A calm financial life - how your attitude towards money affects your health

In Spiritual Economics there is this passage: “Sell your property and give alms. Buy for yourself purses that will not wear out, treasures in heaven where no thief can get near them and no moth can destroy them” (NRT, Luke 12:33). In the modern world, this means: do what you love, get rich, but at the same time bring benefit to society: first with your work, and then with your work and material assistance to those in need. Good deeds and words are the most valuable currency that will never disappear from your wallet.

Rich people know: the more you give, the more you receive. However, you need to share what you have in abundance; you cannot sacrifice yourself. In the pursuit of money, the main thing is to remember high, spiritual goals and treat money as a means of achieving them.

Psychology of money in human life

Who doesn't want to be rich, you ask. Imagine, some people don’t want to, or rather, are afraid. Unconsciously, of course. Why? For example, they are sure that they can’t earn big money in an honest way, but they don’t want to be dishonest people (secret: you can be honest and rich). Or they run away from money because the image of a rich man who lives in their head looks unattractive, and they are terrified of becoming the same.

Money loves to be loved and respected. If you are sure that money must be obtained through hard work, that it is normal to live from paycheck to paycheck, that big money spoils people, then it will not come to you.

Psychology of money: how to become rich?

Psychology primarily considers the request “I want money” from the point of view of the motives that lie behind the desire to get rich.

Healthy attitude towards money: psychology

People often take the hard route to get their needs met. Before you start the “race for millions,” ask yourself what goals you are really pursuing. Do you really dream of wealth? Or do you really want something that you think comes with big money?

Acting out of a sense of lack never pays off. Let’s say you dream of making a fortune because you believe that having more money will allow you to “never again” have to suffer from being looked down upon by others because you drive an old car and wear unfashionable clothes. However, having become rich, you will also depend on the opinions of others. Perhaps there are simpler and more reliable ways to increase self-esteem? For example, ask yourself the question for what qualities you respect other people, regardless of their financial situation (honesty, goodwill, strong will) and direct your efforts to developing these traits in yourself.

Money cannot compensate for a lack of peace of mind. There are no fewer neurotics among the rich than among people with low incomes. A healthy perception of money involves treating it as a tool that allows you to increase the joy that already exists in a person. The golden rule of truly successful people: first become happy, and only then proceed to any action.

Psychology: what to do if there is money denial?

Psychologists who specialize in solving financial problems note that behind unsuccessful attempts to get rich there is often a fear of success. On a conscious level, a person seems to want to achieve material well-being, but in the subconscious, wealth is strongly associated with all sorts of problems.

Fear of envy

The psychology of money is such that successful people are always in the spotlight. Their lifestyle and actions become the subject of discussion, envy, and gossip. If as a child you had the experience of being pestered by envious people and ill-wishers for your success in school, sports, or creativity, then there is a high probability that you have developed a fear of any achievements due to possible aggression from others. Such fear is relieved by the understanding that you are now an adult and are free to choose your social circle. Don't let outsiders set the standards for how much money you should have and how you spend it. People who truly love you will always rejoice at your achievements.

“A woman should not be more successful than a man”

If you are a woman, the fear of hurting the pride of your less ambitious or successful man may prevent you from earning big money. A situation where a wife earns more than her husband can really become a threat to the family idyll. But only if the spouses are subject to gender stereotypes.

“Money is unspiritual”

You may also be hampered by the attitude that striving to earn big money is simply indecent. Some argue that there is nothing spiritual about wanting money. If you are tormented by the fear of being branded as a materialistic person, remind yourself often that you are not a disembodied spirit. You cannot separate yourself from the material aspect of life.

“What if I become a different person?”

There is a myth that money changes a person. And certainly for the worse. But in fact, big money only reveals the true nature of its owner. When there is no money, a person is more dependent on the will of his superiors, the support of colleagues and relatives. As soon as cash appears, the need to maintain good relations with others through concessions and compromises disappears. If the only motivation for going to work is the salary, the person quits it or begins to be irresponsible about his job responsibilities.

