How to quit smoking? Methods to combat smoking

Characteristics of hypnosis

Hypnosis is a specific effect on the human psyche. What does one hour of hypnotherapy do:

  • eradicates established concepts;
  • introduces new thoughts;
  • eliminates doubts - a person receives a direct instruction, and not a thesis for reflection.

All attitudes heard in a trance state are perceived as truth. One or more sessions can change a person’s behavior and influence his habits. Just one hour of hypnosis gives the same effect as several sessions of psychotherapy.

The essence of the technique

In ordinary life, the brain is guided by consciousness, it contains logic. It comprehends everything that happens to a person. Doubts and lack of confidence in oneself and one’s strengths are born in him. The reason for an individual’s incorrect behavior and thinking lies in the subconscious.

This is a kind of repository in which experience, traumatic events and memories are accumulated that prevent you from experiencing it again. The essence of hypnosis is that in a trance a person’s consciousness turns off. The hypnotized person cannot think about what is happening, defend himself or isolate himself from the words of the hypnotist.

The treatment technique (not random or superficial hypnosis) consists of several stages. This is an important condition in which the psyche of a man or woman does not suffer. If a person is not ready for such events, hypnosis will only do harm.

Such therapy is used forcefully or covertly only in cases where the patient cannot take care of himself (his perception of reality is distorted, he does not understand the harm, the reason why he needs to get rid of a bad habit). The more a person is mentally prepared for the procedure, the better its results.

Hypnosis techniques against smoking

Hypnotization is a constantly improving, researched technique. Now it is considered in demand in society.

Specialized institutions offer different methods of treating nicotine addiction with trance.

  1. Shock effect - the doctor needs to put the smoker into a trance, inducing a state of shock. After therapy, the smoker is sure that smoking will bring physical pain. You need to be wary of tobacco products.
  2. Soft technique is a non-radical technique. The main task of a psychotherapist is to instill an aversion to nicotine and any tobacco products so that the person stops “smoking.”
  3. Audio hypnosis is a common method. The patient listens to the speech instructions of the narcologist. They are quite simple: smoking causes illness, it is a great danger, etc. Additional exercises are given to consolidate the results.
  4. Victor Guzhagin’s technique is a type of audio influence. For healing, the client needs to complete a full course. The first two weeks are devoted to listening to one recording. Then there is a week break, after which another recording is given. It must be listened to again for two weeks, followed by a break of seven days. An addiction psychiatrist assesses the condition, analyzes progress in treatment, and suggests new guidelines. Full recovery occurs after two to six months.
  5. P. McKenna's technique is another type of hypnotherapy based on audio installations. The principle of operation is similar to NLP: the doctor pronounces code phrases, shows images, increasing the impact on the smoker’s subconscious. Breathing exercises are a mandatory component. The client must relax and follow the hypnologist's instructions. Each technique is secured with code phrases. The average course duration is a week. Sessions are held daily.
  6. Video hypnosis is great for smokers who are determined to overcome the bad habit on their own. The smoker looks for a suitable technique and listens to recordings. There are free courses and paid ones (minimum price - two hundred rubles). Users note: if you want to heal, the techniques give a powerful effect.

There are other technologies. Each has its own characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages. The addict only chooses the path that suits him best.

A method to combat smoking

Smoking is a bad habit. Psychologists describe it as psychological addiction. A person needs a dose of nicotine because he seeks a monotonous process (creates a ritual) for distraction.

Chemical dependence on nicotine is much less than psychological. For this reason, smoking can be treated effectively and safely using psychotherapy or hypnotherapy. The two methods with different techniques work on the same principle.

During treatment, the person’s brain finds the cause of the addiction and changes its attitude towards it. With the help of hypnotherapy, detailed work is carried out with subconscious attitudes.

For this reason, psychotherapy is used before her session. This is an additional method that guarantees a lasting result of the overall treatment. An integrated approach or treatment only with the help of hypnosis is used according to the indications of the attending physician (he assesses the patient’s condition and his willpower).

