Vestibular exercises for dizziness at home


BPPV develops more often in women. The most likely cause of the disease is the deposition of calcium salts (otoliths) in the inner ear canal. Head movements (tilts, turns, tilts) provoke short-term attacks of dizziness. Between episodes, the patient may experience nausea, fluctuations in blood pressure, loss of balance, and impaired thermoregulation. Regular intense attacks can cause such great inconvenience that the question of what to do with dizziness is in the first place for the patient. With timely treatment, BPPV does not cause lasting harm to health; the benign nature of the disease implies a decrease in the severity of the episodes.

Dizziness - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, therapeutic methods

The illusion of rotation that occurs in a person with dizziness is accompanied by eye movement (nystagmus). During diagnosis, the doctor uses certain methods to induce an attack in order to determine the direction of the nystagmus. This can be done using a device (a more accurate and reliable method) or visually when a feeling of rotation occurs.

There are 2 main therapeutic methods used for dizziness:

  • Exercises. A special system of exercises is used to adapt the vestibular system to an unhealthy state. But this method is long-term (months of treatment), and also does not address the problems that cause dizziness.
  • Maneuvers. For dizziness, positional therapeutic movements (maneuvers) are used. They (in particular, Epley's maneuvers) involve the doctor changing the position of the patient's head. With the help of maneuvers, it is possible to move the otoliths from the semicircular canals to the healthy part of the system, eliminating irritation. There is no pain during the maneuver and it usually lasts up to 30 minutes. It is often possible to get rid of dizziness after the 1st session of the maneuver; sometimes it is necessary to repeat the procedure.


Treatment of BPPV consists, first of all, in the use of special therapeutic maneuvers, which, by alternating special positions of the head, allow the movement of otoliths from the semicircular canal to the vestibule of the labyrinth.

There are quite a large number of different maneuvers (as well as their modifications). The most common are the Epley, Semont, and Lempert maneuvers. The maneuvers of other authors are much less common. You can see the technique of performing the Epley maneuver and some nuances in the video:

You should also remember about the likelihood of spontaneous recovery and the fairly high likelihood of relapse of the disease in the future.

Treatment should be enhanced by physical therapy (for example, using the Brandt-Daroff technique), as well as by prescribing vertigolytics (Betaserc, Vestibo, Tagista, etc.). It is extremely rare (less than 0.1% of all cases) that surgical treatment of the disease may be required if severe, treatment-resistant, disabling cupulolithiasis has occurred.


In addition to a good medical history (occurrence of dizziness with typical movements) and a standardized neurological examination, the presence of characteristic nystagmus on the Dix–Hallpick test is a key factor in the diagnosis of BPPV.

Physical examination

The survey includes the following measures:

  • internal (blood pressure measurement, heart rhythm disturbances, heart defects, anemia, orthostatic dysregulation: Schelling test);
  • neurological (examination of cerebellar symptoms, sensory polyneuropathy with loss of position perception, damage to the trigeminal or facial nerve):
  • gait study - falling on one side (on the affected side - vestibular causes, on the healthy side - cerebellar causes);
  • Romberg test - positive (in the case of proprioceptive and sensory ataxia), negative (in the case of cerebral vertigo);
  • Unterberger test – positive (for cerebral and vestibular damage);
  • nystagmus (with the vestibular type - nystagmus in one direction, never vertical; with the central type - complex, changing direction);
  • ear examination with an otoscope (herpes zoster, otitis media, perforation);
  • hearing test (one-sided deafness is usually of vestibular etiology).

Instrumental studies

This method includes the following approaches:

  • ECG – if there is a suspicion of heart rhythm disturbances;
  • laboratory examination - blood test, glycemia, creatinine, liver tests, basal TSH (with a targeted examination, all studies are not necessary);
  • if necessary, examination by an ENT specialist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosing a disease with such a symptom as dizziness is difficult due to the fact that it occurs in many diseases: osteochondrosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

However, modern diagnostic methods for BPPV make it possible to detect the disease in any form. The need to undergo them is determined only by an otoneurologist.

Instrumental examination

Instrumental examination methods can reveal not only the diagnosis of BPPV. MRI and CT scan of the brain evaluates its condition and reveals the slightest pathologies.

Physical examination

The Dix-Hallpike test allows you to test for benign positional vertigo. The patient is asked to sit on the couch and turn his head in a certain position. Then he is placed on the couch, holding his head.

At this time, the patient reports the moment of dizziness. A positive Hallpike test allows for postural dizziness.

