Social phobia: how to get rid of social fear?

Social phobias include a whole group of phobias associated with public actions or communication. This could be a fear of speaking or other situations where a person is the center of attention, a fear of large crowds of people, fears associated with public evaluation, which include the fear of looking ridiculous or funny.

A person may be afraid of attention from other people, for example, experience severe discomfort in cases where they have to use a public toilet or eat in the company of other people. Social phobia can also manifest as excessive shyness when interacting with strangers or people of the opposite sex.

Social phobia is an anxiety disorder. If a person finds himself in a frightening situation, symptoms such as sweating, rapid heartbeat, flushing of the face, difficulty breathing, etc. may be observed.

When does social phobia develop?

Most often, a phobia begins to form in adolescence or adolescence, when the child faces various social difficulties. Teenagers are very dependent on public opinion. During this period, the fear of “being different from everyone else” intensifies, a craving for communication with the opposite sex appears, and with it the fear of being rejected. Public activities (reports, speeches, etc.) give rise to the fear of being worse than everyone else, of seeming funny, stupid or ridiculous. If the situation is unfavorable for the child, then fears are reinforced and transferred into adulthood.

Unfortunately, many people simply have not heard of such a disease as social phobia. They explain their conditions by excessive shyness and personal characteristics.

Fear of communicating with people, fear of talking - gomilophobia: symptoms and treatment

Homilophobia: symptoms and treatment
Homilophobia is a phobia that manifests itself as a fear of communicating with people. In this case, a person does not want to talk to unfamiliar men, women and even children, because he is afraid to formulate his thought incorrectly and be ridiculed by the interlocutor. This psychological disease can develop for many reasons.

This could be unfounded criticism from parents or grandparents, ridicule from classmates or peers, or an unsuccessful start to the most ordinary conversation. Also, the catalyst for the development of this condition can be an unsuccessful public performance, as a result of which the person heard a lot of unflattering reviews addressed to him.

Symptoms of homilophobia:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Dry mouth
  • Problems with facial expressions
  • Incoherent speech (mumbling)
  • Redness of the skin
  • Inadequate response to support

Of course, each person reacts differently to an unpleasant situation, so one may experience all the symptoms at once, while another may only experience, for example, problems with facial expressions and dry mouth. The manifestation of the disease largely depends on what stage it is at. The longer a person lives with this problem, the more violently the patient’s body will react to the stimulus.

As for the treatment of this pathology, psychologists advise starting to correct mental illness only after the person himself admits that he has problems. After this, he must gradually begin to learn to communicate with strangers. To begin with, this could be correspondence on the Internet, and then you can move on to communicating by phone.

Well, after the patient’s self-esteem improves a little, it will be possible to move on to more real contact, for example, you can try talking with people in a store, pharmacy or park. If you do everything correctly, then over time a person will understand that it is possible to communicate with strangers quite easily and the phobia as such will disappear on its own.

Why is social phobia dangerous?

If social phobia is not treated, the patient’s condition may worsen over the years, leading to serious impairments in social adaptation, including loss of ability to work. Social phobia is often accompanied by depression and decreased self-esteem. People suffering from social phobias often seek solace in alcohol or drugs, and cases of eating disorders are common. Social phobia, especially in combination with other mental disorders, leads to complete isolation of a person and increases the risk of suicide attempts.

In 90% of cases, social phobia is cured using various psychotherapeutic methods.

If necessary, along with psychotherapy, medications are used. You shouldn’t self-medicate or give up - just make an appointment with a specialist .

A psychotherapist will help you cope with your problem and select effective treatment methods. You will definitely cope with your fears and gain self-confidence.

Haptophobia (aphenphosmophobia) - fear of people touching: symptoms and treatment

Haptophobia: symptoms and treatment
As you probably already understood, haptophobia is nothing more than a fear of being touched by people. At the initial stage, loved ones do not even suspect that some kind of problem is developing in their household. At first, this mental disorder looks more like a very strong love of cleanliness or simply arrogance. This opinion may arise due to the fact that literally after every handshake or touch a person runs to the bath and tries to wash off invisible traces.

