Cynicism - what is it, the meaning of the word, examples

What is cynicism

Cynicism is a human behavior that manifests itself in a negative, dismissive and even contemptuous attitude towards generally accepted moral, ethical, religious and cultural norms and values ​​of other people. A cynic tends to judge a person based on his life experience, so such things as compassion, empathy, pity and shame seem fictitious to him. He does not see any use in them for selfish purposes.

In simple terms, cynicism is a view of life that denies the feelings and motivations caused by love, selflessness and sacrifice. People who hold such views consider it a fictional and socially approved reason to achieve their goals and gain benefits.

Cynics believe that all people are materialistic and want self-affirmation, so they subject all the emotions and feelings of others to analysis from a practical point of view. If it is not possible to draw a critical conclusion, then the person simply ridicules views and values ​​that he does not understand.


  1. Such a person does not think about shame; he is sure that he can buy everything, that there are no things that need to be treasured.
  2. A cynical person communicates with other people only when it is beneficial to him.
  3. Such a person will reject everything sublime; he does not believe in love.
  4. May resort to sympathy only to indicate his superiority.
  5. Such an individual can laugh at what is important or dear to another person.
  6. He can talk rudely to people.
  7. For such an individual, there are no authorities; he can aggressively perceive the opinions of other people, and consider his own to be correct in any situation.

To read: How to become an optimist and enjoy life

The typical state of such a person is characterized by:

  • anxious thoughts,
  • inner emptiness,
  • complete confusion
  • awareness that there is injustice in the world, but there is not enough courage to show leadership abilities and demonstrate your best sides.

Signs of cynicism

It is best to understand what cynicism is, its signs will help. Let's look at its most common manifestations.

Specific behavior

A cynic speaks rudely, talks categorically about things and actions, dividing the world into “black and white,” does not take into account other people’s opinions and is dismissive of others.

Disregard for spiritual, moral and ethical values

He does not feel aesthetic pleasure from culture and adherence to morality, does not understand what others find in this, he respects only what can bring real, measurable benefit.

Absence of many experiences and reactions characteristic of most people

A cynic does not feel sympathy for others, does not regret the mistakes he has made, is not tormented by remorse and, in general, does not understand why burden himself with unnecessary negativity and scroll through unpleasant thoughts in his head many times.

Commercialism towards people

People with cynical views on life do not spend a lot of time on friends, they do not experience sincere joy from being close to someone, creating their environment, they usually think in advance what benefits and benefits they can get from meeting someone.

Skepticism towards things that are important to others

A cynic speaks with sarcasm or ridicule about what is important to loved ones: desires, dreams, faith, plans and attempts to change something. At the same time, he himself does not understand how much this hurts those around him. Therefore, it is often very difficult for a cynic to find friends.

Lack of authority

People who admire outstanding personalities, their achievements and actions, cause bewilderment in a cynical person. He doesn’t understand how you can be so interested in and respect someone. Moreover, the very success of this person evokes an emotional response from the cynic.

Special compassion and empathy

Despite his callousness and detachment from other people, a cynic can still express some compassion and empathy. True, he does this not out of good and sincere motives, but more for self-affirmation - this way he can show others and himself how highly developed a person he is.

General information and classification

The word cynic comes from “cynicus”, which means “cynic” in Latin. It is not surprising that the word cynic is considered as a synonym for cynic. This also includes a shameless person, a disgrace, an insolent person. There was a direction in philosophy that was represented by cynics - people who wanted to get rid of conventions and distance themselves from family, society, and the state. Illiteracy and bad behavior were seen as a good thing.

Cynicism is a deliberate disregard for ethics and moral values. It expresses inner rebellion. Cynicism can arise when a person feels impunity, he has nothing more to lose.

A cynic is a person who opposes the moral norms accepted in society. It is often associated with irony, tactlessness, a sense of permissiveness and rude behavior. Looking at a cynical person, one gets the impression that such concepts as kindness, sympathy, pity and modesty are unusual for him. But it is worth considering the fact that some individuals hide their hypersensitivity under cynicism, because they consider it their weak side.