Differential diagnosis of the disease

The differential method identifies diseases of the inner ear. It is performed for pathology of the posterior cranial fossa, multiple sclerosis, and central positional nystagmus.

What exercises can you do at home?

You need to start classes with a warm-up - perform 5-7 bends and turns of the head.

A set of exercises for BPPV at home:

  1. In a sitting position, fix your gaze on an object at a distance of 1 m, relax your lower jaw and tongue. Turn your head from side to side, up and down, without taking your eyes off the object
  2. While sitting, fully extend your arm with a pencil. Slowly bring the pencil closer to the tip of your nose, constantly watching the object with your eyes. Return to starting position. Fix your gaze on the pencil, turn your head to the side, move your hand with the object in the opposite direction. But continue to follow the object with your eyes.
  3. Arrange the book so that it is convenient to read. Turn your head from side to side, up and down, while reading the text out loud.
  4. Place 2 objects with an interval of 1 m at a distance of 1.5 m from the eyes. Look straight ahead. Then look at the left target with one eye, fix your gaze, and turn your head to the left. Without changing position, look at the right object, after fixing your gaze, turn your head to the right.
  5. Sit on a chair. Place the ball on the side of the chair with your right hand and straighten up. Bend over, pick up the ball, return to the starting position.
  6. Toss the ball from hand to hand at eye level.
  7. Bend over, transfer the ball from hand to hand behind your knees.
  8. In a standing position, legs together, arms extended in front of you, turn your head to the sides. Then open and close your eyes on the count of 3.
  9. Stand on one leg for 10 seconds. Gradually increase the duration to 30 seconds.
  10. In a standing position, put one leg forward, arms crossed, palms resting on your shoulders. Change the position of your legs, fixing the position for 10 seconds.
  11. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Tilt your torso slightly forward, tilt it back, move it from side to side. Repeat with eyes closed.
  12. Walk at your usual pace, turning your head to the right and left.
  13. Walk along the line facing forward, then backwards for 1 minute.


BPPV develops more often in women. The most likely cause of the disease is the deposition of calcium salts (otoliths) in the inner ear canal. Head movements (tilts, turns, tilts) provoke short-term attacks of dizziness. Between episodes, the patient may experience nausea, fluctuations in blood pressure, loss of balance, and impaired thermoregulation. Regular intense attacks can cause such great inconvenience that the question of what to do with dizziness is in the first place for the patient. With timely treatment, BPPV does not cause lasting harm to health; the benign nature of the disease implies a decrease in the severity of the episodes.

Indications for use

The Epley maneuver is prescribed by a doctor only after examination, examination and an accurate diagnosis. It is also worth remembering that these exercises can only be recommended for stable, non-progressive illness.

Among these pathologies:

  • period after a stroke;
  • benign positional paroxysmal vertigo;
  • violation of movement coordination;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • recovery period after injury to the spine or brain;
  • ear diseases;
  • infectious pathologies.

Gymnastics does not affect muscle function in any way

Its main goal is to teach a person to control attention, so regular use does not cause any unwanted manifestations

Contraindications for use

The Epley maneuver for dizziness is a safe therapeutic procedure, but it does have a number of contraindications.

It is prohibited to carry out manipulations if the patient:

  • with active manifestations of symptoms: confusion, disorientation;
  • respiratory function is impaired if there are problems with the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and respiratory organs;
  • worsening after exercise.

In other cases, the maneuver can be carried out, but it is better to do this under the supervision of a specialist.

Vestibular exercises for dizziness

The best workout is the swing. Vestibular gymnastics for dizziness must necessarily include swing riding. In this case, you need to start gradually, with rocking with a small amplitude. Each time it is necessary to increase the training time and the amplitude of the swings. Each person benefits from riding about 15 minutes a day.

Another possible way to simply train the vestibular system is to walk along a curb. We've all done this as children, trying to maintain balance for as long as possible. In adulthood, this exercise will help rid the body of seasickness. It is worth saying that vestibular gymnastics should be regular and progressive. After you have reached the limit, you need to rest for a week or two so that your body gets used to training, and then start exercising again.

The third simple exercise of vestibular gymnastics for dizziness is turning around yourself. It is necessary to turn around its axis in both directions about 10 times. After this you need to walk along a straight line. With each workout, you should increase the number of turns and the length of the straight line. Training the vestibular apparatus will quickly affect the general condition of the body, and dizziness will go away.