Of course, those close to you perceive such behavior as disrespect, and against this background, once close people begin to distance themselves. In fact, the patient can treat his interlocutor very warmly, he just sees a threat to himself in every touch, and that is why he tries to get rid of traces of the touch.

Symptoms of haptophobia:

  • Man avoids public places
  • Takes a long time to gather your courage before offering your hand to your interlocutor
  • Tenses at the slightest contact with a neighbor
  • Always wipes his hands with wet wipes
  • Unreasonable irritation and disgust manifests itself

This pathology, like any other phobia, takes quite a long time to be treated, so you should not expect that literally after the first session of psychotherapy you will be able to forget about your problem. As a rule, at the initial stage, a sick person has to attend group therapy sessions.

And after the psycho-emotional state has stabilized a little, it will be possible to move on to the so-called shock therapy. The essence of this treatment is that the person visits crowded places every day or goes to couples dancing lessons.

Fear. List of human phobias...

Phobia from Greek. φόβος - “fear”

In psychiatry, a phobia is a pathologically increased manifestation of a fear reaction to a particular stimulus. A phobia is a pronounced obsessive fear that worsens in certain situations and cannot be fully explained logically. A person with a phobia fears and avoids certain objects, activities, or situations. For example, if you have aichmophobia, a person tries with all his might to avoid sharp objects that he is afraid of hurting himself or hurting other people. In the case of aquaphobia, he is afraid to swim, and with claustrophobia, people are afraid of closed spaces, such as an elevator. Phobic fear can be cured at the beginning of its occurrence, but it, in turn, can become entrenched in the human psyche and intensify over time. To screen for a phobic disorder in a patient, psychiatrists often use a test called the Zang Self-Rating Anxiety Scale. Below you can find a complete list of phobias...


ablutophobia - fear of swimming ablutophobia (abultophobia) - fear of washing and water procedures aviphobia - fear of flying (on an airplane) hagiophobia (hyerophobia, hierophobia, gadophobia) - fear of sacred objects, shrines, priests agyrophobia - fear of the streets, crossing the street agoraphobia (agrophobia) - fear of space, open spaces, squares, crowds of people, markets agrizoophobia - fear of wild animals adentophobia - fear of teeth. ailurophobia - fear of cats. aichmophobia (enetophobia) - fear of pins, piercing objects acarophobia - fear of contracting scabies aquaphobia (hydrophobia) - fear of water, dampness, liquids aclurophobia (elurophobia) - fear of all representatives of the cat family acribophobia - fear of not understanding the meaning of what you read acrophobia (aerocrophobia, aeronosiphobia, bate phobia , hypsiphobia, hyposophobia) - fear of heights acousticophobia (phonophobia) - fear of sounds, talking on the phone alexiaphobia - fear of losing the ability to read, fear of losing speech alektorophobia - fear of chickens allodoxaphobia - fear of one's own opinion albuminurophobia - fear of getting kidney disease alginophobia (algophobia) - fear pain amaxophobia (motophobia) - fear of driving, fear of cars amatophobia (koniophobia) - fear of dust ambulophobia (basophobia, basiphobia) - fear of walking amikophobia - fear of skin damage amnesiphobia - fear of memory loss, forgetfulness anablepophobia (anablephobia) - fear of looking up anarthria - fear of loss of articulate speech anginophobia - fear of choking, suffocation, sore throat Anglophobia - fear of everything English angrophobia - fear of anger androphobia (arrhenphobia, gominophobia) - fear of men (insurmountable fear of sexual intercourse in women) anemophobia (ankraophobia, aerophobia, anthrophobia) - fear no air , wind, drafts ankylophobia - fear of immobility anti-Semitism (Judaophobia) - fear of everything Jewish and applodoxaphobia - fear of opinions apopatophobia - fear of the restroom arachibutyrophobia - fear of nut butter sticking to the soft palate arachnophobia - fear of spiders arrhythmophobia - fear of a certain number, numbers arsonphobia (pyrophobia) - fear of fire, fire asynuphobia - fear of donkeys asymmetryphobia - fear of asymmetrical things asthenophobia - fear of hassle, weakness, loss of consciousness astrapophobia (astraphobia) - fear of lightning astrophobia - fear of stars and the starry sky atazagoraphobia - fear of forgetting something, being forgotten, being unnoticed or ignored ataxiophobia - fear of poor coordination of movements atelophobia - fear of imperfection atephobia - fear of ruins atychiphobia - fear of failure, atomosophobia (atomosophobia) - fear of an atomic, nuclear explosion aulophobia - fear of the flute auroraphobia - fear of the northern lights aurophobia - fear of gold automysophobia (mysophobia, ripophobia) - fear of pollution, touching surrounding objects autophobia (anuptaphobia, isolophobia, monophobia ya, eremiphobia, eremophobia) - fear of loneliness, celibacy afenfozmphobia (afenfosmophobia, haptephobia, haphephobia, haptophobia) - fear of touch aphophobia - fear of the absence of phobias achluophobia (nyctophobia, scotophobia, ecluophobia) - fear of the dark, night acerophobia - fear sour aeroacrophobia - fear of high, open places