If cynicism is moderate, then it is considered as a manifestation of intelligence. One may get the impression that a cynic is confident in himself and will never allow himself to be deceived. Cynical men are of interest to girls because they know how to joke ironically, such individuals are interesting interlocutors. But with prolonged communication, it becomes clear that the young man devalues ​​those things that are significant to others, that he is not capable of deep feelings. Love and normal communication with a cynic is possible for a person who has a cynical character. But it’s better for vulnerable people not to start a relationship with a cynical person. Unless cynicism is a mask that allows you to hide your sensitivity.

Cynicism may manifest itself differently in different people. These types are distinguished.

  1. Healthy cynic. Such a person will not participate in the lottery and will be indifferent to letters of an obviously fraudulent nature. From one point of view, these are good traits, such a person is reasonable, but from the other, an indifferent attitude.
  2. A malicious pest. Any cynic who does not have the opportunity to stop in time will definitely fall into a similar state. He will be indifferent to the failure of others and will ignore losers. These cynics are absolutely miserable people.
  3. Anti lyricist. Such a person hates kisses when meeting, giving flowers, valentines. But this does not mean that he is completely devoid of feelings; in fact, this individual believes that such actions are not a manifestation of true romance. Such a person is a maximalist, he hates deception and often goes to extremes. The cynicism of a given person is a way of resisting obsessive opinions and banality. There is a risk that the anti-lyricist will begin to withdraw into himself or begin to commit evil towards other people. When you want a lot, but you get little, you become angry at people.
  4. Black comedian. Despite the fact that this type is the most harmless, it can greatly offend a sensitive person. Despite the “dark” jokes, such a cynic has a sense of compassion. They see black humor as just jokes. He can separate reality and the fantasy world. The negative aspects of this type are that people may perceive such a person as evil. An individual must feel the boundaries of what is permitted, and not be annoying, imposing his jokes on other people. If dark humor is not appreciated in a certain circle, there is no need to continue making such jokes or get upset that people do not understand such jokes.
  5. Materialist without imagination. Such a cynic has a strong mind that crowds out his feelings. At times this works to his advantage. This individual will not suffer from unrequited love. If he realizes that someone does not like him, he will simply switch his attention to other people. If any problem arises, he will not suffer, he will simply change the situation. In fact, such a person is deprived of many things in life. For example, while at a movie theater, a person will not evaluate the picture in general; he will observe how well the actors play. Such individuals do not believe in selflessness; they are incapable of empathy. There is a risk that life will remain exclusively business relationships.

To read: What to do if I no longer love my husband and how to continue to live

There is also another type of classification.

  1. Legal. Cynicism is aimed at laws, legal norms, and the unwillingness to live in accordance with them.
  2. Public. This cynicism is observed among a group of people who want to have a happy society, from individuals who are comfortable coexisting. At the same time, the moral norms that are characteristic of a given society are not taken into account.
  3. Social cynicism. It appears in the middle of a single community of people.
  4. Economic. Characterized by dissatisfaction with the economic system existing in the country, the functioning of economic laws at the time of development of society.

Reasons for cynicism

From a psychological point of view, healthy cynicism is a protective mechanism of the psyche against excessive and severe stress. People whose professions are associated with frequent emotional burnout one way or another become cynics in the professional sphere.

This type of cynicism even has its own name: “cold cynicism,” which means the recognition of habitual ethical standards as unnecessary. This helps people do their work efficiently and with a cool head, and not be distracted by various emotions: pity, compassion, disgust, fear, etc.

But cynicism may have other, less productive reasons for its occurrence. For example, great shocks, from which the psyche is protected by the mechanism of denial. They turn into the denial of all other values.

Reasons for cynicism include:

  • deep disappointment in a loved one due to loss, betrayal, etc.;
  • appropriate parenting model (rude or unemotional parents);
  • conflict within the individual, loss of ideals and faith in justice, destruction of illusions and hopes;
  • uncertainty about the future, feeling of insecurity, lack of support;
  • high self-esteem, pride and selfishness, condescension towards others;
  • rejection of generally accepted values ​​in pursuit of individuality and originality.

