One of the main tools of a suggestion specialist - his hypnotic gaze - has a powerful effect on the will and consciousness of another person. Anyone can learn it, but this requires regular skill training. Preparation includes 2 stages: performing eye exercises on your own and practicing with another person.
Why develop eye hypnosis
A hypnotic gaze is a characteristic feature of a strong person. After all, inner confidence is a trigger that enhances influence on people.
It is important to know: even a talented and experienced hypnotherapist will not be able to put a person into trance who does not want it. This happens, in particular, if a person feels false, has doubts, and does not trust. However, hypnosis is an effective mechanism, and people who know how to use it can bring a lot of good to both their own and others’ lives.
To hypnotize a person, in addition to a special look, they also use: monotonous speech, monotonous movements of the pendulum, touch. For a deep trance, all these techniques are often required at the same time, but for simple manipulations it is quite enough to be able to hypnotize people with your gaze.
This approach is effective in the following situations:
- for prompt correction of human behavior;
- if hypnosis is carried out without the consent of the hypnotized person;
- with superficial suggestion without induction into a trance.
Anyone can learn this method, but it is easier for people who are charismatic and attractive to master it. True, intellectually and emotionally developed individuals with ordinary appearance are capable of achieving serious success in hypnosis. The lack of attractiveness in this case often introduces an element of surprise into the process, which enhances the hypnotic effect.
Train your eyes with exercises you can do at home. In such classes, the following are important: practice, methodicality, and patience. The longer the training, the more stable the skill and the easier it is to subsequently influence people. By the way, this skill is also used in NLP and is used for personal growth and getting rid of complexes.
1.Glitter in the eyes
First, you need to give your eyes some liveliness and sparkle, because the hypnotist does not look with a dull and glassy gaze, then he would not be noticed at all. In his eyes there is strength, power, energy and will. The technique is that you will practice animal gazes every day. Yes, yes, for example, have you seen the eyes of stoats? Like two burning coals. You need to feel the state when your eyes attract and frighten you at the same time. Watch the small fur-bearing animals, they seem to be laughing and at the same time very dangerous.
Hone this skill, move on to the next stage - slyness and arrogance. Have you met people who are used to always getting what they want and not giving up under any circumstances? Or capricious children, spoiled and not tolerant of refusal? If not, look for a similar image in films. You will need to feel this feeling in order to look with defiance, as if you have secret strength and power.
2.Transmission of emotions
Now you will need to develop the ability to express and convey emotions so that a person, looking into your eyes, can feel the message that you are intentionally conveying to him. But for this you need a subject who agrees to be the object of your training. Stand opposite each other, at a distance that is comfortable for both, and without words, facial expressions or gestures, just look into each other’s eyes. The goal is to try to convey some feeling by talking to yourself about what you are currently experiencing. For example, anger. Say: “I’m very angry with you now, move away from me.”
Duration - at your discretion, when you understand that everything has been said and conveyed as best you could, stop and take an interest in the state of the so-called interlocutor, asking questions about what was happening to him at that moment, what he felt and what thoughts and desires arose . As they say, get feedback on the activity. After the assistant gives feedback that matches your suggestions, proceed to the next stage.
3.Gaze training
Draw a circle on a piece of paper, small, about the size of a coin, and stick it on the wall so that it hangs at eye level when you sit. You can also choose a spot or pattern on the wallpaper, a point on which you will rely in your training. And for a minute, look at her intently, without blinking. Then take a break, as your eyes may begin to water from unaccustomed use. When you have rested, move to the right about one meter from where you were sitting before and repeat the same thing. Only first you need to look straight, and then, without turning your head, fix your gaze on this point, which is already on the side. Do several approaches and change position, moving to the left side.
Every day you will notice that your eyes don’t get so tired, so increase the time by one minute, gradually, as you get used to it. Those who reach 15 minutes may well stop training.
4.Exercises with a candle
They differ from the previous ones in that in this case you do not give, but on the contrary, you try to take. In this case, energy. The instructions and technology are the same as I described in the article “The easiest to learn and effective way of meditation.” Only upon completion should a sparkle and a mysterious glow appear in your eyes, because in the process you must not only relax and concentrate, but also set yourself the task of receiving the energy of fire.