basiphobia (ambulophobia, basophobia) - fear of walking basostasophobia (stasobasophobia) - fear of standing ballistophobia - fear of bullets, missiles, throwing objects barophobia - fear of lifting heavy objects, gravity, bathophobia - fear of tall buildings battophobia - fear of deep bodies of water bibliophobia - fear of books , libraries blaptophobia - fear of inflicting defeat on someone blattophobia - fear of cockroaches blenophobia - fear of slime bogiphobia (phasmophobia) - fear of ghosts, spirits, devils, garden scarecrows bolshephobia - fear of the Bolsheviks botanophobia (see botonophobia) - fear of plants brontophobia (keraunophobia) - fear of thunder, thunder, lightning, storm Bufonophobia (batrachophobia) - fear of frogs and toads


vaginophobia - fear of female genitalia (occurs in men, less often in women) vaccaphobia - fear of cows vaccinophobia - fear of vaccinations venerophobia - fear of contracting a sexually transmitted disease venustraphobia (kaliginephobia) - fear of beautiful women verbophobia (logophobia) - fear of words vermiphobia (bacteriophobia, bacillus) obia, verminophobia , helminth, scoleciphobia) - fear of bacteria, germs, infection, worms, infectious insects vertigophobia (dinophobia) - fear of dizziness vestiphobia - fear of getting dressed Wiccaphobia - fear of sorcerers, witches, witchcraft wyvernophobia - fear of dragons, Gorynych's Snake, Azhdhi, Zaliag Snake, Blago , Zilana, Falcon Snake vinophobia - fear of drinking wine virginityphobia - fear of rape vitricophobia - fear of stepfather vomitophobia (emetophobia) - fear of vomiting