Prevalence of the technique

Tobacco does not harm the human body as clearly as narcotic or psychotropic substances. But its impact affects the health and well-being of a man or woman. The more a person smokes, the less control he has over his own life.

Addiction becomes a distraction, a factor that helps relieve stress and reduce nervousness. Over time, tobacco replaces any other safe habit that can reduce stress levels.

Hypnotherapy for combating such a complex addiction is an old method, it appeared 30-40 years ago, but has only gained popularity in recent years. It is actively combined with psychotherapy and drug treatment.

Hypnotherapy is prescribed only in certain cases:

  • when traditional treatment methods have failed;
  • if a person is scared, and addiction is accompanied by other mental disorders;
  • when the patient believes in the power of hypnosis.

An important condition for proper hypnotherapy is a complete examination of the patient. People with serious mental disorders do not undergo such treatment (interfering with the subconscious only causes harm).

How is it carried out?

Saying goodbye to nicotine addiction through hypnotic influence is not difficult. To begin, the patient is placed on a comfortable couch. The specialist then puts him into a hypnotic trance, in which his subconscious becomes highly suggestible. If soft suggestion is used, a whole course of hypnotic sessions will be required. But this technique is much safer for the human psyche.

When using intense and shocking effects , the impact on the mental state can be traumatic because stress, fear and eerie images are used during such a procedure. The hypnotist can also play a video or audio track or speak certain phrases himself, describing in detail the harmful effects that can be caused by smoking.

The duration of one hypnosis session for smoking cessation varies from twenty to fifty minutes . Patients may feel flying or, conversely, heaviness, although the overall impression of the procedure is positive. After the smoker is brought out of the trance, he may feel distracted and slow, but this condition passes after ten to fifteen minutes. The number of procedures is determined by the specialist, as it depends on the duration of smoking, the mood and well-being of the patient. In some cases, positive results are observed after just two or three hypnotic sessions.

Stages of the session

Deep hypnosis is used for treatment. It helps to completely eradicate the thought that gives rise to the bad habit. The deeper a person gets into addiction, the more it affects his life. Treatment takes place in several stages:

  • a specialist determines the root cause of addiction;
  • the patient is preparing for hypnotherapy;
  • the patient is put into a trance;
  • a certain attitude is instilled in the patient;
  • the person is brought out of the trance.

Treatment is not complete without rehabilitation. A person addicted to tobacco learns to overestimate those situations that were acceptable to him as a smoker. Returning to a familiar environment is a big stress: bad habits are resumed if their trigger is activated.

Finding out the cause of nicotine addiction

Hypnotic trance is a state when a person cannot control himself. He feels everything that is happening, but cannot stay awake. This situation is not dangerous. If a doctor uses hypnosis, he carefully turns off consciousness. You cannot trust suggestion to a person without qualifications.

The main weapon of hypnotic trance is installation. To determine it, psychoanalysis is used. To prepare for hypnotherapy, this is the simplest and most accessible method. The patient must understand what situation or series of events led to the development of addiction.

How does cigarette addiction manifest?

Cigarette addiction is an obsession. All its symptoms are associated with an irresistible desire to perform habitual actions in certain situations. Everyone is familiar with the gestures of smokers: clapping their palms on their pockets in search of a pack, lighting a cigarette while protecting the flame from the wind, holding the cigarette and knocking off the ash. These movements and postures are as important to the smoker as the cigarette itself. Smoking and everything associated with it brings relief and calms, just as washing your hands three times or a certain order of things in the closet gives temporary peace of mind to a person with neurosis.

And when a smoker gives up a cigarette, his smoking habits still remain with him, which constantly remind him of the need to smoke.

Hypnotherapy course

One hypnosis session lasts from half an hour to an hour. The duration of the session depends on the patient’s condition and the attitudes that need to be dictated to the subconscious. The general course of treatment is drawn up based on work with a psychoanalyst.