From a psychoanalytic point of view, the fear of wealth is the fear of loss of self-control. An individual who has not developed will and self-discipline needs external restrictions in the form of financial disadvantage or bodily illnesses, which provides him with a sense of security. For example, a person who is afraid to openly express an unpopular point of view may suddenly develop a sore throat and a dull voice.

Imagine yourself suddenly achieving financial success. What lifestyle will you choose and how will you behave towards others? Will you really begin to waste all your time on empty entertainment, will you begin to look down on your less successful acquaintances, will you rush to change your current girlfriend to a younger and more beautiful one? A simple game of imagination will help you understand your true feelings and desires.

Helpful Beliefs About Money Worth Buying

Many people who have failed on the path to financial prosperity tend to accuse government authorities, employers and traders of a global conspiracy against ordinary honest workers. This variation of socialist ideas is very common among the inhabitants of Russia and explains the lack of money from one person by the fact that it illegally migrates into the pockets of selected citizens. The psychology of money states that your ability to get rich is influenced not so much by the existing economic or political situation in the country, but by the dominant thoughts about money.

The number of resources is unlimited

The world is full of abundance and opportunity. Money can come into your life in endless different ways. This is why so many market niches are opening up all the time and people are achieving financial success with ideas that recently had no market value.

If you tend to think that the road to financial prosperity is a long, difficult journey, then it will be - for you. Some people look at life with optimism, notice favorable opportunities and take advantage of them. Others, because of their pessimistic perception of life, pass by open doors, and then complain that life is unfair.

The negative scenario is laid down from childhood, when the child constantly hears from his parents that life is difficult, one must dream modestly, and one can become rich only by stealing. Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. When inherited negative attitudes about money begin to be confirmed by one's own life experiences, belief in their truth only intensifies. Therefore, it is not so easy to switch to a positive attitude.

I deserve to be rich

Most often, big money causes feelings of guilt. This is associated with Puritan values: asceticism and hard work. Puritan morality condemns self-indulgence and objects to easy money. As a result, many people feel the need to justify their financial well-being through hard work.

To the question of how to become rich and successful, psychology answers: believe that you are worthy of financial abundance. There is nothing more destructive to your ability to allow significant amounts of money into your life than a negative attitude towards yourself. People with low self-esteem are embarrassed to ask others for help, afraid to ask their bosses for a well-deserved increase in salary, and refuse lucrative offers for fear of not meeting the expectations placed on them. Don't repeat their mistake.

If the thought of living a prosperous life while others are living paycheck to paycheck makes you very uncomfortable, then attracting financial success will be difficult for you. Think about it: you don’t feel guilty towards blind people for being able to see, do you? And don't wear a dark blindfold to compensate for their lack of vision? Likewise, your deplorable financial situation will not relieve other people’s financial difficulties.

Try to outsmart your subconscious and find an excuse for your success. Plan what good things you will do to spend part of your increased income on: set up a playground in the yard for everyone, help a local orphanage...

Psychological and economic aspect of money

From an economic point of view, money is a resource with which you can purchase something. However, from a psychological point of view, money is energy. If you learn to view them as opportunities to achieve greater life goals, your income will begin to multiply.

The difference in the psychology of the rich and the poor is small:

  • the first ones know how to earn a million, but do not always know what to spend it on;
  • the latter do not know how to earn a million, but they know exactly what they will spend it on if it were in their hands right now; As a rule, these are instant wastes on something material.

Money needs to be managed wisely. Don't see it as food, clothing, etc., but rather see money as an opportunity for growth and freedom.

What to do to be rich?

People who do what they love precisely because they love what they do - they release tons of love into the world that creates positive reality!

A person who has fun and enjoys his work is successful. Yes, he works, but not like a robot, but like a Creator!

The business of all successful people is based on some idea that brings benefit not only to its author, but also to other people. By improving the lives of others through their activities, successful people manage to increase their income.

Besides the fact that rich people always know what to spend their money on, they do it wisely . Extravagance and greed alike hinder the flow of money. Both are categories of the psychology of poverty , not wealth. Both are psychological personality traits that do not allow one to experience joy at the moment of exchanging money for something.

Money should be given joyfully! Then they return, increasing their wealth.

Rich people live in abundance because they are always aware of what is “enough” for them.

