and restoring the psyche

Features of the nervous system

The psyche and body of the adze are interconnected. Any change in one system leads to changes in another. All this is reflected in the internal state. In neurology there is a separate direction - psychosomatics, with the help of which it is possible to establish a certain connection between mental reactions and their impact on human physiology.

As soon as a person becomes depressed or experiences stress, a protective reaction of the body immediately occurs - muscle tension. The body is constantly in tension, while the soul calms down. If such situations happen very rarely, then nothing harms the body.

But if this becomes regular, a psychosomatic illness may appear, which is difficult to identify. Physical ailments begin to actively manifest themselves, and the psychological causes are “deeply” hidden. As a result, doctors can spend years eliminating the effects without knowing exactly the main cause.

All processes inside the body occur smoothly and smoothly, controlled by the central nervous system. But if there is a chronic focus of excitation in the brain, which is caused by negative emotions, the nervous system no longer performs its main function.

When the body is left without a commander-in-chief, failures gradually occur that lead to the collapse of the unified system. The work of every organ is disrupted. As a result, a person develops diseases of the heart, stomach, etc. In addition, other ailments appear: poor appetite, insomnia, apathy, irritation, lack of interest in what is happening and in one’s life. In addition to the body, the psyche suffers. A feeling of anxiety and restlessness appears. From this observation it is clear why the nerves and psyche need to be strengthened. There are a huge number of special techniques for this, which are divided into 2 main groups: for the psyche and the body.

Mental health


Mental health

- an important part of human health. This is primarily due to the fact that the human body, in which all elements are interconnected and influence each other, is largely under the control of the nervous system, therefore the mental state affects the work of each of the functional systems, and the state of the latter, in in turn, affects the psyche.

Mental health should be characterized by:

1. The absence of mental or psychosomatic diseases. 2. Normal age-related development of the psyche.

3. Favorable (normal) functional state.

Mental health is an integral part and essential component of health. The WHO Constitution states: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” An important implication of this definition is that mental health is not only the absence of mental disorders and disabilities.

Mental health is a state of well-being in which a person realizes his or her abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively, and contribute to their community. In this positive sense, mental health is fundamental to individual well-being and the effective functioning of communities.

How to maintain your mental health?

1. Nutrition.

Food affects both physical and mental health, it’s not for nothing that they say “You are what you eat.” Excessive consumption of certain foods (salt, sugar, onions, garlic, chili peppers, carbonated drinks) can increase the production of hormones in the body that contribute to anger and irritability during times of emotional stress. Drinking plenty of water, on the contrary, helps manage emotions.

2. Physical activity

. Physical health is closely related to mental health. Exercise not only strengthens muscles and the heart, but also contributes to the formation of hormones - endorphins, which improve mood and act as natural energy sources. It is important to properly combine physical activity and sufficient rest (from 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night), to rest on time, and not when you “fall from fatigue.” Walk outdoors with enough sunlight (10 to 15 minutes a day).

3. Accept your feelings

. Anger, sadness, fear, and feelings of frustration are all very unpleasant, and many people try to avoid anxiety by pushing these feelings away. Sometimes, in an effort to avoid worry, we try to hide our emotions, which can lead to destructive behavior - false detachment or composure. By trying to suppress emotions, we thereby lose the ability to perceive the normal joys and sorrows that are part of our relationships with other people.

Unpleasant emotions are a normal reaction to many (non-normal) situations. There is no reason to be ashamed of being homesick, or afraid when learning to ski, or angry when someone cheated you. These emotions are natural and it is better to acknowledge them than to deny them. When emotions cannot be expressed directly (for example, it is stupid to reprimand your boss), you can find another way to relieve tension. Taking a long walk, playing with a tennis ball, or discussing the situation with a friend may help the anger dissipate.

4. Managing your emotions.

Managing anger and negative emotions is an important factor in good mental health and an indicator of your emotional intelligence. There are certain techniques (counting from 20 to 0, breathing exercises) and relaxation techniques that can be used to combat anger and irritability, such as yoga and meditation. Choose for yourself an adequate way to express negative emotions (speak, breathe, draw...). You can talk by naming your feelings: “I feel... when...”. Instead of: “You are deceiving me,” it is better: “I feel deceived,” Instead of: “You are a rude person,” it is better to say: “I am very upset by the way you talk to me,” “I feel upset when you talk to me.” That's how they talk."

5. Know your weak points

. Knowing what situations trigger you to become upset or overreact can help keep you from stressing out. You can avoid them or try to understand what it is about them that bothers you. If you try to pinpoint the cause of your discomfort, you may be able to see the situation in a new light.

6. Change your thinking from negative to positive

. First, we need to stop pumping ourselves up with negative information every day, stop criticizing the existing order, unwanted neighbors, co-workers, etc. We learn to notice and enjoy the simplest things: the first spring flower, a long-awaited vacation that you will spend with the whole family, a new store that was built next to your home...

7. Careful planning

and taking breaks from work will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed at the last minute. Many people become especially anxious when they are under pressure. A strategy that purposefully leaves you with more time than you think you need to get to a business meeting can help eliminate this source of stress.