A medical examination allows you to assess the condition of a smoker. If he suffers from chronic or other diseases, drug therapy is carried out in parallel.

When the session ends, the patient is in a relaxed, lethargic state, so immediately after the procedure he needs rest (half an hour or an hour to regain strength). The patient undergoing therapy should be extremely frank with the attending physician. If the procedure causes him fear or strange thoughts, this is a reason to review the course of treatment.

Who is hypnotherapy indicated for?

Each therapy session is a process of gradual mental recovery. For this reason, people with severe disabilities are at risk. Schizophrenia or obsessive states (suicidal tendencies, split personality) are direct contraindications for the use of therapeutic hypnotherapy. If the patient feels discomfort or cannot overcome fear, other treatment methods are found.

Who benefits from hypnotherapy:

  • for those who have decided to finally get rid of addiction - determination is an additional force for the work of hypnotherapy;
  • for heavy smokers - they cannot quit the bad habit on their own;
  • for weak-willed people - ordinary persuasion and ultimatums do not work on them.

The smoker must independently express a desire to undergo treatment. Half of the treatment depends on his attitude and the speed of rehabilitation depends entirely. Hypnotherapy is needed for people who have difficulty communicating (they cannot ask for help, so their addiction develops faster and has a greater impact on their health).

How smokers recover

Dependent people begin to smoke against the background of one or more stressful situations. Adults, teenagers and children can become addicted to tobacco. Addiction has no clear gender or status division. In modern society, anyone can do this.

Due to the constant environment of problems that the smoker is trying to get rid of, the addiction may return. To quit smoking, the patient needs to recover properly after treatment. To do this, after undergoing hypnotherapy, the patient continues to visit the psychoanalyst’s office. He must figure out how to occupy his free time from smoking.

It is important to find an activity that can calm you down or give you the necessary rest. New hobbies will help you forget a bad habit. If tobacco helped fight stress, relaxation activities are looked for. This is yoga, meditation, running - any useful and distracting activity. They distract and focus the patient’s attention on healthy habits. Support from loved ones during treatment and rehabilitation will help you quit smoking forever.

How is nicotine addiction formed?

Nicotine addiction develops quite quickly. Nicotine, which is released along with cigarette smoke, affects the transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system. Gradually he becomes a permanent participant in metabolic processes.

This happens because it is a kind of analogue of the natural neurotransmitter acetylcholine. To prevent nicotine from “fighting” acetylcholine, the body turns off the production of the latter. As a result, the main substance that affects smokers becomes indispensable in complex metabolic processes.

Hypnotherapy for prevention

The main difference between hypnotherapy and psychotherapy is that after hypnosis, no matter how natural the correct attitude may seem, it is not a consequence of introspection.

After a trance, a person understands that his habit is harmful and meaningless, so he gives it up. But over time, the attitude may become distorted - the consciousness ponders what is happening, not finding grounds for the correct thought, and begins to change it.

Psychoanalysis completely eradicates the cause of addiction. After completing the course, the percentage of smokers who returned to the bad habit is 2-3 times less than after hypnotherapy.

How to prevent negative changes:

  • undergo preventive hypnotherapy courses;
  • listen to your desires and thoughts;
  • arrange your life (the more interesting it is, the less temptation there is to return to bad habits);
  • increase stress resistance (no stress factor, no need to use cigarettes to calm down).

There should be no reproaches or nagging from family and friends. Everything a person does is for his health, and if he loses proper motivation, he needs help, not reprimand.

The effectiveness of the technique

The effectiveness of any technique depends on the qualifications of specialists, the desire of the patient, and initial factors (how a person makes contact, how strong his defense is). The interaction between the doctor and the patient and their open dialogue guarantee a stable result.

Most of the responsibility always lies with the addict. If he doesn't try to help himself, no one else will help him quit smoking. Completing rehabilitation, living a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your own health is the best prevention of addiction and the key to the effectiveness of hypnotherapy.