How much money is enough for you? A lot is not at all. You need to decide on the goal - what exactly the income should be, what kind of figure it is and how many digits there are in it.

All rich people have the ability to set goals. They are united by a common character trait - determination.

The ability to be grateful for wealth also increases it. People who complain about a lack of money do not know how to appreciate and be grateful for the amount they currently have.

And how much money a person has at the moment is how much he is actually worth.

Prosperity is given to the worthy.

A worthy person is a person who values ​​himself. The value of a person determines her earnings. It is not the number of hours spent at work, not the type of activity, not the country of residence, or anything else that affects the salary, but how valuable a person is to himself.

How do you value yourself? How much do you value your work, time, ideas? Do you do this with awareness of your own dignity and with the thought of prosperity, or with a sense of the limitations of the world and your own personality?

There is enough in the world for everyone. The limits are only in the minds of people who consider themselves deprived, poor and unhappy.

Another important rule of money that all rich people know about. Money, like any energy, loves movement. They should turn around, rotate in their environment, live, and not be “buried” somewhere under a mattress.

Putting aside “for a rainy day” means bringing that day closer. But everyone is used to doing this! If you want to know why this is so, we recommend studying the article “ What is the egregor of money and why is it important to know about it?” .

Differences in the psychology of money between men and women

In the table, we examined in detail what the difference is between the psychology of men and women:

Men Women
Multiply and invest Save
Worried about real threats Anxious at the thought of possible danger
More willing to take risks Choose stability
Rely on themselves more often More often rely on men or someone else


Having more money is a normal human desire that arises in each of us.

But not everyone realizes that the first and most important step to millions is to work with awareness. Getting to know your subconscious will help you achieve truly high results in various areas of life, including financial ones.

Money is neutral energy, a screen for our projections. In psychology, this term refers to the process by which a person mistakenly views everything that happens inside as coming from outside. He can endow those around him and even objects with qualities and characteristics that he himself has chosen, while perceiving this data as an objective fact.

There is a direct connection between deep psychological processes and financial wealth. It is not always obvious, but it is strong and largely determines the quality of our lives. For example, for some money is recognition, for others it is status, for others it is freedom and independence, for others it is security and confidence in the future. We all transfer our internal processes to money: attachment, dependence, self-esteem. In this chapter we will talk about how mindfulness in relationships with money helps connect thoughts, feelings and actions.

Healthy attitude towards money: psychology

Food, housing, clothing, education, books, services of dentists or other doctors - everything in our world is paid. Without money you can’t live a quality life, that’s a fact. But it is also wrong to worship money, to step over oneself and others for the sake of wealth. Spiritual Economics says: “Those who want to be rich will fall into a trap and create temptation for themselves, and will succumb to many harmful and stupid desires that plunge people into disaster and destruction. After all, the love of money is the root of all evil. Some, in their pursuit of them, have wandered away from the faith and brought upon themselves great misfortune” (WBTC, 1 Tim. 6:9-10).

What is a healthy attitude towards money?

  • know clearly how much you need for a comfortable life and earn money doing what you love;
  • increase your income through investments;
  • remain calm and confident in the event of financial setbacks;
  • don't get hung up on money;
  • count income and expenses.

The main thing is to focus on quality in everything and not spend thoughtlessly.

Want to know more about how the laws of money work? Sign up for the course “11 Spiritual Laws of Money.” You will learn how to think in order to systematically increase your income and feel financial confidence and stability, despite any changes in society and life.

What is the correct attitude towards money?

Why do some people never have money, while others always have savings for a vacation, repairs or a car? Why do we sympathize with the former and envy the latter? Or, finding ourselves in austerity mode, do we begin to feel ashamed of it and hide the true state of affairs? How to treat money correctly? Let's try to find answers to all these questions...

There are still two weeks until payday, and you have already spent all your money and are again looking for someone to borrow from?

Because of the crisis, you weren’t given another bonus, but you can’t refuse to go to a restaurant with your friends and buy another dress?

Or you go to visit people richer than yourself and buy the most expensive wine - don’t let them think that you can’t afford it...

Well, if you are familiar with these situations, then you probably know first-hand what the “ psychology of poverty ” is...