5. Calm presence
Sit in front of the mirror and look carefully at the area between the eyebrows, it is also called the “third eye”, and the gaze itself is the “central eye”. Do not blink, but concentrate carefully until pain appears in your eyes. Over time, if you practice daily, you will no longer need to purposefully concentrate; this process will improve so much that you will automatically look at the bridge of your interlocutor’s nose.
Remember that too much central gaze can cause irritation, so monitor your emotions and facial expressions so you can pause in time. For example, between men it can even provoke not just anger, but an altercation with the use of physical force. Be careful. Better yet, read the article about nonverbal communication , this knowledge will only strengthen your hypnosis skills.
In the same way, sit in front of the mirror, only you should first peer into the right pupil for two or three minutes, then the same amount into the left. Try, as it were, to look into your brain. In the process, you may notice that the face begins to change, acquiring very strange features. Don’t be alarmed, it’s from tension, hold out for at least another 30 seconds and then take a break.
6.Training the eye muscles
It is important to have strong eye nerves and muscles, this will facilitate and enhance the effect of training, so do not forget about exercises and warm-ups in order to take care of your health. To do this, stand with your back to the wall so that you can see its four opposite corners. And quickly “switch” your eyes from one point of the corner to another. Or simply rotate your pupils left, right, up, down, clockwise, counterclockwise, in zigzags and vertical lines. It is worth doing all of the above until fatigue or discomfort occurs.
Exercises to develop the hypnotic gaze
At the beginning of training, you need to choose a simple exercise and repeat it until noticeable results appear.
Of course, you can’t master a skill well in a week. However, with effort, you can significantly develop hypnotic abilities. It is advisable to start with the exercise that seems most simple to the future hypnotist. It is important to exercise regularly and for a long time. The most useful at the initial level of mastering methods are exercises aimed at strengthening the eye muscles, as well as the ability to make the eyes shine and express emotions.
The skills gained are somewhat similar to acting skills. Training occurs gradually and, gaining skill, the future hypnotist will change his behavior and improve his communication skills. There is no need to accelerate the development of a skill. One person will master the exercises in a few weeks, another will need six months, but both of them will later learn hypnosis.
Increased concentration
When a person is interested in how to master the hypnotic gaze, training will be required to strengthen concentration.
They are carried out like this:
- A circle with a diameter of 8-10 cm is drawn on paper. The sheet is attached to the wall at eye level.
- The future hypnotist moves to the other end of the room, to such a distance that the circle seems the size of a coin.
- You need to look at the circle without blinking for 1 minute. All this time it is important to maintain calm, concentration, and clarity of thinking.
Afterwards, they take a break for 1-2 minutes and slightly change their position in space, for example, take 1-2 steps to the side. Having changed his location, the future hypnotist looks in front of him for 30-40 seconds, and then sharply turns his eyes to the drawn circle. It is worth knowing that you cannot turn your head at this moment; it is important to train your eyes. Conduct training 5-6 times every day for 3-4 weeks.
Ways to train your eyes
You can train the correct look at home; you should do it regularly. The training methods are effective because they develop the correct focus of the gaze on the object of influence, develop the eye muscles, reaction speed and lateral vision. There are different types of hypnotic gaze exercises.
Dot exercise
For the first exercise we will need:
- chair;
- a blank landscape sheet of paper;
- felt-tip pen.
In the center of the sheet you need to draw a circle the size of a 5-kopeck coin and sketch it with a felt-tip pen.
- Attach the sheet to the wall and sit down on a stool. Look intently at this circle for one minute. It is necessary to develop a close gaze at the black dot, without moving your gaze or blinking, even if tears begin to flow. Do 5 more of these approaches.
- Move the sheet one meter to the left. Don't move the chair and look at an imaginary point in front of you. Then sharply, without turning your head, look at the point on the left, holding your gaze on it for a minute. Repeat 5 times.
- After this exercise, move the paper to the right 1 m from the starting position. Sit down, look straight ahead first, and then to the right for one minute. Repeat 5 times.