Basics of hypnosis treatment for smoking

Hypnosis is one of the most ancient practices of influencing humans. Since ancient times, hypnosis has been used to reduce pain; at the end of the 19th century, it was successfully used to get rid of alcoholism and drug addiction. And then - for the treatment of smoking.

Hypnosis involves introducing a person into a kind of trance state, in which the protective reactions of consciousness are turned off, and the psychotherapist gets the opportunity to put information into the subconscious - it is this area that is responsible for the formation of reflexes. At the end of the session, the patient begins to follow the received instructions, he develops an aversion to cigarette smoke or completely loses the desire to smoke.

Today, psychotherapists have several methods of hypnosis against smoking in their arsenal, so before carrying out the procedure, the doctor must interview the patient, find out his psychotype, length of abuse, the number of cigarettes smoked daily, the presence of chronic diseases and other points. And only after that determines the most appropriate method of influence. A test for hypnotizability - susceptibility to hypnosis - is required. It is necessary because, according to statistics, 25% of people cannot impose the will of others.

During the session, you will not only be instilled with the idea of ​​living without cigarettes, but will also carry out additional work with the subconscious, which will help:

  • feel comfortable among smokers;
  • do not feel irritated or angry because you quit smoking;
  • do not gain excess weight.

As practice shows, more than 80% of patients do not experience any negative emotions after hypnotherapy, they simply do not want to smoke. But some addicts (especially those with a long history of smoking) develop a slight withdrawal syndrome. To alleviate it, you will need a little effort of the will of the person himself or an additional session with a psychotherapist.


My best friend really wanted to quit smoking, but she just couldn't do it. And literally a week ago I met her on the street and hardly recognized her - she became much fresher, she said that she managed to quit smoking. Then, sitting in a cafe, she told me that hypnotic coding helped her with this. Now I myself began to envy her. I think that soon I will also start looking for a specialist hypnotist.

I suffered from nicotine addiction for about ten years, a chronic cough appeared, which caused me a lot of inconvenience, so I firmly decided to quit this business. I tried a lot - electronic cigarettes, patches and tablets. However, each time I lacked willpower and started smoking again. Not long ago, a friend advised me to turn to hypnosis, which helps to quit smoking. I found a competent and friendly specialist and performed several procedures. At first there was no desire to smoke, but over time the desire intensified. But this time it was much easier for me to cope with the cravings. In general, I haven’t smoked for six months now.

Originally posted 2018-02-07 13:20:13.

Hypnosis techniques practiced at the Ugodie clinic

To help our patients, we use several methods of treating tobacco smoking with hypnosis:

  • Classic method. It implies the influence of someone else’s will (the will of the psychotherapist) on a person’s consciousness. Using special techniques, the patient is immersed in a trance - a kind of state between sleep and reality, in which the hypnotherapist instills attitudes towards quitting smoking. The fact is that, while in a trance, the brain is not able to receive and process information, as in ordinary life. If we are given an order, we will not obey unquestioningly, but first we will think about whether it is beneficial, what the consequences will be, etc. Under hypnosis, the addict does not have this ability, his will is completely suppressed for the duration of the session, and the doctor’s words are perceived as law , which is simply necessary to follow. During the session, a specialist can instill a complete aversion to cigarettes, smoke from tobacco will be perceived as something terrible, and the sight of a cigarette can cause a feeling of disgust or horror. Thus, a person will lose the desire not only to smoke, but even to see cigarettes.

  • Ericksonian hypnosis. This is a softer method than the classic one. Many even consider it one of the most effective and elegant forms of hypnotherapy. During the exposure, the person is not put into a deep trance; the psychotherapist adapts to the patient and helps him form an aversion to smoking in his subconscious. Every day, without knowing it, we enter a trance in which our psyche is as open as possible and ready for positive changes. For example, in deep thought or half asleep before falling asleep. During the session, a similar state is induced in the addict with the help of leading questions from the hypnotist. The doctor begins the conversation with a story, anecdote, parable or fairy tale, in which messages are skillfully hidden for the consciousness of the person sitting opposite. While listening, the patient imagines in his imagination the characters, scenes of the development of the plot, while remaining fully conscious, he sees, hears and feels everything. The hypnotherapist gently guides the person, sending more and more new images, offering many options for the development of events, until the solution to the problem comes to his ward “from within”, in the form of a sudden insight.