We are poor, but proud. That is why we never allow wealthier friends or relatives to give us expensive gifts. And we will never say that we don’t go to the cinema because we are saving money, and we would rather borrow money and go with our neighbors to Croatia than admit to them and ourselves that we don’t have too much money.

And the point is not in the notorious pride (what is there to be proud of?), but in the prevailing stereotypes. It just so happened, but it is a shame for both the poor and the rich to be. In our country it is customary to be “like everyone else.” It’s convenient, of course, not to stand out in any way, but how soon will you get tired of living, essentially, someone else’s life?!

Psychologists say: “You have the right to be poor or rich, you can dream of increasing your well-being or, on the contrary, be content with what you have. There's nothing shameful about it. After all, we all have different ideas about wealth. Your most important task is to learn not to be ashamed of your position and live according to your own means.”

What to do? • Say no to other people. • Don’t come up with ridiculous stories, but honestly admit: “I don’t have money,” “I’m saving,” “I’m saving up for...” • Learn to accept gifts (even more expensive than those you usually give): in the end, if relatives or friends made such gifts, which means their means allowed them to do so.

Money doesn't buy happiness Who among us hasn't felt at least a slight dislike for rich people? Indeed, why do they have everything, and we have practically nothing?! This is unfair! Psychologists say: in order to have money, you need to radically change your attitude towards those who know how to earn it. After all, money is simply a means, a material equivalent of labor. Psychologists advise that during outbursts of envy, pay attention to what caused them.

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Money? Is it good to have them in large quantities? Many rich people are burdened with a huge number of problems: movement, security, trust. It is difficult for them to relax, they must always keep their finger on the pulse, it is difficult to believe that they are loved just like that, and not for their money. Betrayal, robbery, criticism - all this happens to the rich much more often than to ordinary modest people.

Think about what values ​​you have in your life: an interesting job, a loved one, wonderful children, exciting hobbies, a kind and sympathetic disposition, a cozy home, good friends... Every person can find something in their life that brings them joy. And money... By the way, you can earn it if you want!

What to do?

• Love yourself. Often a person receives pennies for his work precisely because in his subconscious he has formed his own image of a martyr-loser, doomed to forever count pennies. Think about what you really deserve!

• Enjoy the sight of expensive cars, beautiful houses and magnificent jewelry, rejoicing that all this exists in the world. “Love money, treat money energy with respect, and your well-being will grow,” says Feng Shui specialist Natalya Pravdina.

No worse than others

Interestingly, 70% of our compatriots admitted that they spend more than they receive. 60% of them claim that most of the money is spent on so-called “representative” expenses (for example, a suit in which you are not ashamed to appear in front of clients or girlfriends), going to restaurants with wealthier friends, taking a taxi...

One way or another, very often we spend money so that other people will see or appreciate it!

As it turns out, absolutely in vain. Only 10% of Russians are able to evaluate the brand of your clothes (3% of them will draw a conclusion from this), the rest will be satisfied with a beautiful and neat dress from a completely unknown designer (even your neighbor). Hence the conclusion: we need to be simpler.

What to do?

• Don’t get hung up on brands of clothes, shoes, cars... By the way, fashionable styles can be bought in quite budget stores.

• Don't forget about seasonal sales and online stores.

• Set aside a certain amount each month for unexpected expenses (for example, repairs or treatment).

• Don't buy expensive gifts. Instead of splurging and buying expensive wine as a gift for your boss, it’s better to bake him your own signature cake or do something with your own hands (knit a scarf or gloves).

How to become rich?

Successful businessman and investor Robert Kiyosaki, who wrote such bestsellers as Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Cashflow Quadrant, Rich Dad's Guide to Investing and others, argued that wealth is a mindset, not the size of a bank account. .

The point is that the whole world is divided into those who mindlessly consume, take out loans and constantly lose money, and those who know how to use money wisely: invest it in so-called “assets” that multiply profits. This is the deep difference between the psychology of a poor and a rich person.

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To understand who is rich and who is poor in your environment, it is enough to conduct a simple experiment by conducting a survey: “What would you spend a million dollars on?” A poor person will spend the entire amount on his small needs: purchasing things, real estate, travel. The rich will invest this money in a project that will bring him even greater income, dividends or fame in the future.