Vestibular gymnastics goes well with yoga. In order to get rid of nausea, it is enough to learn to breathe correctly

You need to study with trusted masters and in good centers, so that attention is paid not only to exercises, but also to breathing techniques and adjusting your way of thinking

In yoga there is one very good vestibular gymnastics breathing exercise that will quickly bring you back to normal. This technique does not require any special skills other than concentration. The exercise is performed with a completely straight back. It is necessary to exhale deeply with great effort, as if expelling the air from yourself. As you inhale, you should lower the diaphragm, inflate your stomach and fill the lower sections of your lungs with air to the limit. After this, you need to forcefully expand the chest, letting air into the middle sections of the lungs. Finally, due to the movement of the neck, the upper sections of the lungs are filled. Exhalation should be smooth, occurring in the same order: first the stomach, then the chest and neck. Remember to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Vestibular gymnastics for the elderly has its own characteristics. They should avoid riding on swings, walking on curbs, and breathing too deeply. In various diseases, this can cause unpleasant or painful sensations in the body. Vestibular gymnastics after a stroke can be carried out only after examination by a doctor and his permission to practice. Therapeutic and preventive gymnastics under the supervision of an experienced specialist is the best solution for older people.

Vestibular gymnastics at home should be structured as follows:

The first week you need to practice turning your head in different directions, in circular movements. Do not be afraid of nausea, because this is quite normal. The main thing is to continue studying. The second week should be devoted to bending your torso back and forth and left to right.

At the same time, it is important to monitor your breathing and remember that you exhale when bending over. After 20 days, the training is supplemented with light boxing

You need to clench your fists and bend your elbows and box with an invisible opponent. Remember that your torso should also turn after your hand. The hand throw should be done with force. After this you should add walking. Step forward and then, without looking back. 10-15 repetitions will be enough.

At the same time, it is worth knowing that people who move little often get motion sickness.

This is why it is so important to play sports and run more. Great for active ball games

Causes and treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

Paroxysmal vestibular vertigo develops with damage to both the peripheral and central parts of the vestibular analyzer and, depending on the reasons that caused it, may have certain features.

Hello! My name is Anastasia, I'm 18 years old. I have been suffering from BPP for 5 months now and sleep only on my right side. The left ear is affected. About 4 years ago the right one was affected, but it went away on its own in 20 days. This time I was at the doctor’s, but it was not possible to cause an attack of dizziness at that time, I did the Epley maneuver, before that I always had dizziness from left to right horizontal. After the epley, they became vertical, and recently I did the epley maneuver, and after “nose down”, they again returned to these terrible horizontal ones from left to right, quickly and strongly, when turning the head. on the left side... I can’t lower my head either. It seems to be a dome. I won’t do the exercises myself anymore. I don’t know what good specialist I can contact that could really help. Please advise a specialist clinic. Thanks in advance!

Dear Anastasia, on our website there is a catalog of clinics In the catalog you can find the clinic closest to you and see reviews of the specialists working there.

Vestibular gymnastics exercises

In such diseases, where there is tinnitus and various hearing impairments, gymnastics for the vestibular apparatus should be a mandatory attribute of treatment. If you experience dizziness, again, it would be a good idea to consult a specialist to identify the true cause of this phenomenon.

In any case, before performing the next set of exercises, you should consult with a specialist, and if severe pain occurs during the exercise, then the exercise should be stopped. Almost all exercises are performed 5-7 times and before performing them, do a little exercise in the form of arm swings, rotation of the shoulder girdle and squats.

  1. The starting position of the body is to stand straight, with your heels and toes together. The back is straight, the arms are lowered, and the stomach is slightly retracted. In this position, you need to raise your arms straight and close them above your head. This pose is held for five to seven seconds, after which you can return to the starting position and repeat.
  2. Standing straight on your feet, you need to alternately raise your left and right legs, holding for five seconds. Then, after successfully completing these actions, the exercise is complicated as follows: the raised leg is pressed against the other leg so that the heel is closer to the groin area and the toe is pointing down. In other words, the leg bent at the knee needs to be pressed against the other leg, while clasping it with both hands. Make sure that the bent leg is in the same plane with the other leg. Balance must also be maintained in this way for five to seven seconds.
  3. The essence of the exercise is to turn your head to the side and fixate at the extreme point for five seconds. At the same time, be careful and do not allow pain to arise in the neck.
  4. The head is tilted and raised: the top of the head is pulled up, after a delay at the extreme point for several seconds and returned to the starting position. Head tilts are performed in the same way.
  5. Tilt your head to the side - try to press your ear to your shoulder, without moving your shoulders. Fixation at the extreme point is also necessary here.
  6. Grab yourself by the shoulders and lean forward, trying to stretch the ligaments and muscles of the spine as much as possible.

