Suggestion and self-hypnosis as methods of psychological influence

The effect of suggestion as a special type of influence on a person and the degree of suggestibility

What is suggestion from a psychological point of view? Suggestion is defined as the transmission and induction from one person to another of thoughts, moods, feelings, autonomic and motor reactions, and behavior. The less the person who is being suggested thinks about what is being suggested to him, the more successful the suggestion is.

Suggestion as a method of psychological influence involves the participation of two parties. The suggestor usually has mental and physical qualities with which he can influence the state of mind of another person. Suggestion occurs through words, as well as facial expressions and gestures. The setting is of particular importance. If we are talking about therapeutic suggestion, then the fame of the psychotherapist plays an important role in this process. Knowing about him as a high-class specialist in a certain way prepares the patient for the session.

The power of a person’s suggestion is largely determined by the degree of suggestibility, that is, susceptibility to suggestion on the part of the one who will serve as its object. Typically, increased suggestibility is observed in people with a weak type of nervous system and increased impressionability. Alcoholics and drug addicts have a particularly weak nervous system. Accordingly, suggestion as a method of influencing such people is especially powerful.

Axel Munthe, a Scandinavian, worked in Paris as a doctor, assistant to the famous neurologist, psychiatrist and hypnotist Charcot. This is how he described an example of suggestion in psychology in his book “San Michele”. A very intrusive and arrogant patient came to see Munta. The doctor asked him to show his tongue, which was constantly coated as a result of alcohol and smoking abuse, and stated that the patient was seriously ill. The arrogant behavior immediately gave way to a state of depression and anxiety. Thus, both patients and doctors were spared from the unpleasant person.

It is known that symptoms such as headache, uncontrollable vomiting, lack of appetite, insomnia, neurotic paralysis, can be treated by a skilled psychotherapist with the help of suggestion better than with drugs. The Bible describes a scene of the treatment of immobilized people by suggestion when they began to walk confidently after hearing the phrase “Rise and walk.” This phrase is a typical example of how suggestion works if people deeply believe in their healer.

Unfortunately, suggestion as a method of influence is often used for criminal purposes. Weak people and losers become slaves to dishonest or psychopathic leaders who turn them into criminals. We can give the following example from life when suggestion was used by criminals. Several years ago, the US media was literally inundated with reports of a mass tragedy. On the initiative of one psychopath, a sect was formed. This man led hundreds of adults and children into the jungle, where they created a colony. At some point, he began to instill in them the idea of ​​mass suicide, and those who did not dare to do so were killed with poisoned injections by fanatical members of the sect.

Another example of suggestion as a way of influencing a person: a blindfolded criminal sentenced to death was told that his vein had been opened and he was bleeding. A few minutes later the man died, despite the fact that instead of blood, warm water was flowing through his body!

The mechanism of effective suggestion

Generally speaking, suggestion is one of the ways of influencing some persons on others, which is carried out intentionally or unintentionally on the part of the influencing person and which can occur either unnoticed by the person being suggested, or even with his knowledge and consent.

To clarify the essence of suggestion, we must keep in mind that our perception can be active and passive. In the first case, the “I” of the subject necessarily participates, which directs attention, in accordance with the course of our thinking and surrounding conditions, to certain external impressions. The latter, entering the mental sphere with the participation of volitional attention and assimilated through deliberation and reflection, become the property of personal consciousness or our “I” [11]. This kind of perception, leading to the enrichment of a person’s personal consciousness, underlies his views and beliefs, so as a further result of active perception is the work of his thoughts, leading to the development of more or less strong beliefs.

Suggestion methods are usually used to block unwanted behavior or thinking of a person, unconsciously direct a person to desired thinking or behavior, and quickly covertly spread information (rumors).

There are various methods of suggestion, for example, affective suggestion, which is most effective when a person is in a state of passion under the influence of emergency or stressful situations. This situation can be caused, for example, by bad news. Such a person naturally develops increased suggestibility.

People in a state of emotional shock intuitively look for an “empathizer” in their interlocutor. In such a person, conscious volitional processes decrease, the degree of suggestibility increases, and his behavior becomes imitative. Suggestion in a conversation with an excited person looks like an attempt to calm him down, which automatically wins attention and trust, and then, after a short pause, “comradely” advice is given, indirectly related to the person’s condition. This advice will be an attempt at suggestion.

The most effective method of suggestion is NLP (neuro-linguistic programming). It is based on images evoked in the consciousness of the object of suggestion and appears to him as his own. And it is very difficult to refuse your own thoughts - therefore this type of suggestion is the most effective, because operates through the subconscious.