hadephobia - fear of hell galeophobia - fear of ferrets and weasels haliphobia (gallophobia, francophobia) - fear of everything French gamaxophobia - fear of wheeled vehicles hamartophobia - fear of committing an unworthy act gamophobia (gametophobia) - fear of marriage gargantophobia - fear of Teletubbies harpaxoph obia (kleptophobia, scelerophobia) - fear of thieves, robbers, thefts gatophobia - fear of domestic cats, cats hedonophobia - fear of pleasure, pleasure, joy hexakosioyhexekontahexaphobia - fear of the number 666 Hexakosioyhexekontahexaparaskavedekatriaphobia - fear of the number 666 on Friday the 13th [unknown term] heliophobia (heleophobia) - fear laughter, sun, sunburn hellenophobia - fear of complex scientific terminology, Greek terminology hellophobia - fear of everything Greek hematophobia (hemophobia, hemaphobia) - fear of blood genophobia (genophobia) - fear of knees, knee damage, everything related to issues of sexual difference gerascophobia (gerontophobia) - fear of old people , aging germanophobia (teutophobia) - fear of everything German herpetophobia - fear of reptiles, reptiles, snakes heterophobia - fear of the opposite sex gephyrophobia - fear of bridges hyalophobia (hyelophobia, crystallophobia) - fear of glass hydrargiophobia - fear of mercury hydrozophobia - fear of sweating hydrophobe obia - fear of the appearance of hydrophobia, hylephobia - fear of materialism hylophobia (xylophobia, nyctophobia, hilophobia) - fear of the forest, dark thickets gymnophobia - fear of nudity gynecophobia (gynephobia, gynophobia feminophobia) - fear of women hypogiaphobia (hypengiophobia, hepengiophobia) - fear of responsibility hypertrichophobia (caetophobia, chaetophobia) - fear of hair, hypnophobia (clinophobia) - fear of hypnosis, sleep, going to bed hypomonstresquipedalophobia - fear of pronouncing long words hypophobia - fear of insufficient feeling of fear hippophobia (equinophobia) - fear of horses glenophobia - fear of a doll's gaze glossophobia (peiraphobia) - fear of public speaking gnosiophobia - fear of knowledge gobophobia - fear beggars and beggars Hodophobia - fear of traveling Homilophobia (scopophobia) - fear of communicating with others, attracting attention, preaching Homichlophobia (homyklophobia) - fear of fog Homicidophobia - fear of committing murder Homophobia - in the narrow sense, this is the fear of homosexuals, homosexuality, in a broader sense - this is hatred and hostility towards homosexuals and homosexuality hoplophobia - fear of firearms hormephobia - fear of shock, shock situations gravidophobia - fear of meeting a pregnant woman, pregnancy graphophobia - fear of writing by hand, writing utensils gumaphobia (humophobia) - fear of taste sensations guvorophobia - fear of humanism


deipnophobia (delpnophobia) - fear of dinner, conversations during dinner dextrophobia - fear of everything on the right side, right-sided dementophobia - fear of insanity, insanity demonophobia (satanophobia) - fear of demons, brownies, the devil, evil spirit, evil spirits demophobia (ochlophobia) - fear of crowds of people , crowds dendrophobia - fear of trees dentophobia (odontophobia, monotophobia) - fear of dentists, stomatologists, dental treatment dermatosiophobia (dermatosophobia, dermatopathophobia, dermatophobia) - fear of contracting skin diseases defecaloesiophobia - fear of painful sensations in the intestines decidophobia - fear of making decisions diabetes phobia - combat knowledge of diabetes didaskaleinophobia (skolinophobia) - fear of school dikephobia - fear of justice diplophobia - fear of doubling (optical phenomenon) dipsophobia - fear of drinking, drinking disabillophobia (dysgabillophobia) - fear of undressing or appearing naked in front of someone dysmorphophobia - fear of one’s own appearance dyspsychophobia - fear of getting off mental distychiphobia - fear of an accident doxophobia - fear of gratitude, expressing one's opinion domatophobia - fear of houses in general, being in the house doraphobia - fear of fur, animal skins dorophobia - fear of receiving or giving gifts dromophobia - fear of traffic


Eupophobia - fear of hearing good news Euresiphobia - fear of ideas that differ from generally accepted ones


zeusophobia - fear of gods, evil spirits zelophobia - fear of jealousy zemmiphobia - fear of rats zoophobia - fear of animals


iatrophobia - fear of visiting a doctor ideophobia - fear of ideas, thinking isopterophobia - fear of insects that eat wood, termites illingophobia - fear of dizziness when looking down insectophobia (entomophobia) - fear of insects intimophobia - fear of the first intimate relationship infarctophobia - fear of myocardial infarction iophobia - fear of poisons , poisoning hypochondria (nosophobia, pathophobia, molismophobia) - fear of getting sick isiderodromophobia - fear of road ruts, paths itiphallophobia - fear of contemplation and thoughts of an erect penis ichthyophobia - fear of fish