Physician Epley Method

This exercise was developed by doctor Epley, after whom this exercise is named. It is also prescribed as vestibular exercises for BPPV (benign positional paroxysmal vertigo). Starting position: lying on the bed, arms along the body. The head must be turned 90 degrees in any direction and held in this position for 30 seconds. After waiting the allotted time, turn your head in the other direction and hold again for 30 seconds. Then, without changing the position of your head, turn to your side, while looking down. Again we delay for half a minute.

When to expect an effect

After the first session, within 3 days, and after a month, the patient is recommended to visit a specialist. If symptoms do not go away, you may need to repeat the maneuver or need to look for other causes and remedies to get rid of dizziness.

Relapses occur in 20 patients out of 100.

The Epley maneuver may not produce the desired results if:

  • neck extension is insufficient, due to which calcium salts return to their place;
  • the patient has blockage of the posterior semicircular canal with a conglomerate;
  • the diagnosis was incorrectly made and the patient does not have canalolithiasis of the posterior semicircular canal, but cupulolithiasis, as a result of which, after performing the maneuver, the pressure goes in the opposite direction;
  • transformation of BPPV of the posterior canal into BPPV of the anterior canal.

The table below shows other types of vestibular maneuvers that can be used if the Epley maneuver does not give the desired result. But they are used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Maneuver namePeculiarities
SemontaIt is carried out only under the supervision of medical personnel. Often during it, patients experience a pronounced autonomic reaction, manifested in the form of nausea, vomiting and heart rhythm disturbances. It is carried out like this: sitting on the couch, legs hanging, the patient turns his head towards the healthy ear. The head in this position must be fixed with the help of hands. The patient in this position moves to a lying position on the side of the sore ear. Stay for a couple of minutes, relax. Afterwards, the patient quickly sits down again, the head remains fixed, and turns over to the other side. Head down, lie down again for 2 minutes, and then return to the starting position.
LempertThis maneuver is very similar in technique to the Epley maneuver. The difference is that after turning the patient’s torso on its side, with the healthy ear down, the rotation of the torso continues. The patient lies on his stomach face down, and then on the sore eye with his ear down. At the end of the complex, he returns to a sitting position. Its actions strongly resemble rotation around its axis. After performing this maneuver, you should avoid bending your body for several days and sleep only on a raised head of the bed or on a hard pillow.

In rare cases, relapses may occur or the complex needs to be repeated, but after talking with the patient it turns out that he did not adhere to the recommendations. The maneuver is truly an excellent opportunity to remove otoliths from the inner ear, because they are the ones that cause an unpleasant symptom, but a favorable result is guaranteed only if all the rules are followed.

The Epley maneuver is an effective complex that helps a person get rid of dizziness without any harm to health.

Thanks to this technique, it is possible to normalize the vestibular apparatus if the problems are associated with the deposition of calcium salts in the inner ear. But it should only be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor, there is no self-medication and it is better to do everything the first time in the presence of a specialist.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Diagnostic methods

The study of equilibrium functions is carried out through a comprehensive examination.

Physical examination

Physical examination methods:

  • Detailed anamnesis. The nature and type of equilibrium disorder is determined.
  • Study of spontaneous vestibular phenomena: standing, when walking, deviation of the limbs (the patient should stand straight, walk in a straight line for several steps, etc. - this allows you to control which side he is leaning towards, what feelings of dizziness he has). The examination provides important information about the external manifestations of balance disorders.

Instrumental studies

Instrumental research methods:

  • If an organic cause is suspected, X-rays, CT, MRI (damage to the brain stem and cerebellum) are performed.
  • Orientation study of brain nerve function to compare the functions of the right and left equilibrium apparatus.
  • Stimulation testing of equilibrium functions (electronystagmography) usually requires special devices.
  • Audiometric examination.

Damage to the lateral semicircular tubule

A lesion of the lateral RCC is detected with the patient lying down by turning the head in the plane of the canal from right to left and vice versa (roll test). Horizontal nystagmus occurs, with a clonic component directed downward, mainly when the affected ear is turned downward; if the healthy ear is located below, nystagmus also occurs, the clonic component of which is directed downward, but less pronounced.

In a quarter of patients, canalolithiasis in the lateral RCC is combined with canaloliasis in the posterior RCC. In contrast to downward-directed nystagmus, the clonic component of evoked nystagmus is directed toward the overlying ear. This form is combined with the location of otoliths in the anterior part of the lateral ACC or the otolith fixed to the cupula, while with freely moving otoliths, nystagmus occurs directed towards the underlying ear.