Manipulative ways of presenting information

In order for the communicated content to be perceived (or not perceived) in the manner required by its sender, there are certain ways of presenting information. For example, an abundance of information in an unsystematized form allows you to fill the airwaves of information delivery with streams of useless information, which makes it difficult for the recipient to understand the point of view provided to him. On the other hand, information provided in small portions does not allow you to use it effectively; a shortage of incoming knowledge is created, which leads to uncertainty and doubts. In the listed cases, the reproach of concealing certain information is removed in advance. As noted above, the moment of presentation of information plays a significant role - the wrong place and wrong time can also play into the hands of the manipulator. Another common technique is subliminal presentation of information. For example, changing the musical theme against which information is presented at the moment when you want to draw the attention of the audience to the material being presented. The presence of interference, given in parallel with the message, diffuses attention and reduces resistance. Another group of techniques is the simultaneous presentation of contradictory messages. For example, the contradiction between words and intonation, between meaning and gestures, etc. The opponent then has to choose which message to respond to. Whatever the reaction, the manipulator can always argue that something else was meant. “This technique is used when for some reason it is impossible to say directly, but you want to say it.”

Purposeful transformation of information

Purposeful transformation of information is one of the methods of speech communication. Moreover, information can be transformed both your own and that received from your opponent.

For example, a proposal received may not be given in full, which will ultimately change or give it a diametrically opposite meaning. During such a technique, the opponent develops a feeling of discomfort and doubts about his own assumptions already expressed.

Information can be presented using the controversial “yes, but..” method. In this case, in a positive form, opposition is perceived as negation and can again be used by the manipulator.

You can present information in comparative form. For example, a comparison with a more advantageous proposal or existing situation will introduce disadvantages into this proposal, just as, conversely, a comparison with a worse one will favorably express all the positive aspects of the proposal in question.

Information can be presented using the inference method, which is based on precise argumentation, which allows the speaker to gradually, step by step, through partial conclusions, lead to the desired result.

The power of self-hypnosis: facts and examples from life

Self-hypnosis can have an equally strong, and sometimes even stronger, effect on the body. Under its influence, you can both be cured and get sick. What is self-hypnosis and what is its mechanism?

The nervous, suspicious man felt slightly unwell. But he begins to think about a serious illness. For example, he is hoarse from a cold, but it already seems to him that his voice will disappear completely. This thought haunts an impressionable person; he seems to convince himself that he will soon lose his voice. And he really loses his voice!

Here is a real example from life of the power of self-hypnosis: the famous actor I. N. Pevtsov stuttered, but on stage he overcame this lack of speech. How? The actor convinced himself that it was not he himself who acted and spoke on stage, but another person - a character in the play who did not stutter. And it always worked.

Often, when talking about the power of self-hypnosis, they cite a fact attested by the Parisian doctor Mathieu, who performed such an interesting experiment. He announced to his patients that he would soon receive from Germany a new drug that would quickly and reliably cure tuberculosis. At that time, there were no medications for this disease. These words had a strong effect on the sick. No one, of course, thought that this was just the doctor’s invention. The doctor’s suggestion turned out to be so effective that when he announced that he had received the medicine and began to treat with it, many began to feel much better, and some even recovered. How did he treat the sick? Plain water!

Suggestion and self-hypnosis can wean a person from a bad habit, make him not be afraid of what frightens him, and so on.

You can probably remember a time in your life when you convinced yourself of something and it helped. Here is another example of the power of self-hypnosis: a person is afraid of the dark and at the same time knows that it is stupid; he goes into a dark room and says to himself: “There is nothing to be afraid of! There is nobody there!" Such psychological treatment with the help of self-hypnosis works, and unaccountable fear disappears!

Under the influence of self-hypnosis, a person may lose their legs and arms, and may experience sudden deafness and blindness. In medicine, such diseases are called psychogenic. They occur easily in people susceptible to hysteria. And here’s what’s important: for example, in a person who has lost his sight, it is not the optic nerves that are damaged, but only the activity of the part of the brain that controls visual perception is disrupted. In it, under the influence of self-hypnosis, a persistent focus of painful inhibition develops, that is, nerve cells stop working for a long time. They stop receiving incoming signals and responding to them.

Suggestion and self-hypnosis have a huge impact on such psychogenic diseases. With hysteria, seizures, convulsions, vomiting, muteness, deafness, and paralysis of the limbs may be observed. All these disorders are often associated with self-hypnosis.