kainophobia (kainolophobia, kainotophobia, kentophobia) - fear of news kairophobia - fear of change, the appearance of strangers kakorraphiophobia - fear of defeat, failure cacophobia - fear of freaks cancerophobia (carcinophobia, kacerophobia) - fear of getting cancer, a malignant tumor cardiophobia - fear of a heart attack, death from heart disease th diseases carnophobia - fear of meat carcinophobia (carcinophobia, kacerophobia) - fear of getting cancer, a malignant tumor catagelophobia - fear of being ridiculed, becoming an object of ridicule catapedaphobia - fear of jumping catisophobia (catisophobia) - fear of sitting cataphractophobia - fear of knights catoptrophobia (spectrophobia, aesopia) trophobia) - fear mirrors counterphobia - fear of being scared keirophobia - fear of cuts when getting a haircut (at hairdressers) kenophobia - fear of emptiness, open spaces cyberphobia (cyberphobia) - fear of computers cybophobia - fear of food kymophobia - fear of waves, wave-like movements kinesophobia (kinetophobia) - fear of moving, movements kinophobia - fear of rabies, dogs kionophobia (chionophobia) - fear of snow cyprianophobia (cypridophobia) - fear of sexually transmitted diseases, prostitutes kyphophobia - fear of stooping, bending claustrophobia (domophobia) - fear of closed spaces kleisiophobia (cleitrophobia) - fear of being in a confined space kleptophobia (scelerophobia, harpaxophobia) - fear of thieves, robbers, thefts climacophobia (climatophobia) - fear of walking up stairs, stairs clinophobia (hypnophobia) - fear of hypnosis, sleep, going to bed cnidophobia - fear of stinging insects koinophobia - fear of a room where many people gather coitophobia (erotophobia, collophobia, colpophobia) - fear of love, sexual intercourse, female genitals coimetrophobia - fear of cemeteries koinoniphobia - fear of rooms in general cometophobia - fear of comets counterphobia - fear of confrontation contraltophobia (contreltophobia) - fear of sexual harassment copophobia - fear of fatigue, overwork coprastaphobia - fear of constipation coprophobia - fear of feces cosmicophobia - fear of cosmic phenomena, space coulrophobia - fear of clowns cremnophobia - fear of abysses, ravines criminophobia - fear of committing a crime cryophobia (psychrophobia, chemophobia, frigophobia) - fear of cold crystallophobia (hyalophobia, hyelophobia) - fear of glass xanthophobia - fear of yellow color xenophobia - fear of foreigners and strangers xerophobia - fear of dryness, drought xyrophobia - fear of razors kumpunophobia - fear of buttons, affects one person out of 75 thousand kherophobia - fear of entertainment khorophobia (chorophobia) - fear of dancing


laliophobia - fear of speaking lalophobia - fear of speaking due to stuttering laterophobia - fear of lying on one side laundriphobia - fear of laundries lachanophobia - fear of vegetables levophobia - fear of everything on the left, left-sided leukophobia - fear of the color white leprophobia - fear of getting leprosy (leprosy) ligirophobia - fear of loud noise lygrophobia - fear of dark places lilapsophobia - fear of hurricanes limnophobia - fear of lakes lipophobia - fear of fatty foods lysophobia (maniophobia) - fear of mental illness, disorder lytikaphobia - fear of court logophobia (verbophobia) - fear of words luiphobia (luophobia) - fear of syphilis Lutraphobia - fear of otters. Ludophobia - fear of buffoons