8. Develop your talents and interests

. Bored and unhappy people rarely have many interests in life. Modern educational programs provide almost unlimited opportunities for people of all ages to explore their talents in many areas, including sports, science, music, art, theater and crafts. Often, the more you know and can do, the more interesting life becomes for you. The sense of competence that comes with developing skills can do a lot to support self-esteem.

9. Learn to smile

. It’s not so difficult to “hang” a “duty smile of politeness” on your face, to smile at a passerby who asks you a question. One of the ways to strengthen mental health is to visit the department of psychotherapy and neurosis, where an integrated approach aimed at restoring mental balance, body care, restorative procedures and consultations with leading specialists will allow you to maintain high body tone and gain strength even in a short time.

Body strengthening

To restore your body and mind, you need to follow simple tips:

  • Physical activity has a positive effect on the body. Constant movement, sports and other physical activity have a positive effect on the condition of the body, and, consequently, the nervous system improves;
  • control your diet. The body must receive the required amount of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances found in food products every day;
  • rejection of bad habits. Despite the fact that many are accustomed to starting the morning with coffee and a cigarette, this habit should be forgotten. It’s better to completely give up all bad habits, such as alcohol, cigarettes, stimulants. The excitement that occurs due to receiving a dose of nicotine is quickly replaced by an inhibitory reaction;
  • sauna and bathhouse. Such methods help cleanse the body and soul. Elevated temperatures and hot steam together help cope with many diseases, the body and nerves relax;
  • harden. Water has a positive effect on the nervous system. If you harden yourself, you can strengthen your immune system. It invigorates and strengthens the body. There is a more extreme way to harden yourself - winter swimming. It may seem strange, but the health and calmness of walruses can only be envied. If you go down into an ice hole, your body will be very grateful;
  • drink as much water as possible. Many people know the 8 glasses method. This is how much water a person should drink per day. This cleanses the body well, removing toxic substances;
  • massage. A great way to get rid of many ailments and relieve stress. The body gradually loses its flexibility, the joints become less mobile. A good massage will speed up blood circulation and trigger metabolic processes.

Proper diet

Nutritionists have developed a special diet for those who want to stop being nervous and start enjoying life. If the body lacks potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron, then the nervous system and the entire body will suffer. It is especially important to ensure that the body receives the required amount of magnesium.

  • You need to eat buckwheat, oat and wheat porridge more often.
  • Phosphorus relieves muscle tension and stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system. The trace element is present in milk, cereals and beans.
  • Calcium – regulates the functioning of muscles and nerves. Contained in milk, nuts and cabbage.
  • Iron – contributes to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, ensures normal metabolic processes. Present in seafood, river fish, fruits, green vegetables, baked goods.
  • Potassium – normalizes the smooth functioning of nerves and muscles, prevents stress and nervous breakdowns. The lack of microelements can be compensated for by vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, and dried fruits.

Department of Neurorehabilitation and Physiotherapy


The Center has implemented an advanced system of step-by-step treatment and rehabilitation of neurological patients, based on a successful combination of innovations and the classical school of restorative medicine. Department staff have developed a methodology for assessing individual rehabilitation potential by analyzing the functional reorganization of the cerebral cortex (functional MRI, TMS mapping and other approaches), followed by the selection of a targeted set of rehabilitation procedures and measures.

We have gained unique experience in developing (together with the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems and other partners) innovative rehabilitation complexes based on the use of computer and aerospace technologies. Original neuromodulation protocols aimed at recruiting the existing reserve capabilities of the brain were proposed and tested. An original set of rehabilitation measures for neurogenic swallowing disorders has been developed.


  • studying the fundamental principles of neuroplasticity, mapping functionally significant areas of the brain
  • development of rehabilitation methods for disorders of consciousness
  • study of the effectiveness of robotic systems, biofeedback, functional electrical stimulation and other special technologies in restoring impaired functions after stroke and other diseases of the nervous system
  • development and testing of brain-computer interfaces and exoskeletons, assessment of their capabilities in the rehabilitation process
  • study of the effectiveness of non-invasive brain stimulation for movement disorders and spasticity, pain syndromes, depression
  • analysis of the organization of the motor sphere in normal and pathological conditions
  • diagnosis and rehabilitation of neurogenic dysphagia

The main direction of medical work is the rehabilitation of patients with the following diseases of the nervous system:

  • acute and chronic vascular diseases of the nervous system (stroke, cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, consequences of a stroke)
  • initial manifestations of cerebrovascular insufficiency
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • degenerative and hereditary diseases of the nervous system (Parkinson's disease, torsion dystonia, Friedreich's disease, essential tremor, etc.)
  • multiple sclerosis
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system (acute and chronic polyneuropathies, neuritis, neuropathy, neuralgia, tunnel syndromes, plexopathies, neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis)
  • rehabilitation treatment after neurosurgical operations

Patients with the following manifestations of nervous system diseases are accepted for a course of neurorehabilitation:

  • weakness in the limbs: paresis, monoparesis, hemiparesis, paraparesis
  • violation of muscle tone: increased tone (spasticity, hypertonicity, spastic paresis), decreased tone (hypotonia, flaccid or peripheral paresis), plastic (extrapyramidal) tone
  • vestibular and vestibuloatactic syndrome: loss of coordination (static and dynamic), loss of stability when walking, dizziness
  • pain syndromes: neuropathic pain (pain due to neuropathies), pain in the spine, lower back, headache, central post-stroke pain
  • ​gait disturbance due to a neurological disease