Reasons for the development of cynicism

  1. When a child encounters some kind of injustice in childhood, he begins to hide his inner pain and hide under external indifference. If at the moment the parents do not help him cope with the sensations and do not explain how to survive it, then over time he will get used to such a reaction and turn into a cynic.
  2. Cynicism is characteristic of a teenager when puberty begins. Due to changes in hormonal levels, he tries to isolate himself from the world and protect himself.
  3. As we grow older, cynicism disappears, however, for some people it remains for life.
  4. When a boy or girl is faced with unrequited love, they will begin to convince others that real feelings do not exist. A woman who has experienced the betrayal of her beloved, his betrayal, will begin to assure others that men cannot remain faithful to their partner all their lives. And all because this individual cannot cope with his loss.
  5. Cynicism is present among people of certain professions. They need it for fruitful work. Cynicism helps in the careers of lawyers, doctors, and consultants. For example, consider doctors. If they had to feel all the suffering and pain of their patients, they would very quickly become emotionally exhausted and would not be able to work professionally.
  6. People use cynicism to hide from feelings of guilt and remorse, or from other negative experiences.

It turns out that the reasons for cynicism may be the following factors:

  • improper parenting, a personal example of cynicism that is adopted by a child in adulthood,
  • constant violation of individual rights, leading to the realization that laws have only a legal nature,
  • unfair treatment of rights and personal freedom provokes the cynicism necessary to protect,

Types of cynicism

All manifestations of cynicism can be divided into 2 types: everyday and professional cynicism.

Everyday cynicism

This type of cynicism includes everything that a cynic does in everyday life. Unflattering statements about others, caustic remarks and ridicule of loved ones, disregard for generally accepted rules, eccentric actions and disregard for the interests of society.

This also includes cynical statements and attitudes towards the opposite sex, which are widespread among both male and female cynics.

Professional cynicism

This type of cynicism affects people whose work involves serious psychological stress. In this way they protect their psyche from stress. This means that cynicism in this manifestation is useful, but in everyday life people may not be cynical at all.

Professional cynicism can occur among doctors, law enforcement officials, firefighters and rescue workers, as well as various employees whose duties include communicating with clients, incl. and dissatisfied.

Cynic behavior

Most often, cynicism is a conscious choice of a person. In this case, the cynic is guided by the principles:

  • trust no one;
  • any person can be replaced;
  • there is nothing and no one to value;
  • communicate only with those with whom it is beneficial and comfortable;
  • love does not exist (romance, falling in love, sympathy - too);
  • compassion and empathy are for weak people.

If you have a cynic around you, you have probably encountered this situation many times when you talk about something about your achievement, and this person darkens your joy with his caustic remarks.

How to Deal with a Cynic

Dealing with a cynic is not an easy task. It is especially difficult for people who are sensitive to manifestations of cynicism: jokes “below the belt” and a disdainful attitude towards themselves. In this case, it is better to reduce communication with cynical acquaintances and colleagues to a minimum.

But sometimes you have to interact against your will; in this case, there are some useful tips:

  1. Don't convince the cynic. Such people often have inflated self-esteem, so they consider themselves very smart and right in everything.
  2. Don't argue with them. A cynic loves to engage in demagoguery, so he will turn any argument in his direction, even if his arguments no longer relate to the topic. Make sure the conversation is specific and concise.
  3. Avoid conflict. Don't let a cynic drag you into controversial situations. You will not achieve justice, and your opponent will once again be convinced of his superiority.
  4. Enter his zone of trust. This advice will be effective if the cynic is a close and important person to you. Try to talk in such a way that the cynic speaks out and explains why he treats others and life in general this way. If you can figure this out, then further communication can become better and friendlier.
  5. Don't try to correct a cynic. Even if a person has opened his soul to you, this does not mean that he is ready to listen and accept other people’s advice. Forcibly “doing good” will only worsen the relationship between you.

Advantages and disadvantages of cynicism

It would seem that cynicism is a rather negative model of behavior that interferes not only with others, but also with its owner. Nevertheless, this phenomenon also has positive features. Let's look at both sides and the meaning of cynicism in more detail.


  1. Cynicism gives a person determination and courage.
  2. Helps to take a rational approach to decisions and actions.
  3. Makes people honest and open, because... cynicism is the opposite of hypocrisy.
  4. Do not allow yourself to be entertained by false hopes or experiences - both negative and positive.
  5. Relieves unnecessary stress during mental stress and difficult situations.
  6. Allows you not to worry and not depend on other people's opinions.