How to be treated with hypnosis

You can quit smoking with hypnosis. This is a unique technique based on subconscious suggestion. A hypnosis session is conducted by an experienced hypnologist, who puts the patient into a state of light trance and affects consciousness.

During the session, the smoker is put into a trance state, in which he is given a hypnotic instruction to quit smoking. There are 3 stages of suggestion:

  • the hypnologist, on a subconscious level, deals with the suggestion of the consequences of smoking;
  • the specialist sets up a person dependent on nicotine for independent treatment by cultivating willpower;
  • the doctor reveals the priorities and benefits of quitting smoking: improving health, saving money and time, restoring the normal functioning of the nervous system.

The effect of hypnosis is deeper and more impressive. If you come up to a person and tell him that because of smoking he will get cancer, he will not be impressed. Hypnosis acts in a given direction. The “give up nicotine” attitude, fueled by a terrible story about a malignant tumor. This will linger in the memory for a long time, but will no longer be in the background of consciousness, but will begin to pop up every time you try to smoke.

Techniques for programming to quit smoking:

  1. shock therapy aimed at testing the smoker's fear: influence at the subconscious level, describes the consequences of smoking that have already happened to a person (slow destruction of nerve cells, pulmonary edema, deposition of nicotine on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, thickening of the blood leading to thrombosis); the purpose of the influence is to induce hatred of addiction;
  2. a technique for revealing the influence of an addiction in a more gentle form, without a colorful description;
  3. audio tuning - suggestion through tape recording; the effectiveness of the method lies in strengthening the aversion to nicotine using certain phrases;
  4. exposure to video materials is based on viewing videos and photos showing organs before and after smoking; personal photo with age-related changes without nicotine and with its use.

There is a method of self-hypnosis that was invented by Dr. Spiegel. The method is based on the effect of self-hypnosis. Every day you need to repeat memorized phrases that invigorate and force you to give up addiction: “The benefits of life are given to non-smokers”, “Smoking provokes early aging”.

Contraindications to hypnosis

Hypnotherapy is one of the gentlest and safest treatment methods and has no absolute contraindications. However, the doctor may need to take special care in the presence of severe forms of pathologies such as:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • depression;
  • severe sleep disturbances;
  • any serious systemic diseases;
  • psychical deviations.

All restrictions are clarified during a face-to-face consultation with a specialist, during which a thorough medical history is collected and a rapid diagnosis of the patient’s condition is carried out. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional instrumental and laboratory tests.

Getting rid of a bad habit is real. You should not delay addiction until a persistent physical craving has formed and your health has deteriorated. Smoking affects the lungs, heart, kidneys and many other organs and systems. The sooner treatment is started, the higher the likelihood of a complete and rapid cure.

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Traffic jams, problems at work or a regular break - all this is another reason to smoke. The cigarette has long been a part of our lives. Independent attempts to quit smoking give only temporary results or do not help at all. Modern medicine offers us an alternative method - quitting smoking through hypnosis. The use of this method gives effective results in a short period of time.

The essence of smoking treatment with hypnosis

If a person has a desire to quit smoking, he is already halfway to achieving his goal. The remaining 50% of the problem will be solved by a hypnosis session. This modern, effective method of getting rid of nicotine addiction has a gentle effect on the patient. A person’s subconscious is ingrained with an attitude that develops an aversion to cigarettes. There is no violence against the psyche, everything happens gradually and smoothly.

A smoker will not have to set restrictions for himself and spend painful hours feeling the urge to smoke.