For rehabilitation and treatment the following are used:

  • robotic mechanotherapy systems – Lokomat, Amadeo, RT 300 Arm & Leg, Armeo Spring, Erigo.
  • physical therapy (individual and group classes with experienced instructors and methodologists)
  • method of functional biofeedback with feedback based on statokinesigram (to increase the stability of vertical posture, improve balance function)
  • post-isometric relaxation for pain syndromes of various localizations (PIR-couch)
  • neuromuscular electrical stimulation for central and peripheral paresis
  • intrapharyngeal electrical stimulation for dysphagia (impaired swallowing) of various etiologies
  • electrophoresis of various medicinal substances
  • low-frequency analgesic electrotherapy (SMT, DDT, interference currents, SCENAR therapy)
  • transcranial magnetic stimulation
  • "INFITA" therapy
  • traveling magnetic field
  • heat therapy (paraffin and ozokerite applications)
  • manual massage (classical, segmental, acupressure)
  • virtual reality (VR therapy)

Main directions of scientific research:

  • development and implementation of new rehabilitation technologies (methods of biofeedback with feedback on various physiological parameters; methods of neuromuscular electrical stimulation, including intrapharyngeal)
  • study of the central organization of posture and movement and their disturbances in diseases of the central nervous system
  • study of motor learning mechanisms
  • mechanisms of neuroplasticity in diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system
  • validation of international neurological scales and questionnaires

The department has a group of specialists working on the system of navigational transcranial magnetic stimulation of the brain.

Scientific research is carried out jointly with:

  • Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology RAS, Moscow
  • Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • ZAO OKB "RITM", department "Computer stabilography", Taganrog
  • Research Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Novosibirsk


We are recruiting patients with moderate and severe hemiparesis after stroke (CVA) of varying duration (with preservation of independent walking function - with or without support)! Neurorehabilitation is carried out on an outpatient and inpatient basis for patients undergoing examination and treatment at the Federal State Budgetary Institution NCN. Patients with any diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system are considered (see list above).

We are currently recruiting for the following studies:

  • Ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke (term - more than 3 months)
  • Chronic inflammatory demyelinating poly(radiculo)neuropathy (CIDP) in the active phase
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Chronic disturbances of consciousness (vegetative state, state of minimal consciousness) without metal plates, pacemaker, ventriculoperitoneal shunt, epileptiform activity, in a stable somatic condition

For additional information on the conditions for inclusion in studies, please contact us: by phone: 8 (495) 490-20-10 or by email.
The procedure for referring patients for rehabilitation:

  1. Examination of the patient at the Center's clinic is preferable. 1.1. To make an appointment through the registry for an initial consultation with a neurologist, you must have with you: a passport, a copy of your medical insurance policy, all medical documentation related to the patient’s health (extracts, consultations, examination results, outpatient records). 1.2. An initial consultation with a neurologist and/or physiotherapist (rehabilitation specialist) is possible on the day of treatment, including on a paid basis. Have with you: a passport, all medical documentation related to the patient’s health (extracts, consultations, examination results, outpatient records).
  2. The scope of neurorehabilitation measures carried out is determined by a physiotherapist (rehabilitation specialist) based on: 1. indications and contraindications 2. the department’s capabilities to provide certain services at the time of examination (workload of staff and equipment)



  • Khizhnikova A.E. Correction of pathological synergies of the paretic arm in post-stroke patients using mechanotherapy. Diss... cand. honey. Sci. Moscow, 2018
  • Bakulin I.S. Upper motor neuron syndrome in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (clinical, neurophysiological and neuroimaging studies). Diss... cand. honey. Sci. Moscow, 2018
  • Legostaeva L.A. Diagnosis of chronic disorders of consciousness: clinical, neurophysiological and neuroimaging studies. Diss... cand. honey. Sci. Moscow, 2018
  • Belova N.V. Autonomic disorders in idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome. Diss... cand. honey. Sci. Moscow, 2018
  • Suponeva N.A. Guillain-Barré syndrome: epidemiology, differential diagnosis, pathomorphosis, risk factors. Diss... Dr. med. Sci. Moscow 2013
  • Klochkov A.S. Robotic systems in restoring walking skills in patients who have suffered a stroke. Diss... cand. honey. Sci. Moscow, 2012
  • Suponeva N.A. Diphtheria polyneuropathy: clinical and neurophysiological study. Diss... cand. honey. Sci. Moscow, 2006
  • Zimin A.A. Criteria for the effectiveness of individual physical rehabilitation programs for adolescent and adult patients with consequences of cerebral palsy. Diss... cand. pedagogical sciences Moscow, 2006
  • Ermolaeva Yu.A. Computer biofeedback of posture using a stabilogram in physical rehabilitation of patients with parkinsonism. Diss... cand. pedagogical sciences Moscow, 2003
  • Kornyukhina E.Yu. Electrosleep and UHF electric field in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Diss... cand. honey. Sci. Moscow, 2003
  • Chernikova L.A. Optimization of the recovery process in patients who have suffered a stroke: clinical and neuropsychological aspects of functional biofeedback. Diss... Dr. med. Sci. Moscow, 1998