Since childhood, Heinrich Schliemann dreamed of finding Troy and for this purpose he went into business. A decade and a half later, he became a major businessman and millionaire. He could have lived for his personal well-being, but he chose to invest a significant portion of his money in an archaeological project and ended up unearthing a piece of Ancient Hellas.

Aristotle Onassis, who started out as just a telephone technician, was so hungry for success that, thanks to his persistence and determination, he became a multimillionaire. John Rockefeller did not last long in hired work and went into business, realizing that this was the only way he could achieve much.

All these people and many others invested rather than spent, and succeeded in life... So, maybe it’s worth trying to take advantage of their life experience?

Test: How do you feel about money?

1) Do you take on a new task without finishing the previous one? a) It happens. b) Never. c) Very often.

2) What dishes do you order in restaurants? a) Not too expensive. Although sometimes I can show off. b) I don't go to restaurants. c) Those that I want to try (I don’t look at the price).

3) How often do you talk on your mobile phone? a) Only when necessary. b) Almost never. c) At any free moment I call my friends.

4) Do you buy food for future use? a) Of course, so as not to worry about food. b) Only the essentials. c) I never do this.

5) How do you spend the money you earn? a) I spend most of it right away, and live on the rest for a month. b) I try to save on everything, c) All at once.

If you most often chose answer a: most likely you are easy about money. You know how to spend it, but don’t sit in debt either.

If the answer closest to you was b: you live very modestly and limit yourself in literally everything. This approach risks causing you to become depressed sooner or later. At least occasionally treat yourself to shopping or going to restaurants.

If most often you agreed with the answers in: our verdict is disappointing - you are a real spender and absolutely do not know how to count money. Remember: you borrow other people's money, but give your own...

Psychology: what to do if there is money denial

Let's look at popular negative beliefs that prevent you from becoming rich.

Fear of envy

Many years ago, people knew that envy does not lead to anything good. In Spiritual Economics we find exact confirmation of this thought: “Where there is envy and selfishness, there is disorder and all kinds of evil” (WBTC, Epistle of James, 3:16). Envy only harms those it eats. Unhappy people will always find someone and something to envy, but you shouldn’t limit yourself because of this.

“A woman should not be more successful than a man”

Well, then choose men whom you still need to grow up to and will have to chase long and hard, and not those who are content with 15 thousand rubles a month and lie on the couch all day long.

Or another option: forget about any competition with a man and take advantage of modern ideas about partnership in a relationship. Be an inspiration to your husband and get real benefits from it.

“Money is unspiritual”

Money is neutral, but people can be spiritual or unspiritual. And then, depending on who gets the money, it takes on one color or another. If a person already has sinfulness, then money, like a piece of blotter, will show it. But if a person and his thoughts are pure, then money will help him become even richer and more spiritual. For example, you can do charity work.

“When I get rich, I will become a different person.”

Once you get rich, you will certainly become different, but what kind of person depends only on you. In the process of transformation, you will gradually emerge from dependence on banks, bosses, loved ones or anyone else, your freedom and strength will increase every day, only you will control yourself.

What energy will you release that lives in your soul? Answer this question honestly and you will understand what kind of person you will become.

Time and love of money

Everyone knows that money is a medium of exchange . You give money when you pay for goods and services in a store. Most people know this.

But did you know that you also have to pay for money?

And most often people pay for money with their time . But not only this. If you add your positive energy to time, you can get much more money for it.

But there is an even more profitable payment - love. Those who love money in the “good” sense of the word will have more and more of it. Let's see what the energy of money is and how to use it.

"Black ingratitude", indifference and condemnation

The example is simple. The husband does not give gifts to the woman, he gave and gave and then stopped. What's the matter? It's simple, the wife stopped enjoying gifts. She believes that there is no need to spend money, she will buy herself what she wants more than what her husband bought. Or even worse, the wife thinks her husband should buy her flowers.

From a psychological point of view, the husband is looking for a gift, thinking about what to buy, investing his energy and money, but the wife does not compensate for these costs simply with her joy, and, accordingly, energy. That's all.