Test results may be influenced by cervical spinal canal stenosis, radiculopathy of the cervical segments of the spinal cord, severe kyphosis, restrictions of movement in the cervical spine: rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Paget's disease, spinal cord injury, morbid obesity, Down syndrome. In this case, it is possible to use a Barany swivel chair.

If the test results are negative, a preliminary diagnosis of BPPV is made based on complaints of positional vertigo and is confirmed by successful performance of vestibular maneuvers.

If examination reveals a nystagmus that differs from that described above, as well as other neurological symptoms, it is necessary to exclude other lesions of the nervous system.

A number of types of dizziness and nystagmus appear only when the position of the head in space changes - they are positional.

Nystagmus and rotational vertigo can cause both central (for example, associated with damage to the brain stem or cerebellum) and peripheral (canalolithiasis, vestibular neuronitis, damage to the ear ganglion, perilymphatic fistula) lesions of the vestibular analyzer, as well as combined damage to central and peripheral structures - meningitis, intoxication.

Dizziness can be caused by circulatory disorders: thrombosis of the vestibular arteries, migraine, orthostatic hypotension, paroxysmal heart rhythm disturbances.

The relevance of the differential diagnosis of these causes is due to the fact that the central forms require special intervention.

The most commonly ordered test is an MRI of the brain. In some cases, diagnosis may require an orthostatic test, blood pressure and ECG monitoring, duplex scanning of the brachiocephalic arteries/transcranial Doppler sonography, radiography of the cervical spine, and an ophthalmological examination.

Positional maneuvers are also used to treat the patient. Treatment is carried out with the participation of a doctor and takes into account the location of the otolith according to the diagnostic maneuver.

Vestibular gymnastics for benign positional paroxysmal vertigo

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a disorder of the inner ear that causes paroxysmal dizziness in certain head positions. The main method of treating BPPV is to carry out the so-called rehabilitation maneuver - a special complex of vestibular gymnastics.

It should be noted that self-medication is possible only after a doctor has reliably diagnosed BPPV, since in cases of tumor or ischemic brain damage, as well as a high probability of compression of the vertebral artery, self-medication can complicate the provision of timely professional medical care and worsen the patient’s condition. The most adapted for the patient to perform independently are the Brandt-Daroff and Epley-Simon gymnastics.

Brandt-Daroff gymnastics

1. In the morning, after sleep, sit on the bed, straightening your back (Position 1) 2. Then you need to lie on your left (right) side with your head turned up at 45° (to maintain the correct angle, it is convenient to imagine the person standing next to you at a distance of 1 .5 meters and keep your gaze on his face) - Position 2 3. Stay in this position for 30 seconds or until the dizziness disappears 4. Return to the starting position while sitting on the bed 5. Then you need to lie on the other side with your head turned up 45 ° — Position 2 6. Stay in this position for 30 seconds 7. Return to the starting position while sitting on the bed (Position 1) 8. Repeat the described exercise 5 times

If dizziness does not occur during the exercise, it is advisable to perform it only the next morning. If dizziness occurs at least once in any position, then you need to perform the exercises at least two more times: in the afternoon and in the evening.

Epley-Simon Gymnastics

1. Sit on the bed with your back straight (Position 1) 2. Turning your head towards the affected labyrinth, stay in this position for 30 seconds (Position 2) 3. Lie on the bed with your head thrown back 45°, stay in this position for 30 seconds (Position 3) 4. Turn your head in the opposite direction, stay in this position for 30 seconds (Position 4) 5. Turn on your side with your head turned with your healthy ear down, stay in this position for 30 seconds (Position 5) 6. Return in a sitting position on the bed with legs down

The correct execution of the complex is shown in the following video clip:

It should be noted that independent implementation of the Epley-Simon complex is difficult at first due to the patient’s ignorance of the side of the diseased labyrinth; in addition, the opposite side may also be involved in the pathological process. In this regard, it is highly advisable to only continue the classes started by the doctor, and not self-medicate.

Main complex

This type of vestibular gymnastics can also be performed at home, since it does not provoke any negative reactions in the body of a person suffering from frequent attacks of dizziness.

Outside help in performing the exercise is not required, but it is better if someone is nearby, because it is unknown how the human body will react, this is especially important when performing the maneuver for the first time.

The patient should take a sitting position, you can use a regular table or ottoman, and your feet should be on the floor or simply dangling. You can just sit on the bed.