  1. Piradov M.A., Suponeva N.A., Grishina D.A. Polyneuropathies: diagnostic and treatment algorithms. M.: Hotline - Telecom, 2021. 248 p.
  2. Under the general editorship of Mokienko O.A., Suponeva N.A. Stroke in adults: central paresis of the upper limb. Clinical recommendations. M.: MEDpress-Inform Moscow, 2021. 224 p.
  3. Under the general editorship of Piradov M.A., Suponeva N.A., Grishina D.A. Guillain-Barre syndrome. Clinical recommendations. M.: Hotline - Telecom, 2021, 32 p.
  4. Frolov A.A., Chernikova L.A., Lyukmanov R.Kh., Mokienko O.A., Bobrov P.D., Biryukova E.V., Kotov S.V., Turbina L.G., Piradov M. .A., Ivanova G.E. Use of medical technology “Non-invasive brain-computer-hand exoskeleton interface.” Methodological recommendations, 2017
  5. Gnedovskaya E.V., Suponeva N.A., Bakulin I.S., Khizhnikova A.E. Methodological recommendations for graduate students on organizing independent scientific work. M, 2021. 66 p.
  6. Chernikova L.A. Restorative neurology - innovative technologies in neurorehabilitation under. ed. L.A. Chernikova. M: “Medical Information Agency”, 2021. 344 p.
  7. Klochkov A.S., Kotov-Smolensky A.M., Khizhnikova A.E., Chernikova L.A. Methodological recommendations for the use of the Habilect system in the rehabilitation of neurological patients. M-St. Petersburg: “Renome”, 2021. 60 p.
  8. Suponeva N.A., Piradov M.A. Intravenous immunotherapy in neurology. M: Hotline-Telecom, 2013. 312 p.
  9. Piradov M.A., Suponeva N.A. Guillain-Barré syndrome: diagnosis and treatment. M: MEDpress-inform, 2011. 208 p.