Methods and types of suggestion

Basically, suggestion is a verbal, verbal influence, enhanced by various auxiliary techniques. According to historical data, the word has always had a strong influence on people, it helped to cure dangerous diseases, and could stop and start a war.

In any of the methods, the impact first irritates one of the areas of the brain, simultaneously slowing down the work of the remaining part of it, and then, with the help of discharge, the suggested thought, word or idea is firmly fixed in the subconscious.

The mechanisms of suggestion are:

  • Direct. Here the main role is played by the speech of the person directing the suggestion.
  • Indirect. In addition to speech, other types of influence are used, stimuli that enhance the effect of suggestion

How suggestion and self-hypnosis work: the mechanism of influence on humans

Despite all the seeming improbability of such phenomena as the treatment of diseases by self-hypnosis and suggestion, they have their own explanation.

There is a well-known case: a sister was present during the cruel punishment of her beloved brother with whips - and her back was covered with the same bleeding scars as his. We have the same result of self-hypnosis. Of course, it is only possible on streets with an exceptionally excitable, highly upset, painful psyche. How does self-hypnosis and suggestion work in this case? Not only real suffering, but also imaginary suffering affects suggested people so strongly that it affects the functioning of internal organs.

The mechanism of influence of suggestion and self-hypnosis on a person is so strong that in painfully suspicious people, thoughts about a disease cause a disease that looks very much like a particular disease. There are known cases when bleeding from the throat began, as with tuberculosis, ulcers appeared on the body, reminiscent of various skin diseases, etc.

The same psychological mechanism of suggestion also operates when ulcers occur in stigmatics. All such patients are fanatically religious people. In the last week before Easter, when in churches they read about how Christ was crucified, this can have such a strong impact on a sick person that his psyche cannot stand it: an obsessive thought appears about the torment that Christ experienced when he was nailed to the cross. Hallucinations begin. Before the eyes of this man, as if alive, there is a picture of the crucifixion. The entire nervous system is shocked. And here is the result: in those places where, according to legend, Christ had wounds, open bleeding wounds appear in a person tormented by mental illness.

Negative influence

But the influence of fortune tellers and their predictions on a person can always be considered negative. Most often, they promise people something they will never have. Not receiving the promised result, the person who communicated with the fortune teller becomes disillusioned with life and stops striving for the best. It is much worse if the fortune tellers called for illness or death. Then a psychologically weak person becomes a victim of the prophecy he heard (most often made up) and soon dies.

People do not die from the suggestions of election candidates, but they do become despondent. When everyone who wants to become president, governor or deputy promises to change everything globally for the better, everyone wants to believe him. But only a few are fully imbued with the candidate’s ideas. And all because only a few are capable of being influenced by politicians.

Today this category does not inspire confidence among the majority of the electorate. Although, in fact, in the recent past it was precisely this majority that firmly believed in the numerous promises of politicians about a stable life in the country, its economic and environmental well-being. But as time passed, only promises remained. But there are changes in the country, but not the same ones. Disappointment in the promises of the candidates led to minimal influence on the opinion of the working population.

Each of us is subject to suggestion, conscious or not. But you need to properly be able to resist and filter out other people’s thoughts, words and moods. Then nothing can influence the behavior of a reasonable and rationally thinking person.

InterpretationTranslation suggestion (or suggestion) (lat. suggestio) is a process of influencing the mental sphere of a person, associated with a decrease in consciousness and criticality in the perception and implementation of suggested content, with a lack of targeted active understanding of it, detailed logical analysis and evaluation in relation to past experience and data state of the subject. The content of consciousness acquired through the V. mechanism is subsequently characterized by an obsessive character; it is difficult to comprehend and correct, representing a set of “suggested attitudes.” V. is a component of ordinary human communication, but it can also act as a specially organized type of communication, which involves an uncritical perception of the information being communicated and is the opposite of belief. V. is carried out in the form of heterosuggestion (external influence) and autosuggestion (self-suggestion). The object of heterosuggestion (suggestion) can be either an individual person or a group, social class, etc. (the phenomenon of mass violence); V.'s source (suggestor) is an individual, a group, the media. V. produced by the group is one of the factors of conformity. Autosuggestion involves the combination of a suggestor and a suggester in one person. V. is achieved by verbal (words, intonation) and nonverbal (facial expressions, gestures, actions of another person, environment) means. V. is partly based on the influence of certain media of mass communication, advertising, fashion, customs, and the formation of faith. V. is widely used in medicine to correct the mental and somatic state of the patient (psychotherapy) (see hypnosis).