There is no exchange of energy, and the husband stops giving gifts. This is how everything happens in money if you don’t know anything about the energy of money. And the power of gratitude has a very positive effect, especially in the matter of money.

Helpful Beliefs About Money Worth Buying

Attitudes that can replace the beliefs that destroy you:

  • you can make money doing what you love;
  • there are many opportunities in the world;
  • every person can become rich, despite his past or present;
  • Everyone already has everything to be rich, you just need to unlock your potential;
  • money is not an end in itself, but a means to achieve life goals;
  • The path to a rich and happy life can be easy and interesting.

Don’t forget about useful self-hypnosis phrases: “I deserve to be rich”, “I deserve a happy life”, “I can work less and more efficiently”, etc.

Definition of the concept

The mission of money psychology is to help a person understand the importance of finances and explain the laws of income and expenses. Without these approaches, a person will not be able to move towards the desired goal.

In order to understand the psychology of attracting money, experts analyzed the actions of people in certain situations related to their attitude to finance. The results show common behavior scenarios, the analysis of which helps in developing recommendations.

  • Human nature imposes a certain taboo on money. A gift in this form has gained popularity quite recently. Until a certain time, it was considered inappropriate and sometimes offensive.
  • In conversations, the topic of money is taboo. You rarely meet people who are willing to openly discuss their income, share how much they earn, etc. There is a common expression that goes like this: “Whatever people talk about is a conversation about money.”
  • Emotional stress that arises both with a large income and with a lack of funds. Capital makes a person experience the strongest feelings: love or hatred, indifference or intense interest, but still money ends up in an emotionally significant area of ​​life.
  • People call all their capital money. However, money can have different types: cash, non-cash, coins, credit cards, etc. Experts in the field of psychology have found that the attitude towards money changes depending on its quality.

The psychology of big money is built on three simple principles:

  • Knowing how to make money is a necessary skill for people who dream of getting rich. It includes a person’s aspirations to improve their professional abilities and expand their knowledge, which directly affects their level of income.
  • Earning money and working in a profession are not always synonymous expressions. No matter what education a person has, the amount of profit is of paramount importance. Therefore, you should not be afraid to try new activities or try to realize yourself in a different field of activity.
  • No matter how much a person earns, if resources are distributed incorrectly, there will always be little money. When managing finances, the main rule is moderation in everything.

The psychology of money allows us to achieve an understanding of the flow and circulation of money. It can give the answer to how to become rich or how to preserve the capital you have acquired, because it reveals the laws of income. Makes you think about your own readiness for change through long, systematic work to change your personality.

Secrets of successful people

Successful and rich people find themselves in different things, but they live according to general laws:

  • They read a lot and continuously develop.
  • Keep a success diary.
  • They plan their day, week, month, life.
  • Study expenses and income.
  • See failures as lessons and opportunities for growth.
  • They create and try to make our world a better place.
  • They think about themselves and others.
  • Make new acquaintances with different people.
  • They dream and boldly take on the implementation of ideas.
  • They learn from those who are stronger and help those who are weaker.
  • Choose one goal and achieve it.
  • They take care of their spiritual, mental and physical health, that is, they develop their body and spirit.

And, of course, every rich and successful person loves, respects and values ​​himself. He also treats the world, other people and money.

Money is a responsibility. Not every person is ready to take it upon himself, so he unconsciously tries to get rid of wealth. Temptations, fears, complexes, uncertainty - everyone has their own obstacles on the path to financial freedom, but every person can get rid of them and become independent.

If you are ready to start changing yourself, then we are ready to help you. Sign up for coaching “School of Millionaires from God.” You will learn to handle money wisely, find out what spiritual laws they live by, understand how to get rid of debts forever, and find your calling. But the main thing is that you will change your thinking and reach a new level of spiritual and financial development. Find your dream business that will bring you money and joy, as well as benefit society.

How to think so that money comes to you in a “flow”?

My generation thinks mainly in the following two categories when it comes to money:

  • To have a lot of money, you need to work hard all your life


  • To have a lot of money, you need to win it or get it in some other, not very “correct” way

But no one wants to take the last route, “becoming a criminal.” Money is subconsciously associated with an unhappy, wrong life, in this case money evokes various feelings of dislike:

  • Fear
  • Indifference
  • Anger
  • Envy
  • Stinginess
  • Greed
  • Disrespect, etc.