  1. Bakulin I.S., Zabirova A.Kh., Kopnin P.N., Sinitsyn D.O., Poydasheva A.G., Fedorov M.V., Gnedovskaya E.V., Suponeva N.A., Piradov M. .A. Activation of the cerebral cortex during the Sternberg verbal working memory task. In the journal Bulletin of the Russian State Medical University, publishing house RNIMU named after. N. I. Pirogova (Moscow), 2021, No. 1, p. 42-50
  2. Suponeva N.A., Yusupova D.G., Ilyina K.A., Melchenko D.A., Butkovskaya A.A., Zhirova E.S., Taratukhina A.S., Zimin A.A., Zaitsev A. .B., Klochkov A.S., Lyukmanov R.Kh., Kotov-Smolensky A.M., Khizhnikova A.E., Gatina G.A., Kutlubaev M.A., Piradov M.A. Validation of the Modified Ashworth Scale in Russia. In the journal Annals of Clinical and Experimental Neurology, 2021, vol. 14, no. 1, p. 89-96
  3. Yazeva E.G., Legostaeva L.A., Bakulin I.S., Poydasheva A.G., Abaimov D.A., Suponeva N.A., Shabalina A.A., Ryabinkina Yu.V., Piradov M. .A. The influence of a course of neuromodulation on the profile of neurotrophic factors in patients with chronic disorders of consciousness. In the journal Bulletin of the Russian State Medical University, publishing house RNIMU named after. N. I. Pirogova (Moscow), volume 6
  4. Klochkov A.S., Zimin A.A., Khizhnikova A.E., Suponeva N.A., Piradov M.A. The effect of robotic training on the biomechanics of the ankle joint in patients with post-stroke paresis. In the journal Bulletin of the Russian State Medical University, publishing house RNIMU named after. N. I. Pirogova (Moscow), 2021, No. 5
  5. Poydasheva A.G., Bakulin I.S., Pavlova E.L., Mosolov S.N., Suponeva N.A., Piradov M.A. Possibilities of using transcranial electrical stimulation with direct current in patients with depression. In the journal Modern Therapy of Mental Disorders, 2020, No. 3, p. 44-56
  6. Bakulin I.S., Poydasheva A.G., Lagoda D.Yu., Evdokimov K.M., Zabirova A.Kh., Suponeva N.A., Piradov M.A. Safety and tolerability of different high-frequency rhythmic transcranial magnetic stimulation protocols. U.: Ulyanovsk Medical and Biological Journal. 2021. No. 1, p. 26
  7. Yusupova D.G., Suponeva N.A., Zimin A.A., Zaitsev A.B., Belova N.V., Chechetkin A.O., Guscha A.O., Gatina G.A., Polekhina N. .V., Bundhun P., Ashrafov V.M. Neuromuscular diseases. 2021, 8(1), p. 38-45
  8. Chervyakov Alexander V., Poydasheva Alexandra G., Lyukmanov Roman H., Suponeva Natalia A., Chernikova Ludmila A., Piradov Michael A., Ustinova Ksenia I. Effects of Navigated Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation After Stroke // Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 2021. 35(2): p. 166-172 DOI
  9. Frolov AA, Mokienko O, Lyukmanov R, Biryukova E, Kotov S, Turbina L, Nadareyshvily G, Bushkova Y. Post-stroke Rehabilitation Training with a Motor-Imagery-Based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)-Controlled Hand Exoskeleton: A Randomized Controlled Multicenter Trial.// Front Neurosci. 2021 Jul 20;11:400. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2017.00400
  10. Poydasheva A.G., Chernyavskiy A.Yu, Lyukmanov R.Kh, Aziatskaya G.A., Chervyakov A.V., Mokienko O.A., Chernikova L.A., Suponeva N.A., Piradov M.A. Atypical neuroplasticity changes of m. extensor digitorum communis cortical representation in left-handed individuals after motor imagery training sessions enhanced by brain computer interface // Journal of Asymmetry, 2021. 11 (1): p. 5-12
  11. Khizhnikova AE, Klochkov AS, Kotov-Smolenskiy AM, Suponeva NA, Chernikova LA Virtual Reality as an upper Limb Rehabilitation Approach // Human Physiology, 2021. 43(8): p. 855-862 DOI
  12. Suponeva N.A., Bakulin I.S., Poydasheva A.G., Piradov M.A., Safety of transcranial magnetic stimulation: review of international recommendations and new data // Neuromuscular diseases, 2021. 7(2): p . 21-36
  13. Poydasheva A.G., Asian G.A., Chernyavsky A.Yu., Lyukmanov R.Kh., Mokienko O.A., Chernikova L.A., Suponeva N.A., Frolov A.A., Piradov M. .A. Dynamics of the cortical motor representation of the common extensor digitorum against the background of learning to represent movements using a brain-computer interface: a controlled study // Journal of Higher Nervous Activity named after. I. P. Pavlova, 2021. 67(4): p. 473-484 DOI
  14. Bakulin I.S., Zakroyshchikova I.V., Suponeva N.A., Zakharova M.N. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: clinical heterogeneity and approaches to classification // Neuromuscular diseases, 2021. 7(3): p. 10-20 DOI
  15. Zaitseva N.I., Belova N.V., Lagoda D.Yu., Yusupova D.G., Korepina O.S., Suponeva N.A., Gnedovskaya E.V., Piradov M.A. Possibilities of using the technique of evoked cutaneous sympathetic potentials in carpal tunnel syndrome // Siberian Medical Review, 2017. 4: p. 58-65
  16. Antonova K.V., Suponeva N.A., Shcherbakova N.I., Grishina D.A., Belova N.V., Kononova L.V. Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in neurological patients: measures for prevention and treatment // Neuromuscular diseases, 2021. 7(2): p. 10-20
  17. Poydasheva A.G., Bakulin I.S., Chernyavsky A.Yu., Suponeva N.A., Piradov M.A., Mapping of cortical muscle representations using navigational transcranial magnetic stimulation: possibilities for use in clinical practice // Medical alphabet , 2021. 2(22): p. 21-25
  18. Suponeva N.A., Maltseva M.N., Zimin A.A. Methodological basis for the use of occupational therapy in the rehabilitation of patients with acute cerebrovascular accident // Bulletin of Restorative Medicine, 2017. 2: p. 68-73
  19. Suponeva N.A., Belova N.V., Zaitseva N.I., Yusupova D.G., Lagoda D.Yu., Korepina O.S., Piradov M.A. Small fiber neuropathy // Annals of Clinical and Experimental Neurology, 2021. 11(1): p. 73-79
  20. Legostaeva L.A., Mochalova E.G., Suponeva N.A., Sergeev D.V., Ryabinkina Yu.V., Samorukov V.Yu., Domashenko M.A., Pryanikov I.V., Gnedovskaya E. .V., Piradov M.A. Difficulties of clinical diagnosis of chronic disorders of consciousness and recommendations for clinical and instrumental assessment of patients after their recovery from coma // Anesthesiology and Reanimatology, 2021. 62(6): p. 449-456 DOI
  21. Saenko I.V., Chernikova L.A., Poydasheva A.G., Khizhnikova A.E., Kremneva E.I., Morozova S.N., Konovalov R.N., Kozlovskaya I.B. Neuroplastic changes in the cerebral cortex caused by the use of mechanical stimulation of support receptors and the soft multimodal exoskeleton complex “Regent” in healthy individuals and post-stroke patients // Aerospace and environmental medicine, 2021. 51(7): p. 60-66
  22. Klochkov A.S., Khizhnikova A.E., Nazarova M.A., Chernikova L.A. Pathological synergies in the hand in patients with post-stroke hemiparesis // Journal of Higher Nervous Activity named after. I. P. Pavlova, 2021. 67(3): p. 273-287
  23. Bakulin I.S., Chervyakov A.V., Kremneva E.I., Konovalov R.N., Zakharova M.N. Structural and functional neuroimaging in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis // Annals of Clinical and Experimental Neurology. 2021. T. 11. No. 2. P. 72-82.
  24. Shcherbakova N.I., Khrushcheva N.A., Suponeva N.A., Antonova K.V., Belova N.V., Shvedkov V.V., Shabalina A.A., Kostyreva M.V., Galkina O O.I., Rudnichenko V.A., Kasatkina L.F. Drugs contraindicated in myasthenia gravis. Clinical observations of the manifestation of latent forms of myasthenia after the use of D-penicillamine, timolol, magnesium sulfate, botulinum toxin type A, Mercazolil // Neurological Journal, 2021. 22(3): p. 112-121