The essence of hypnosis coding for smoking comes down to the fact that at the end of therapy the patient simply does not want to smoke. Psychological dependence on cigarettes disappears. But acupuncture sessions, as well as psychotherapeutic sessions, will help you consolidate the results and spend the first weeks after refusal painlessly.

Why is it so difficult to quit smoking?

Cigarette addiction is more psychological. Unlike alcoholism, when biochemical processes in the body are disrupted and a person simply cannot stop drinking without physical suffering, addiction to cigarettes does not have a strong connection with metabolism. The main barrier is in the head. It’s scary to stop smoking: what then? Therefore, many people decide that hypnosis will help them quit smoking easily and quickly, and after the session they will become different people. This is largely true, but then there is work that the doctor cannot do for the patient.

The cigarette firmly merges with all the processes that occur in a person’s life. Before you get behind the wheel, you need to smoke, on the train you need to find an opportunity to smoke, when visiting, a smoker will always ask if there is access to the balcony, your favorite morning ritual is coffee and a cigarette. For an addict, smoking becomes the main factor that organizes his life.

Therefore, when a cigarette addict quits smoking, every minute is difficult for him. You need to not only get rid of the habit of holding a cigarette in your hands and buying a pack before work, but also change all your usual rituals.

The most difficult moment is to give up smoking breaks in the company of friends or at work. This is an important part of leisure and communication. Perhaps during the working day it is only during a smoke break that you can talk with colleagues. By quitting smoking, a person excludes himself from many situations where contact with colleagues of different ranks in an informal setting is possible.

It is very difficult to give up a cigarette when everyone around you smokes. Maintaining your resolve is even more difficult under pressure from the company.

Stages of hypnosis treatment

In Moscow, treatment of smoking with hypnosis can be carried out in a medical clinic by going through the following stages:

  1. Diagnosis of the disease. The specialist determines the length of the nicotine habit and the number of cigarettes smoked per day. The stage of the disease is determined.
  2. Prescription of treatment. Depending on the results of the consultation, the doctor prescribes the required number of hypnotic sessions, and in some cases additional therapy.
  3. Conducting a hypnosis session. The specialist carries out psychological programming, implanting an anti-smoking mindset in the mind.

The result of hypnosis is not just a lack of desire to smoke, but also persistent indifference to tobacco under external provocations.

Advantages of visiting the Narkodetox clinic

  1. Professionalism. Our center employs experienced specialists with extensive work experience.
  2. Safety guarantee. We give a 100% guarantee that coding is safe from smoking and does not cause harm to health.
  3. Individual program. We do not use common standards. For each patient, an individual method of treating smoking with hypnosis is used, depending on the stage of the disease.
  4. A complex approach. Our clinic employs professionals who will help you get through the difficult time after giving up a bad habit.
  5. Anonymity. Contacting our clinic will not become publicly available information; you can count on complete anonymity.
  6. Affordable prices.

In our clinic, hypnosis treatment for smoking is complemented by acupuncture. In tandem with each other, these two methods give amazing results. Hypnosis programs a person to be indifferent to tobacco, and acupuncture consolidates the result and develops resistance to external provocations.

Who conducts smoking cessation coding using hypnosis?

In order for the result after coding to be lasting, it is important to seek hypnosis from a psychiatrist or psychotherapist who has a special license to treat tobacco smoking with hypnosis.

From the outside, smoking cessation coding looks like a simple procedure, so there is a high probability that such a session will be offered by charlatans. But the hypnosis coding technique can only be carried out by a doctor who is specially trained in how to correctly enter into a state of altered consciousness, how to remove it from it, and how to behave in the process. You can receive a state certificate only after completing additional courses from the Ministry of Health.

The consequences of hypnosis from a poorly trained “master” can be the most unexpected. During trance, the patient's psyche is very vulnerable, and the desire to save time and money can lead to emotional disorders.

The center of Dr. Buchatsky (Moscow) has all the necessary conditions for conducting therapeutic hypnosis. A certified high-class specialist will work with you, who clearly understands the meaning of his every action and word during the session.

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