And all these feelings are negative. Where does the love and energy of money come from here! All these feelings accompany a person when there is a lack of money, and this is entirely the category of “poor people”.

On the contrary, rich people have a different, positive attitude towards money. Even with losses, they tell themselves that “there is no money today, but tomorrow everything will change.” And their feelings towards money are completely different. They associate money with words:

  • Liberty
  • Stability
  • Joy
  • Love
  • Creation
  • Pleasure
  • Fulfillment of desires
  • Rest, etc.

These are good thoughts, which means the energy coming from them is full of positivity. Rich people have enough money, which is probably why they say that “they live in abundance.”

A rich man who created his own material resources loves money, his environment, the world around him. All this is for him the source of his abundance, both material and immaterial.

Rich people exchange positive energy with the World, and the World responds to them in kind. They more often celebrate joyful events in their lives, rather than “failures,” which also exist.

There is harmony in their lives, since there is an equal exchange of energy with the World, balance. We can say that the energy of money has a “plus” sign.

Wealth factors

All people have the same structure, have thinking, attention, and memory. However, some become rich and successful, while others live from paycheck to paycheck. If we turn to psychology, we can explain the difference in the financial situation of people.

The individual is formed under the influence of society. Habits, interests, beliefs, thoughts are the result of the influence of family and society on a person. Money is the result of an individual’s efforts. All acquired habits and beliefs determine the level of income. Experts have established a correlation between personal self-esteem and financial well-being. The higher a person values ​​himself, his strengths and skills, the higher his income level will be, and vice versa.

In ordinary consciousness there are two diametrically opposed opinions. First, money is evil; thinking about it all the time is wrong. A person who strives for wealth is called greedy, mercantile. The second opinion is that the presence of sustainable financial well-being characterizes a person as successful and purposeful.

A person who, from an early age, absorbed both opinions at once, by maturity does not have a conscious relationship with money. It is almost impossible for people with such attitudes to get rich.

The following factors also influence your income level:

  • The family, as a micro-society, determines financial behavior in adulthood. The parents did not know how to save money - the child grew up to be a spender. Even if a person has a highly paid job, on an unconscious level the person will strive to “get rid” of banknotes. The child copies the parents’ attitude towards earning money, repeating the family’s actions in adulthood.
  • Availability of amount. The psychology of studying money has been able to determine that human behavior changes depending on income. The presence of a round sum in the pocket of a person with incorrect monetary attitudes forces him to either spend immensely or save money, going to extremes. In both cases, the behavior is unreasonable and requires correction. An individual who can remain calm in the face of a large sum, manage money wisely and spend it sparingly when necessary has a greater chance of becoming rich. There is a special exercise for self-training: every day you need to take a large amount with you, trying to spend it wisely. Having a certain budget in your pocket allows you to feel more confident and learn how to manage money.
  • An adequate view of reality is one of the factors influencing the well-being of an individual. The more adequately one can assess reality, the easier it is to obtain capital. If family comes first, then the person will manage the money, and not vice versa.
  • Turning money into an end in itself. This attitude does not guarantee mountains of gold. Money appears when an individual has a goal, and finance acts as a tool to achieve it.
  • A person’s ability to leave his comfort zone—a calm state characterized by stability and fame—is an indicator of a person’s wealth. When leaving it, a person experiences fear, but new living conditions open up opportunities. If a person is afraid to take a step to achieve a goal, wealth will not overtake him.
  • Your own negative thoughts about the inability to achieve the required level of income. The psychology of money states that the thinking of poor people is fundamentally different from the way a wealthy person views life. Wrong thoughts prevent a person from getting rich. When constantly thinking about poverty, the individual does not see new resources and does not use the opportunities that arise.
  • Some of us plan our lives in a way where having a large amount of money means doing nothing. However, money is always responsibility and movement. Wealth appears where there are plans.

In order to increase your own fortune, you should adjust your behavior, thoughts and attitudes. An individual who has learned to confront the family scenario, depressing thoughts, laziness and fear is able to achieve great success.

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