  25. Saenko I.V., Kremneva E.I., Glebova O.V., Konovalov R.N., Chernikova L.A., Kozlovskaya I.B. New approaches to the rehabilitation of patients with central nervous system lesions, based on gravitational mechanisms // Human Physiology, 2021. 43(5): p. 118-128
  26. Saenko IV, Kremneva EI, Glebova OV, Konovalov RN, Chernikova LA, Kozlovskaya IB New approaches in the rehabilitation of patients with central nervous system lesions based on the gravitational mechanisms // Human Physiology, 2021. 43(5): p. 591-600
  27. Meigal A.Yu., Gerasimova-Meigal L.I., Saenko I.V., Subbotina N.S., Tretyakova O.G., Chernikova L.A. The influence of “dry” immersion as an analogue of microgravity on neurological symptoms in parkinsonism // Aerospace and environmental medicine, 2021. 51(7): p. 53-59
  28. Legostaeva LA, Zmeykina EA, Poydasheva AG, Sergeev DV, Sinitsyn DO, Kremneva EI, Chervyakov AV, Ryabinkina Yu V., Suponeva NA, Piradov MA A new approach to the study of consciousness from the theory of integrated information point of view (review ) // Modern Technologies in Medicine, 2021. 8(4): p. 251-259 DOI
  29. Korzhova J., Sinitsyn D., Chervyakov A., Poydasheva A., Zakharova M., Suponeva N., Chernikova L., Piradov M. Transcranial and spinal cord magnetic stimulation in the treatment of spasticity. A literature review and meta-analysis // European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2016
  30. Mokienko OA, Lyukmanov R.Kh, Chernikova LA, Suponeva NA, Piradov M., Frolov AA Brain–computer interface: The first experience of clinical use in Russia // Human Physiology, 2021. 42(1): p. 24-31 DOI
  31. Saenko IV, Morozova SN, Zmeykina EA, Konovalov RN, Chervyakov AV, Poydasheva AG, Chernikova LA, Suponeva NA, Piradov MA, Kozlovskaya IB Changes in functional connectivity of motor zones in the course of treatment with a regent multimodal complex exoskeleton in neurorehabilitation of post-stroke patients // Human Physiology, 2021. 42(1): p. 54-60 DOI
  32. Poydasheva AG, Saenko IV, Chervyakov AV, Zmeykina EA, Lukmanov RH, Chernikova LA, Suponeva NA, Piradov MA, Kozlovskaya IB Evaluation of changes in the cortical gait control in post-stroke patients induced by the use of the “Regent” soft exoskeleton complex (SEC) by navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation // Human Physiology, 2021. 42(3): p. 252-257 DOI
  33. Chernikova LA, Suponeva NA, Klochkov AS, Khizhnikova AE, Lyukmanov RH, Gnedovskaya EV, Yankevich DS, Piradov MA Robotic and mechanotherapeutic technology to restore the functions of the upper limbs: prospects for development (review) // Modern Technologies in Medicine, 2021 8: p. 222-230
  34. Chervyakov AV, Belopasova AV, Poydasheva AG, Chernikova LA, Kadykov AS, Suponeva NA, Piradov MA Transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of central post-stroke pain // Human Physiology, 2021. 42(8): p. 844-849 DOI
  35. Khizhnikova A.E., Klochkov A.S., Kotov-Smolensky A.M., Suponeva N.A., Chernikova L.A. Virtual reality as a method of restoring motor function of the hand // Annals of Clinical and Experimental Neurology, 2021. 10 (3): p. 5-13
  36. Suponeva N.A., Klochkov A.S., Khizhnikova A.E., Lyukmanov R.Kh., Gnedovskaya E.V., Yankevich D.S. Robotic and mechanotherapeutic technologies for restoring the function of the upper limbs: development prospects (review) // Modern technologies in medicine, 2021. 8(4): p. 206-215
  37. Piradov M.A., Suponeva N.A., Seliverstov Yu.A., Lagoda D.Yu., Sergeev D.V., Kremneva E.I., Zmeikina E.A., Legostaeva L.A., Ryabinkina Yu .V., Chervyakov A.V., Poydasheva A.G. Possibilities of modern neuroimaging methods in the study of spontaneous brain activity at rest // Neurological Journal, 2021. 21(1): p. 4-12 DOI
  38. Grishina D.A., Suponeva N.A., Pavlov E.V., Savitskaya N.G. Anomalies of innervation: variants and typical electroneuromyographic signs // Neuromuscular diseases, 2021. 6(2): p. 10-19 DOI
  39. Ryabinkina Yu.V., Piradov M.A., Gnedovskaya E.V., Suponeva N.A., Prokazova P.R. Venous thromboembolic complications in patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome // Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry named after. S.S. Korsakova, 2021. 116(5): p. 13-18 DOI
  40. Saenko I.V., Morozova S.N., Zmeikina E.A., Konovalov R.N., Chervyakov A.V., Poydasheva A.G., Chernikova L.A., Suponeva N.A., Piradov M. .A., Kozlovskaya I.B. Changes in the functional connectivity of motor areas when using the multimodal exoskeleton complex “regent” in neurorehabilitation of patients who have suffered a stroke // Human Physiology, 2021. 42(1): p. 64-73 DOI
  41. Mokienko O.A., Lyukmanov R.Kh., Chernikova L.A., Suponeva N.A., Piradov M.A., Frolov A.A. Brain-computer interface: the first experience of clinical application in Russia // Human Physiology, 2021. 42(1): p. 31-39 DOI
  42. Suponeva N.A., Piradov M.A., Gnedovskaya E.V., Belova N.V., Yusupova D.G., Vuytsik N.B., Lagoda D.Yu. Carpal tunnel syndrome: main issues of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation (review) // Ulyanovsk Journal of Medical Biology, 2021. 2: p. 91-95
  43. Poydasheva A.G., Saenko I.A., Chervyakov A.V., Zmeikina E.A., Lyukmanov R.Kh., Chernikova L.A., Suponeva N.A., Piradov M.A., Kozlovskaya I .B. Evaluation of changes in cortical control of gait when using a soft exoskeleton complex (MEC) “regent” using navigational transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with stroke // Human Physiology, 2021. 42(3): p. 25-31 DOI
  44. Korzhova Yu.E., Chervyakov A.V., Poydasheva A.G., Kochergin I.A., Peresedova A.V., Zakharova M.N., Suponeva N.A., Chernikova L.A., Piradov M. .A. Application of transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of spasticity syndrome in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis // Issues of balneology, physiotherapy and physical therapy, 2021. 93(5): p. 8-13 DOI
  45. Degterev D.A., Suponeva N.A., Bodunova N.A., Voronova M.V., Zorin E.A., Piradov M.A., Khatkov I.E. A rare complication of bariatric surgery: polyradiculoneuropathy of the Guillain-Barré syndrome type // Therapeutic archive, 2021. 88(5): p. 79-83
  46. Suponeva N.A., Naumova E.S., Nikitin S.S., Gnedovskaya E.V. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy in adults: principles of diagnosis and first-line therapy // Neuromuscular diseases, 2021. 6(1): p. 44-53 DOI
  47. Suponeva N.A., Grishina D.A., Legostaeva L.A., Mochalova E.G. Chronic intoxication with laughing gas (nitrous oxide) is the cause of B12-deficiency myeloneuropathy in young people // Neuromuscular diseases, 2021. 6(4): p. 37-45 DOI
  48. Frolov A.A., Mokienko O.A., Lyukmanov R.Kh., Chernikova L.A., Kotov S.V., Turbina L.G., Bobrov P.D., Biryukova E.V., Kondur A. .A., Ivanova G.E., Staritsyn A.N., Bushkova Yu.V., Dzhalagoniya I.Z., Kurganskaya M.E., Pavlova O.G., Budilin S.Yu., Asian G.A. ., Khizhnikova A.E., Chervyakov A.V., Lukyanov A.L., Nadareishvili G.G. Preliminary results of a controlled study of the effectiveness of the BCI-exoskeleton technology for post-stroke paresis of the arm // Bulletin of the Russian State Medical University, 2021. 2: p. . 17-25
  49. Ziganshin RH, Ivanova OM, Lomakin YA, Belogurov AAJr, Kovalchuk SI, Azarkin IV, Arapidi GP, Anikanov NA, Shender VO, Piradov MA, Suponeva NA, Vorobyeva AA, Gabibov AG, Ivanov VT, Govorun VM The Pathogenesis of the Demyelinating Form of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS): Proteo-peptidomic and Immunological Profiling of Physiological Fluids // Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 2021. 15(7): p. 2366-2378