Brief psychological dictionary. — Rostov-on-Don: “PHOENIX”. L.A. Karpenko, A.V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998.

suggestion (suggestion) is a purposeful process of direct or indirect influence on the mental sphere of a person, focused on the specific programming of a person and the implementation of the suggested content.
Associated with a decrease in consciousness and criticality in the perception and implementation of suggested content, as well as with the lack of targeted active understanding, detailed logical analysis and assessment in relation to past experience and the given state of the subject. The content of consciousness acquired by suggestion is subsequently characterized by an obsessive character; it is difficult to comprehend and correct, representing a set of “instilled attitudes.” Suggestion is a component of ordinary human communication, but it can also act as a specially organized type of communication, which involves an uncritical perception of the information being communicated and is the opposite of persuasion. It is realized in the form of heterosuggestion and autosuggestion. The suggestion made by the group is one of the factors of conformity. Achieved by verbal means - words, intonation, and non-verbal facial expressions, gestures, actions (of another person, external environment). The mechanism of suggestion is widely used by religion to influence believers. According to the methods of implementation, suggestions are divided into direct (imperative) suggestions, indirect suggestions, as well as intentional and unintentional suggestions. Direct intentional suggestion consists in the use of special “verbal formulas” by the suggestor, which are introduced into the psychic sphere of the suggestor and become active elements of his consciousness and behavior. The content of indirect suggestion is included in the communicated information in a hidden, disguised form and is characterized by unconsciousness, imperceptibility, and involuntary assimilation. Indirect suggestion can be either intentional or unintentional. According to the criterion of the state of the suggender, the following are distinguished: 1 ) suggestion in a waking state (see wakefulness); 2 ) suggestion in hypnosis; 3 ) suggestion in natural sleep; 3 ) post-hypnotic suggestion - implemented after exiting hypnosis. The effectiveness of suggestion is determined by: 1 ) properties of the suggestor - social status; charm; volitional, intellectual, characterological superiority; 2 ) features of the suggerend - the degree of suggestibility; 3 ) the relationships that develop between them - trust, authority, dependence; 4 ) the method of constructing a message - the level of argumentation, the nature of the combination of logical and emotional components, reinforcement by other influences. The influence of certain media of mass communication, advertising, fashion, customs, and the formation of faith is partly based on suggestion.
Suggestion is widely used in medicine to correct the mental and somatic state of the patient (psychotherapy). In pedagogy, attempts are being made to use suggestion in teaching - the so-called suggestopedia. In experimental psychology, suggestion sometimes serves as a technique for directed changes in the emotional state, motivation, and personal attitudes. Dictionary of a practical psychologist. — M.: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998.

SUGGESTION (English suggestion) is a type of targeted communicative influence on the behavior and consciousness of a person (or group of people), as a result of which a person (group of people), contrary to the available factual information (perceived, retrieved from memory), recognizes the existence of something that does not really exist, or does something contrary to his intentions or habits. In other words, V. changes the inherent human methods of analyzing information and modes of behavior. V.'s effect is due to a decrease in self-control and self-criticism regarding the content of V., which occurs, for example, in a state of hypnosis (see Age regression). Particularly distinguished are verbal V. and mental V. (see Parapsychology). See also Placebo. (B.M.)

Large psychological dictionary.
— M.: Prime-EUROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003. Synonyms
: Other books on request “suggestion” >> Interpretation Translation Suggestion b> Suggestion (lat.
- suggestions) is a psychological influence on a person’s consciousness, in which an uncritical perception of his beliefs and attitudes occurs.
It represents specially formed verbal (but sometimes emotional) constructions, often also called suggestion

Suggestion and self-hypnosis as an effective way to treat diseases

When treating patients, faith in the person who is treating and faith in what he will say can play a decisive role. V. M. Bekhterev wrote about this:

“The secret of healing suggestion was known to many people from the common people, among whom it was passed on from mouth to mouth for centuries under the guise of witchcraft, witchcraft, conspiracies, etc. Self-hypnosis explains, for example, the effect of many so-called sympathetic remedies, which often have one or another healing effect. Ferraus cured fever with a piece of paper on which were written two words: “Against fever.” The patient had to open one letter every day. There are known cases of the healing effect of “bread pills”, “Neva water”, “laying on of hands”, etc.”