  1. The character traits of a cynic interfere with communication and establishing contacts with others.
  2. A limited circle of friends due to the person’s tactlessness.
  3. The cynic himself does not notice and does not understand how he offends people.
  4. People around them try to avoid cynical people so as not to have to deal with them.
  5. It is difficult for a cynic to feel and enjoy positive emotions, to be happy and to share simple human values.
  6. Sometimes a cynic’s behavior only evokes pity, and this greatly hurts his ego.

Pros and cons of cynicism

Cynicism has not only disadvantages, but also advantages:

  • Cynicism allows you not to fuss, but to call things by their proper names
    . In some situations this is necessary. A cynic does not beat around the bush, does not allow selfish and dishonest people to take advantage of him, and without a shadow of a doubt gets rid of their company.
  • Cynicism helps to look at the situation sensibly
    . Having thrown away the rose-colored glasses, a person immediately understands what the truth is. He does not justify offenders and ill-wishers, soberly assessing other people's intentions and actions.
  • Cynicism can protect
    . Cynics are confident in themselves and rarely fall into the position of the weak. Healthy cynicism does not allow you to “swallow” the rudeness, tactlessness and intrusiveness of others. Cynics easily fend off blows, protecting themselves from the influence of unworthy individuals.
  • Cynicism can help you make the right decision
    . Having discarded unnecessary illusions, weaknesses, hopes and emotions, a person soberly assesses the current situation and acts based on real facts, and not guesses, dreams and assumptions. Cynics often achieve the highest results in business and quickly climb the career ladder.
  • A person prone to healthy cynicism knows how to achieve his goals
    . On the path to great achievements, fears and thoughts about public opinion often interfere, but cynics are deprived of this.

Disadvantages of cynicism:

  • Cynics seem to others to be callous and evil people, which can interfere with some areas of life.
  • Cynics often have no friends due to their penchant for direct or covert insults.
  • Some cynics evoke pity, and this is clearly not the effect they would like to achieve.
  • Cynics tend to be withdrawn and have a narrow range of emotions, which gradually limits their social circle.
  • Cynicism denies important human values ​​that help in achieving happiness and satisfaction in life.

Examples of cynicism

In simple words, cynicism is a demonstrative manifestation of one’s negative attitude towards other people, their views and values.

In literature, heroes with this character trait are often vividly described. Let's look at a few examples of cynicism.

From an early age, everyone knows a true cynic - Carlson. Throughout the story, he is cynical and selfish towards the Kid, who, in turn, sincerely became attached to the hero in the prime of his life.

Another bright literary cynic hero is Evgeny Bazarov, a real nihilist from I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.” Because of his loneliness and sense of loss, he was a cynic in his feelings and thoughts, as well as in his statements and manners. From the outside, he seemed like a rather interesting person, but his cynicism, pride, arrogance and disdain for the people around him sometimes turned into outright stupidity.

Almost the same can be said about another famous hero of literature and cinema - Ostap Bender. His excessive cynicism served to obtain outright personal gain. He often played into Ostap's hands: he endowed him with insight, intuition, intelligence and composure. But if he had been able to awaken at least some vital values ​​in himself and used them also skillfully, coupled with cynicism, he would have secured an excellent career for himself, and not petty scams and frauds.

What is cynicism: is it good or bad to be a cynical person?

  • Of course, cynicism is neither good nor bad. Moreover, you can be a cynic to varying degrees. Surprisingly, you will find that almost everyone has a certain amount of cynicism. Now this is how our society is structured, the very rules and relationships between people, when really love itself becomes suspect. Or do you completely trust the political program, which, of course, is carried out with all the described details?
  • If we all always trusted human kindness and sincerity, there would be no doubt about suspicious third-party interventions, attacks on civil liberty, or sensitive legal practices.
  • And today a cynic cannot be called someone special. Let us repeat that almost all of us have a share of cynicism. But this cynic’s rebellion against the system is just a desire to prove his significance and importance. Perhaps this is even a problem of childhood, when the child did not receive enough love from his parents. By the way, we suggest you read the article “Unloved children: problems in adult life and what to do about it? »

Important: It is worth noting that the cynic is not too different from all other individuals from the “herd”, but in order to rebel and not accept the established rules, they must still exist! After all, if there are no rules, there will be no rejection.

The main difference between a true cynic is his contempt for love, kindness and compassion. But behind this mask of callousness and sometimes even rudeness (do not confuse cynicism with rudeness!) hides insecurity and disappointment!


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