  1. Guillain-Barré syndrome and COVID-19 (Oral) Author: Suponeva N.A. International Congress "RUNEIRO", Russia, December 22-23, 2020
  2. A patient with chronic polyneuropathy at an appointment with a neurologist: approaches to diagnosis (Oral) Author: Suponeva N.A. PERSONALIZED TREATMENT OF NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES, Russia, December 19, 2020
  3. Safety of neurorehabilitation in patients with epilepsy (Oral) Authors: Lyukmanov R.Kh., Rimkevicius A.A., Suponeva N.A. 4th Russian Congress with international participation “Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine”, Moscow, Russia, December 17-18, 2020
  4. Preparation of clinical recommendations for chronic disorders of consciousness (Oral) Authors: Suponeva N.A., Sergeev D.V. 4th Russian Congress with international participation “Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine”, Moscow, Russia, December 17-18, 2020
  5. Possibilities of rehabilitation and habilitation of patients with polyneuropathies (Oral) Authors: Belova N.V., Suponeva N.A. X Anniversary All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Multidisciplinary approach in the diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular pathology”, Moscow, Russia, December 11-12, 2020
  6. The use of international scales and questionnaires in neurology and neurorehabilitation: a guide to action (Oral) Authors: Suponeva N.A., Yusupova D.G., Zimin A.A. X Anniversary All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Multidisciplinary approach in the diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular pathology”, Russia, December 11-12, 2020
  7. Repeated course of IVIG for Guillain-Barre syndrome: myths and reality (Oral) Authors: Grishina D.A., Suponeva N.A. X Anniversary All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of the Society of Specialists in Neuromuscular Diseases “Multidisciplinary approach in the diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular pathology”, Online platform Medstudio, Russia, December 11-12, 2020
  8. Use of IVIG in the treatment of neurological diseases. Basic principles and prospects of modern times (Oral) Author: Suponeva N.A. X Anniversary All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Multidisciplinary approach in the diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular pathology”, Russia, December 11-12, 2020
  9. Differential diagnosis for chronic polyneuropathies (Oral) Author: Suponeva N.A. VII Congress of Neurologists of the Urals, Russia, December 10-12, 2020
  10. Chronic intoxication with nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”): analysis of a series of clinical cases (Oral) Authors: Suponeva N.A., Grishina D.A., Grozova D.A. X Anniversary Interdisciplinary Congress with international participation “Cerebral palsy and other movement disorders in children” and IV All-Russian conference “Topical issues of comprehensive rehabilitation of children with diseases of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system”, Moscow, Russia, December 10-12, 2020
  11. Diagnostic significance and informativeness of instrumental diagnostic methods for chronic polyneuropathies (Oral) Authors: Grishina D.A., Suponeva N.A. Chronic polyneuropathy in the practice of a neurologist: approaches to primary diagnosis, clinical cases. Part 2., FGBNU NTSN, Russia, November 30, 2020
  12. Neurometabolic and symptomatic therapy of diabetic neuropathy (Oral) Author: Suponeva N.A. Principles of diagnosis and treatment of acquired polyneuropathies in adults, Russia, November 25, 2020
  13. Patient with diabetes mellitus: “red flags” of neuropathies of other origins (Oral) Authors: Grishina D.A., Suponeva N.A., Antonova K.V. Principles of diagnosis and treatment of acquired polyneuropathies in adults, Russia, November 25, 2020
  14. Advantages of intravenous immunotherapy for Guillain-Barre syndrome (Oral) Authors: Grishina D.A., Suponeva N.A. Principles of diagnosis and treatment of acquired polyneuropathies in adults, Russia, November 25, 2020
  15. Principles of management of patients with B12-deficiency myelopolyneuropathy due to the use of “laughing gas” (Oral) Authors: Grozova D.A., Suponeva N.A., Grishina D.A. Principles of diagnosis and treatment of acquired polyneuropathies in adults, Russia, November 25, 2020
  16. The spectrum of curable polyneuropathies in adults and the principles of high-dose intravenous immunotherapy in the treatment of dysimmune polyneuropathies (Oral) Authors: Suponeva N.A., Grishina Daria Aleksandrovna Principles of diagnosis and treatment of acquired polyneuropathies in adults, Russia, November 25, 2020
  17. Ultrasound of peripheral nerves - what is the diagnostic value for polyneuropathy? (Oral) Authors: Mansurova A.V., Suponeva N.A., Chechetkin A.O., Grishina D.A. Principles of diagnosis and treatment of acquired polyneuropathies in adults, Russia, November 25, 2020
  18. Electroneuromyography is the gold standard for instrumental diagnostics in polyneuropathy (Oral) Authors: Grishina D.A., Suponeva N.A. Principles of diagnosis and treatment of acquired polyneuropathies in adults, Russia, November 25, 2020
  19. ATYPICAL FORMS OF CHRONIC INFLAMMATORY DEMYELINATING POLYNEUROPATHY: DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT (Oral) Authors: Suponeva Natalya Aleksandrovna, Grishina D.A. All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Degenerative and Vascular Diseases of the Nervous System”, Russia, November 13-14, 2020