Brandt-Daroff vestibular gymnastics

And after the movement it should be like this:

  1. When a person calms down and feels comfortable in a sitting position, he will need to lie on his right or left side.
  2. You need to turn your head up, maintaining an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. Fix in this position for 30 seconds.
  4. Next, the person must again take a sitting position and stay in it for half a minute.
  5. Afterwards you need to repeat the procedure, but lie on the opposite side.

This is how you need to do 5 repetitions on each side. You need to rest for 15 seconds between repetitions.

If a person does not experience dizziness during the exercise, then the maneuver should be repeated, but only after a day. If dizziness occurs even for a short time in any of the positions, then the maneuver should be repeated at least 2 more times, in the evening, and then in the morning.

Vestibular exercises work in several directions at once. Their main essence is an increased supply of stimuli to the nerve endings of the central part of the vestibular apparatus, which are localized in the area of ​​the brain stem.

gymnastics every morning for 1-2 months

  1. In a lying position, you need to move your eyes first horizontally, and then vertically, bring your eyes closer together, and direct your gaze to the tip of the finger approaching your nose.
  2. Next, you need to add gradually accelerating head movements, initially doing everything with your eyes open, and then with your eyes closed.
  3. Afterwards, in a sitting position, you need to turn your head, bend over, and do everything first with your eyes open, and then with your eyes closed.
  4. Later, you can add throwing a small ball from one hand to the other, and then complicate the task by throwing the ball under the knee.
  5. Next, you can add squats, also closing and then opening your eyes. As soon as all the exercises go well, without any unpleasant symptoms, you can move on to twisting your torso.
  6. Afterwards you need to walk on a flat surface with your eyes open and closed. You can add head turns while walking.

This whole complex helps to better navigate in space and protect against dizziness.

Step by step guide

The physician performing the Epley maneuver manually moves the person into a series of positions. This can also be done at home by a person who is experiencing symptoms of CDB. The steps for both versions are detailed below.

Steps of the Epley maneuver performed by a physician.

When a doctor performs the Epley maneuver, he or she does the following:

  1. Have the person sit upright on the examination table with their legs fully extended in front of them.
  2. Turn the patient's head at a 45-degree angle to the side of the dizziness where they experience the worst dizziness.
  3. Quickly move the person back so that their shoulders are touching the table. The person's head is pointed in the direction most susceptible to dizziness, but now at an angle of 30 degrees, so that it is raised slightly from the table. The doctor holds the patient in this position for 30 seconds to 2 minutes until the dizziness stops.
  4. Rotate the person's head 90 degrees in the opposite direction, stopping when the opposite ear is 30 degrees away from the table. Again, the doctor holds the patient in this position for 30 seconds to 2 minutes until the dizziness stops.
  5. They then turn the person in the same direction they are facing, onto their side. The side they experience the worst dizziness on will be facing upward. The doctor holds the patient in this position for 30 seconds to 2 minutes until the dizziness stops.
  6. Finally, the doctor returns the patient to a sitting position.
  7. The entire process is repeated up to three times until the patient's symptoms disappear.

Steps of the Epley maneuver performed at home.

It is best to have a doctor perform the Epley maneuver if the person experiencing BPSD has not previously used this technique.

After the doctor performs the Epley maneuver, the patient may want to repeat the procedure at home if they experience other symptoms.

A person experiencing HPV symptoms can follow these steps to get relief at home:

  1. Sit in bed with their legs extended in front of them and turn their head 45 degrees to the side where they feel most dizzy.
  2. Lie down with your head turned to the side and raised at a 30-degree angle from the bed. They should remain in this position for 30 seconds to 2 minutes until the dizziness stops.
  3. They should then turn their head 90 degrees to the other side and stop when it is 30 degrees away from the bed on the other side. Again, the person should hold this position for 30 seconds to 2 minutes until the dizziness stops.
  4. They should now roll onto their side towards the head, maintaining this position until the dizziness stops.

Epley maneuver

The essence of the Epley maneuver is to position your head so that the dizziness stops.

To treat dizziness, the exercise therapy complex includes the Epley maneuver or maneuver. You can perform the exercise yourself, but a specialist should show all the basic techniques.

The essence of the Epley method for dizziness is to place your head at an angle so that gravity stops making you dizzy. Improvements occur after the first implementation of the complex, but provided that the person follows all the doctor’s recommendations for several days.

Indications: BPPV, period after a stroke, loss of coordination, osteochondrosis. Gymnastics speeds up the recovery process after head or spinal injuries and helps with ear diseases. Contraindications – confusion, disorientation, problems with breathing, heart, blood vessels. You will have to abandon the complex if after performing the maneuver your health deteriorates significantly.