mageirocophobia - fear of cooking macrophobia - fear of waiting for a long time, waiting maleusiophobia (tokophobia) - fear of childbirth maniophobia (lyssophobia) - fear of mental illness, disorder martirophobia - fear of evidence mastigophobia - fear of spanking, punishment megalophobia - fear of large objects medomalacuphobia - fear of loss of erection medotophobia - fear of an erect penis meduphobia - fear of jellyfish mesophobia - fear of contracting an infectious disease melanophobia - fear of everything black, the color black melophobia - fear of music meningitophobia - fear of brain diseases menophobia (mengophobia) - fear of menstruation merintophobia - fear of being tied up, ropes metallophobia - fear of metals , metal objects meteorophobia - fear of meteors methylophobia - fear of alcohol metrophobia - fear of poetry mechanophobia - fear of cars, mechanisms mycophobia - fear of mushrooms microphobia - fear of small objects myxeophobia - fear of sexual intercourse due to the need to expose the genitals, touch the body of a partner myrmecophobia - fear of ants mythophobia - fear of myths and fairy tales mnemophobia - fear of memories molysmophobia (nosophobia, hypochondria, pathophobia) - fear of getting sick monumentophobia - fear of statues monopathophobia - fear of a certain disease morphinophobia - fear of becoming addicted to morphine mottephobia - fear of moths musophobia - fear of mice mesophobia - obsessive fear contamination or contamination, the desire to avoid contact with surrounding objects.


necrophobia - fear of corpses and funeral accessories neopharmaphobia - fear of new drugs neophobia (kainophobia) - fear of novelty nephophobia - fear of clouds nyctophobia (xylophobia, hilophobia, gilophobia) - fear of forests, dark thickets nyctophobia (achluophobia, scotophobia, ecluophobia) - fear of the dark you, nights nosocomephobia - fear of hospitals nosophobia (hypochondriasis, pathophobia, molismophobia) - fear of getting sick nomatophobia - fear of names nomophobia - fear of being left without a mobile phone, without communication nostophobia - fear of returning home nucleomithuphobia - fear of nuclear weapons numerophobia - fear of numbers in general


obesophobia - fear of getting fat obsession - fear (obsessive state) oikophobia - fear of going crazy oinophobia - fear of wine octophobia - fear of the number 8 (eight) olfactophobia - fear of smells ombrophobia - fear of rain ommatophobia (ommetaphobia) - fear of the eyes onanophobia - fear of the harmful effects of onan ism oneirogmophobia - fear of night ejaculation oneirophobia - fear of dreams oocytophobia - fear of eggs opiophobia - fear of treatment, doctors optophobia - fear of opening your eyes ornitophobia - fear of birds osmophobia - fear of body odors ospeosiophobia - fear of human odors ostraconophobia - fear of shellfish ophidiophobia (ep istemophobia) - fear of snakes


palophobia - fear of paladins panaphobia (pantophobia, panophobia) - fear of everything that can happen papaphobia - fear of the Pope papyrophobia - fear of paper parasitophobia - fear of parasitic insects (fleas, bedbugs), getting a parasitic skin disease paralipophobia - fear of making mistakes parapophobia - fear failure to fulfill one's duty paraskavidekatriaphobia - fear of Friday the 13th paraphobia - fear of sexual perversion parthenophobia - fear of innocent girls paruresis - fear of urinating in public patroyophobia - fear of heredity, hereditary diseases pediophobia - fear of dolls, children's toys pedophobia - fear of children, childbirth peiraphobia ( Glossophobia) - fear of the public performance of Peladophobia (phalacrophobia) - fear of baldness, baldness of penatobia - fear of poverty, impoverishment, poor penitherafobium - fear of mother -in -law or petfobe - fear of non -storage gases in the presence of outsiders of pyrophobia (arsonfobia) - fear of fire, fires of plaster posopophobia. - Fear plutophobia - fear of wealth pnigophobia - fear of being strangled pogonophobia (pogophobia) - fear of beards, bearded people poliosophobia - fear of polio politophobia - fear of politicians polyphobia - fear of many phobias (fears), the presence of many phobias (fears) porphyrophobia - fear of purple potamophobia - fear rivers , flowing water primeisodophobia - fear of losing virginity proctophobia - fear of hemorrhoids, proctitis prosophobia - fear of progress pseudohypostasophobia - fear of masks psychophobia - fear of the mentally ill pteronophobia - fear of bird feathers