Even today we often hear: the old woman “spoke” to the wart, and it disappeared. This happens, and there is nothing miraculous about it. The healer here is suggestion and self-hypnosis. Or more precisely, the belief that a healer can heal a person. When she comes to a sick person, he has already heard about her, knows that she has cured someone, and longs for a cure.

And it doesn’t matter at all whether the healer ties the wart with thread or hair and what she whispers over this wart. Everything is decided by the belief that the wart will disappear after such a “conspiracy.” In fact, this is a vivid example of self-hypnosis as an effective method of treatment - a person destroys his wart with the sole belief that it will disappear! The suggestion of the healer also works here, when she confidently says that the wart will come off.

Psychiatrists have repeatedly repeated this method of treatment. One doctor, for example, moistened a wart with plain water, and told the person that this was a new powerful medicine that should make the wart disappear. And it worked on many. People believed in the medicine, that it would help them, and the warts disappeared.

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Human psychology: the power of suggestion with words and examples from life

People whose nervous system is weakened and more excitable are especially susceptible to suggestion by words. It is not difficult for such a person, for example, to instill a feeling of fear of something or, conversely, to lift his spirits and make him cheerful.

This is precisely what explains such well-known historical examples of word suggestion as “miraculous” healings at various “holy places.” This was the case, in particular, in France at the grave of the Catholic deacon François de Paris, who died in 1728. The first to come to the grave was the silk weaver Madeleine Begny, whose hand was paralyzed. She was brought here by the confidence that the body of a deacon who had lived a “righteous” life had acquired the ability to heal illnesses. After kissing the grave, she felt some relief, and when she returned home, she was already so fluent in her hand that she immediately began working with both hands. After this, those suffering from various ailments began to flock to the grave, and some of them were actually healed.

Also, as a psychological influence through suggestion, one can cite what is happening in Lourdes, a small town in the south of France, which has become famous among Catholics for years for its “miraculous” healings. A supposed water source here has miraculous powers. By bathing in it, you can be healed. In fact, a well-thought-out system of influencing the consciousness of pilgrims is the basis of the Lourdes “miracles.”

Who's going to Lourdes? As a rule, people who really hope for a miraculous healing. After all, the Lourdes “miracles” are spoken about from cathedral pulpits, written in newspapers, and eyewitnesses talk about them.

And now the patients are getting ready to travel. From now on, all the attention, all the talk is about miraculous healings. And here the “holy fathers” take on the pilgrim. Each carriage on trains going to Lourdes is accompanied by monks, special “sisters” and “brothers” of mercy. They get to know each patient and their relatives, tell them all sorts of stories about the miracles of Lourdes, hand out special books and photographs of those who recovered after the pilgrimage.

When pilgrims arrive in Lourdes, they are greeted by new clergy and taken to the “holy grotto.” They are silent, their every movement seems significant.

During prayer at the grotto, all the sick people repeat the same words in chorus: “Lord Jesus! Heal our sick! Almighty Virgin, save us! These words sound with increasing faith and hope, nervous excitement grows, and now loud sighs and hysterical cries are heard in the crowd of worshipers.

Promoting the Lourdes “miracles,” the clergy claimed that there were several miraculous healings there. Over the course of a hundred years, thousands of names of supposedly healed people were recorded in a special book. However, a check of this book (checked by a special commission consisting of doctors) showed that over a hundred years only 14 healings occurred in Lourdes. They are all explained by science.

Psychiatrists know how healing the effects of sudden emotional stimuli can sometimes be (the role of which in the first case was played by sudden fear, in the second by anger), and they successfully use them to treat various manifestations of hysteria and even to eliminate some paralysis, blindness, deafness and muteness . So, of course, there is nothing supernatural in these facts of healing the mute and paralyzed. And, of course, such healings are not at all frequent and do not always lead to a complete restoration of the patient’s health.

The scientist L.L. Vasiliev talked about an incident that happened before his eyes. A young man, coming out of a hot village bathhouse, noticed a disgusting insect he had never seen before - an earwig. With a feeling of disgust, he took the insect with the fingers of his right hand to take a closer look at it. The earwig bent and tried to pinch the finger holding it with its “pincers,” but it failed, since the man, screaming in surprise, shook the insect to the ground with a sharp movement. And after some time, clearly visible purple spots appeared on the skin of the fingers with which he touched the insect - one on the index finger and two on the thumb. There was no burning or pain in the discolored areas of the skin. It was not possible to remove the stains.

What happened?

Here, strong fear and self-hypnosis played a role that the earwig had bitten the finger, although in reality this did not happen. Fear and self-hypnosis caused local dilation of skin blood vessels.