The Epley maneuver is used as a diagnostic method if it is not possible to accurately diagnose BPPV, but there are all signs of pathology. The exercise can only be done with negative Hallpike tests.

Studies have shown that with regular performance of the Epley maneuver for dizziness, unpleasant symptoms quickly disappear. The technique is considered simple and safe. When performing exercises, the otoliths do not dissolve, but change their position in the inner ear and do not irritate the organ of balance. Relapses occur in only 20% of patients.

How to do it correctly

When changing body position, the head must be kept at an angle of 45 degrees.

Exercises must be performed quickly, but without jerking. The neck should be straight so that calcium salts do not enter the semicircular canal again. The appearance of slight dizziness is a sign of correct execution of the maneuver. The duration of the gymnastics is 10 minutes.

Technique for performing the Epley method for dizziness:

  1. Sit up straight with your feet on the floor.
  2. Turn your head to your ear at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. Don't turn your head at the right angle, lie down on the couch, tilt your head back a little. Remain in this position for at least 1 minute.
  4. Turn your head the other way 90 degrees. Hold the position for half a minute.
  5. Turn your body and head in the same direction another 90 degrees, your face should be pointing down. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
  6. Return to original position.

After the maneuver, you need to sit quietly for a quarter of an hour so that the otoliths do not move. For the rest of the day, you need to wear a neck or travel pillow to limit head movements and record the results of the gymnastics. For the next 2-3 days you need to sleep with your shoulders back and your head turned at an angle of 45 degrees. During the day after performing the exercise, you should not throw your head back.

Exercises are performed in a bright room without sharp, dangerous objects. Clothes and shoes are comfortable, the surface is smooth and soft. It is not recommended to do the maneuver alone, as you may feel very dizzy, feel nauseous, and will need help. Doctors recommend taking 100 mg of Dramamine half an hour before classes.

The lack of the desired result when performing exercises for dizziness may be due to insufficient neck extension, with blockage of the posterior semicircular canal. The therapeutic effect does not appear if the diagnosis is incorrect or if BPPV transforms from the posterior canal to the anterior one.

How to get rid of dizziness?

Dizziness is only a symptom of many diseases. Treatment for BPPV will be effective only after identifying other factors that trigger vertigo and diagnosing BPPV.

Then it will become clear how to treat benign paroxysmal vertigo. Incorrect therapy will aggravate the course of an undetected pathology. Medicine recognizes the high effectiveness of gymnastics treatment.

Positional gymnastics

Benign positional vertigo can be treated with special exercises designed to influence the movement of otoliths. Only in 2% of cases does it not help.

Gymnastics are prescribed by a doctor depending on the location of pathological changes in the ear.

Semont maneuver

It is better to carry out this exercise only in the presence of a specialist. An exceptional feature of the maneuver is the rapid movement of the patient at a certain angle. To avoid nausea or vomiting, take antiemetic medications.


Brandt Daroff gymnastics is performed several times a day: the first approach is done immediately after waking up. Each of them includes tilts in both directions at a certain angle.

Vestibular gymnastics by Brandt Daroff is always selected individually depending on the nature of the disease. Before starting, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the techniques in the video of the Brandt-Daroff exercises.

Epley exercises (video)

The Epley maneuver is effective for pathology of the posterior semicircular canal. There are quite a lot of nuances in performing the Epley Maneuver exercise, so it should be entrusted to a doctor.

The specialist will turn the patient’s head in a certain direction, depending on the location of the pathology, then change the position of the patient’s body.

Dix-Hallpike gymnastics

Gymnastics is based on different movements of the body, head and eyes. The effectiveness of a gymnastics regimen depends on factors such as age, one- or two-sided pathology, and duration of the disease. Positive changes are already observed in 50-80% of cases.

Lempert method

The method is used for benign paroxysmal vestibulopathy of the horizontal semicircular canal. The head is turned 45 degrees in the horizontal plane towards the pathology.

After which the patient is placed on the couch and the head and body are turned in a certain sequence. The method involves a series of sequential maneuvers, which can be found in the video in Russian.

Drug treatment

Treatment of BPPV with drugs was the mainstay of treatment until about 15 years ago. Today, gymnastics and maneuvers performed by doctors are effective. Medicines should only be used to treat inflammation or relieve symptoms.


Vasodilators are vasodilators in nature and are prescribed to improve blood circulation. To treat benign paroxysmal vertigo, medications such as:

Vestibulolytic drugs

Drugs in this group affect the pathogenesis of vestibular disorders of vascular etiology and the treatment of otolithiasis. After therapy, blood supply to the brain tissue improves:

Herbal nootropics

Nootropics improve brain activity, increase mental performance, and reduce fatigue. Some believed that treatment with folk remedies, to which they were previously classified, gives a temporary effect, but depending on the duration of treatment, a positive result also appears.