Rest. Perform the exercise persistently for 3 days so that your eyes begin to get used to the stress and the looking time can be increased to two minutes. After 3 days - up to 3 minutes. You will achieve mastery when you can keep your eyes cold and detached for 15 minutes. The power of such a gaze will be similar to the secret power of the gaze of a person who can look without blinking for 30 minutes.
Thanks to this exercise, you will be able to look into the eyes of any person without fear, causing your opponent to respect you and your words. Few people can withstand such a direct and bold look. People who use it are afraid.
Exercise with a mirror
The next exercise will be an excellent addition to the previous one. You need to stand in front of the mirror and look closely into your own eyes.
Using this method, you can bewitch with your gaze, learn to develop immunity to the gaze of others and the correct emotions in your eyes. The time conditions are the same as in the previous version.
Quenching reaction
Attach a piece of paper with a dot on the wall at eye level, move 3 m from the wall. Keep your gaze on the point, without taking it away, rotate your head first to the right in a circle, and then to the left. Try not to overstrain your eyes, then the procedure will be more effective. This training:
- improves eye muscles;
- reaction speed and nerves;
- lateral vision;
- brain development.
Muscle fiber stimulation
The easiest exercise to stimulate muscle fibers: stand against a wall with your back pressed against the opposite wall. Train yourself to look at a point on the wall, and then sharply move your gaze from this point to another (right, left, sideways, downwards and zigzags).
When your eyes get tired, you cannot continue the exercise. As soon as you feel relief, continue working immediately.
Sparkle in the eyes
People who are unsure of themselves, as well as tired and sick people, have no sparkle in their eyes.
They usually have serious difficulty if they try to influence others. The sparkle in the eyes enhances the natural charm, which, in turn, facilitates the hypnotic effect. Considering the improvement in appearance that these activities lead to, they are especially useful for women. The exercise requires imagination, and you also need to choose an animal that evokes sympathy in the student. It’s good if the animal has characteristics that cause admiration. For example, wisdom is in a snake, strength is in a lion, and friendliness is in a dolphin.
Having chosen an animal, you need to imitate its gaze in front of the mirror for about 10-25 minutes every day. During training, it is important to concentrate and discard extraneous thoughts. These actions will allow you to develop a hypnotic gaze later.
Usually, it takes 3-4 days to master the style of one animal, then you should switch to another animal. It is desirable that the animals chosen be different in character. For example, today they imitate a bloodthirsty crocodile, and a few days later - a lazy cat. The more animals you can imitate, the wider the range of emotions that can be used when communicating becomes.
Nothing will come of it without training
Moreover, this will take quite a lot of time. It is necessary not only to choose the right ones, but also to repeat the exercises many times. The hypnotic gaze is not difficult at all. You just need to repeat simple exercises day after day. At the initial stages, you need to choose only the simplest ones. They are not so much effective as they are useful.
The first step is to master general gaze training and calmness in presence. After this, you need to learn how to transmit:
- Sparkle in the eyes.
- Emotional message.
It sounds simple, but in fact you will have to work hard to master them to the required extent. The required skill develops gradually. The hypnotist goes deeper into training and changes not only his view of familiar things, but also his manner of behavior. That is, his mind and physiology are gradually rebuilt.
Emotional message
A novice hypnotist must be able to convey and understand emotions without words.
A volunteer assistant is needed for this activity. During hypnotic gaze training, two people face each other and make eye contact. The first is trying to convey emotions, the second is to guess them. You cannot help yourself with facial expressions or words. For convenience, during training, the first person silently pronounces the name of the emotion that is conveyed, for example: joy, surprise, disappointment. As with other exercises, it is important to remain calm and focused during the process. After making 2-3 approaches, students change roles. It is advisable to train daily. The skill is considered mastered when the number of correctly guessed emotions exceeds 70%.
Singular point
This is a very important exercise that allows you to make a major breakthrough in the study of suggestion. The future hypnotist should look in front of the mirror at the point located between the eyebrows on his face. This place is also called the third eye. It is not known for certain why concentration on this point increases the power of suggestion. However, this happens, and these activities cannot be ignored.
Continue training for as long as possible: until your eyes get tired. Later, you should develop the habit of looking at the space between your eyebrows when talking to other people. It is important to know that in ordinary life you cannot look at people closely. By doing this, you can cause aggression in your interlocutors, especially men.