Suggestive psychotherapy

Suggestive psychotherapy is a group of special psychotechniques based on the methods of suggestion or self-hypnosis. This type of activity is widely used to treat various psychological disorders, addictive conditions and other pathological manifestations. Suggestion is carried out in two states: during wakefulness and hypnotic sleep. In both cases, the desired result is achieved.

With the help of suggestive influence, consciousness is brought into a special state, which allows one to increase the level of sensitivity to attitudes and formulas, and get rid of painful sensations, physical ailments and psychological disorders. Suggestive therapy is performed under certain conditions by a professional hypnologist, and you can also learn to work independently with self-hypnosis techniques.

We offer suggestive psychotherapy sessions:

Hypnoanalysis - treatment using hypnosis and psychoanalysis proposed by Wolberg (Wolberg LR, 1945). The combination of these two methods... read more »

Autotraining or autogenic training (AT) is one of the methods of suggestive psychotherapy used along with hypnosis and suggestion. Autotraining suggested... read more »

French psychologist Emile Coué (French: Émile Coué) developed and widely used in his practice a method of psychotherapeutic influence based on self-hypnosis... read more »

This method of hypnosuggestive psychotherapy was proposed in 1930 by student V.M. Bekhterev psychiatrist and psychoneurologist K.I. Platonov... read more »

Affirmation in psychology is a method of self-hypnosis and refers to suggestive practices... read more »

Somnopsychotherapy has proven itself well in the treatment of schizophrenic spectrum diseases, reactive states, psychopathy, circular psychosis, endogenous depression... read more »

Hypnodrama is one of the types of group psychotherapy that includes hypnosis and psychodrama. This method was proposed in 1950... read more »

Self-hypnosis (autohypnosis) is one of the types of therapeutic self-hypnosis used in suggestive psychology... read more »

Suggestion is the treatment of severe psychological pathologies and the solution to many complex problems!

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If your phone call is not answered, it means there is a hypnosis session in progress. We will definitely call you back later.

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Suggestion of mental images

Modern theory, technique and practice of hypnosis often works with mental images. An experienced hypnotist knows what images should be evoked in the patient for maximum relaxation, so that he becomes suggestible and opens his mind to influence.

However, everyone can use this technique in everyday life. To do this, you will need to form the most vivid and clear picture in the interlocutor’s head so that this image is firmly fixed in the head. Over time, such an image will begin to “live” in the mind on its own, developing and supplemented with new details.

Suggestion of mental images and methods of leveling them

By encouraging a girl to marry himself, a young man can paint a bright picture of their future together. And the father, in order to force his son to study better, promises him a game console and describes in vivid images how great it will be to play it, what wonderful and exciting games it will be.

Of course, for such a technique to show good results in practice, you yourself need to have a wonderful imagination, be able to draw the most vivid pictures for your interlocutor, so that he is imbued with and falls into such an emotional state when everything that was said seems to be the pure truth.

Suggestion through emotional influence

You can also put a person into a trance through a vivid emotional experience. To do this, the hypnotist can appeal to the subject's memories using the phrases: “Has it ever happened to you?..” or “Do you remember how?..” Thus, the hypnotized person becomes emotionally open to further suggestion.

There is also such a secret technique of modern hypnosis as layering of realities. Its essence is that the hypnotist begins to overload the subject’s consciousness, telling him stories one after another, which gradually become more complex emotionally and situationally. The interlocutor’s consciousness begins to tire and gradually opens up.

Ways to suggest thoughts

There are several proven ways to mentally connect with a person. Let's look at the most popular and simple ones.

Using photo

This method is ideal for beginners who have difficulty visualizing images and have low concentration ability. You will need a photo of the person to whom you want to inspire something and who is far from you.

Sit comfortably, put a photo in front of you. Imagine that a dim ray appears between your third eye and the third eye of the person in the picture. Start saying the thought you want to suggest. With each repetition the beam should become brighter.

As soon as you feel that you have achieved your goal, close your eyes, imagining how the beam gradually fades away and the connection between you and the object of suggestion is interrupted.

Transmitting thoughts over a short distance

If you want to practice and develop telepathic abilities, ask a good friend or acquaintance to help you. Sit in different rooms and ask your assistant to tune into your image.

Concentrate and try to convey to him a certain thought, for example, the image of an animal or plant. After a while, ask what images came to your partner's mind.

Don't expect quick results. It is believed that you can learn to transmit thoughts if you train at least 15-20 minutes a day for two or three months.

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