Bilobil1 capsule 3 times a day for adults, course of treatment – ​​at least 3 months
Ginko biloba extract1-2 capsules 1-2 times a day, course of treatment – ​​3 months
GinsengTincture – 15-25 drops, tablets 0.15-0.3 mg before meals 3 times a day


Antihistamines are designed to suppress the effect of the allergen.

Antiemetic drugs

Drugs in this group relieve attacks of nausea and vomiting that occur against the background of postural dizziness.

Essence and basic principles

The Epley maneuver or exercises are a special maneuver used to treat benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).

This procedure is often carried out in a physiotherapy office, but it can also be done at home after a specialist shows all the basics of the technique. This maneuver was developed by Dr. John Epley, after whom it was named. The first time it was talked about was back in the 80s of the last century.

The Epley maneuver is a series of exercises that help relieve symptoms of dizziness. Numerous studies have proven that this technique is the simplest, safest and most effective in the treatment of dizziness caused by the deposition of calcium salts in the inner canal of the ear.

All these exercises do not eliminate the presence of otoliths, but only change their location. Such manipulations cause them to move to other areas of the inner ear that do not cause dizziness.

As a result, it turns out that this maneuver relieves all symptoms, but you need to do the set of exercises several times. The thing is that the first time the crystals can move a small distance.

There are a number of rules that must be followed:

  • classes should take place in a well-lit room;
  • there should not be any objects with sharp corners, carpet paths, or objects that could cause a person to fall near the patient;
  • It is better to perform the exercise on a soft surface; a couch, yoga mat, or thick-pile carpet are suitable for this;
  • the clothes a person wears should be loose, not restricting movements, so that he can move easily and freely;
  • shoes on feet should be without heels;
  • while performing exercises, someone must be present next to the person; it is unknown how his body will react to the exercise; someone needs to provide backup;
  • if a person feels unwell or has symptoms of other diseases, then therapy is postponed until the person feels better;
  • Even after the Epley maneuver is successfully performed, when the results sought are obtained, you will need to visit the doctor several more times to prevent a relapse.

Experts who recommend the Epley maneuver to their patients for symptoms such as dizziness note that after the first use of a set of exercises, serious changes are observed. The symptoms go away, but only if you follow all the prescribed recommendations for several days after them.

Useful tips for patients

Vestibular gymnastics will be most effective if you follow a number of basic rules:

  1. The exercises should be performed in a well-lit room, so that there are no objects with sharp corners nearby, and a carpet without any folds that could lead to a fall and injury to the patient.

  2. The maneuver is performed using soft surfaces, such as a yoga mat, mat, blanket or thick mat.
  3. You need to choose comfortable clothing so that it does not constrain or limit movement. But it should not be too wide so that the patient does not get confused in it.
  4. Shoes must be flat-soled.
  5. While doing gymnastics, there must be a coach or a loved one nearby who can come to the rescue if necessary.
  6. You should not overload your body; as soon as even a slight feeling of fatigue appears, you need to stop.
  7. The load should be increased gradually to prepare the body and prevent relapses.
  8. Regularity is also important.
  9. If the patient is feeling unwell, it is better to postpone performing gymnastics until the condition improves.
  10. Gymnastics is not a separate type of treatment; it will only be beneficial in combination with drug treatment.

Etiological factors in the development of functional dizziness (causes)

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), a very complex condition in etiology, in some cases it is not possible to establish the true cause of the disease.

The most common causes of BPPV include:

  • traumatic injuries of the skull and concussions;
  • inflammatory processes in the labyrinth of the inner ear;
  • undergone surgical interventions in the head area.

Features of symptomatic manifestations

Symptomatically, benign paroxysmal vertigo manifests itself in the form of a feeling that objects around are rotating, this feeling appears after a sudden change in body position.

Paroxysmal dizziness usually manifests itself in the morning after sleep; it is difficult for a person to navigate in space after getting out of bed.

The duration of the paroxysmal period is, as a rule, no more than three minutes, then it goes away on its own without the use of auxiliary techniques.

An important aspect in diagnosing the disease is that benign positional vertigo is not accompanied by syndromes of organic disorders of the nervous system.

With this pathology, no pathologies develop in the organs of hearing, vision or smell. Thus, the disease does not pose a particular threat to human life, but causes some discomfort.

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