  1. Certificate of registration of rights to software No. 2017613531, 03/21/2017. A program for assessing implicit motor imagery (SFT). Authors: Mokienko O.A., Asian G.A., Spiridonov S.V., Lyukmanov R.Kh., Suponeva N.A., Piradov M.A.
  2. 2632510, 05.10.2017. A method for treating pathological motor synergies of the upper extremities in patients who have suffered a cerebrovascular accident. Authors: Piradov M.A., Chernikova L.A., Suponeva N.A., Klochkov A.S., Khizhnikova A.E., Kotov-Smolensky A.M.
  3. No. 2615905, 03/27/2017. A method for decompressing the median nerve in cartel tunnel syndrome. Authors: Gusha A.O., Vershinin A.V., Arestov S.O., Suponev N.A., Belova N.V., Vuytsik N.B., Nizametdinova D.M.
  4. 2016143373, 03.11.2016. A method for treating pathological motor synergies of the upper extremities in patients who have suffered cerebrovascular accident. Authors: Piradov M.A., Suponeva N.A., Chernikova L.A., Klochkov A.S., Khizhnikova A.E., Kotov-Smolensky A.M.
  5. No. 2567261, 11/10/2015. A method for treating spasticity in patients with a secondary progressive type of multiple sclerosis. Authors: Piradov M.A., Suponeva N.A., Chernikova L.A., Peresedova A.V., Zavalishin I.A., Korzhova Yu.E., Poydasheva A.G., Chervyakov A.V.
  6. No. 2567261, December 23, 2014. A method for treating spasticity in patients with the secondary progressive type of multiple sclerosis. Authors: Piradov M.A., Suponeva N.A., Chernikova L.A., Peresedova A.V., Zavalishin I.A., Korzhova Yu.E., Poydysheva A.G., Chervyakov A.V.
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