Radio -fobi - fear of radiation of rectophobia - a fear of not having a stool of rexophobia - fear of kings, kings of ribbon (mysophobia, automisophobia) - fear of pollution, touching the surrounding objects of rutifobia - fear of wrinkles of rubric (ethritophobia, ereytophobia, erythrophobia) - red -colored fear of red. no Russophobia - fear of everything Russian


satanophobia (demonophobia) - fear of demons, the devil, evil spirit, evil spirits seismophobia - fear of earthquakes [1] selaphobia - fear of flashes of light selachophobia - fear of sharks selenophobia - fear of the moon seplophobia - fear of rot siderodromophobia - fear of riding in a train, electric train silensophobia - battle know silence symbolophobia - fear of unfavorable omens symmetrophobia - fear of symmetry syngenesophobia - fear of relatives sinophobia - fear of everything Chinese sitiophobia - fear of eating syphilophobia - fear of getting syphilis scabiophobia - fear of getting scabies scyophobia (sciopophobia) - fear of shadows scoptophobia (scopophobia) - fear of being stared at by others scotomaphobia - fear of blindness scotophobia (nyctophobia, achluophobia, ecluophobia) - fear of the dark, the night somniphobia - fear of sleeping soteriophobia - fear of dependence on others sophophobia - fear of learning social phobia - fear of society, contacts, evaluation by others spacephobia - fear of empty space speedophobia - fear of getting AIDS Stasyphobia - fear of standing up Staurophobia - fear of crosses and crucifixes Stenophobia - fear of narrow corridors Suicidophobia - fear of suicide


Tabophobia - fear of contracting tabes dorsalis Thalassophobia - fear of the seas, oceans, swimming in the sea Thanatophobia - fear of death Taurophobia - fear of bulls Taphephobia - fear of being buried alive, of funerals Theatrophobia - fear of theaters Teutophobia (Germanophobia) - fear of everything German Textophobia - fear of fabrics Teleophobia ( theophobia) - fear of religion, God telephonophobia - fear of the telephone, waiting for a phone call telophthonophobia - fear of breaking arms (in Taekwon-do athletes) teniophobia - fear of getting worms theologicophobia - fear of theology teratophobia - fear of mythical monsters, gargoyles thermophobia - fear of heat, heat technophobia - fear of technology toxicophobia - fear of poisoning tomophobia - fear of surgical operations topophobia - fear of being alone in a room, natural disasters traumaticphobia - fear of injury transphobia (transgenderophobia, transsexophobia) - in the narrow sense this is the fear of transsexuals, transsexuality, in a broader sense this is hatred and hostility towards transsexuals and transsexuality tredekaphobia (triscadekaphobia, triskaidekaphobia) - fear of the number 13 (thirteen) tremophobia - fear of trembling trypanophobia - fear of injury trichophobia - fear of hair getting into food, clothing, or the surface of the body tropophobia - fear of moving, change tuberculosisphobia ( phthisiophobia) - fear of getting tuberculosis tunnelphobia - fear of traveling by transport or on foot through a tunnel


uranophobia - fear of heaven, looking at the sky urinophobia - fear of urinating


phagophobia - fear of choking on food, fear of eating, fear of being eaten pharmacophobia - fear of being treated, taking medications phasmophobia - fear of ghosts febriphobia - fear of getting the flu fengophobia (photophobia) - fear of light philemaphobia - fear of kissing philosophobia - fear of philosophy philophobia - fear of falling in love phobiaophobia (phobia phobia ) - fear of phobias (fears), the appearance of symptoms of fear, fear of experiencing fear photoaugliphobia - fear of bright light phronemophobia - fear of thinking phthyriophobia - fear of lice futurophobia - fear of the future


Chairophobia is the fear of experiencing a feeling of joy or fun in an inappropriate environment, for example, at an important interview. harpaxophobia - fear of robbers, robbers cherophobia - fear of fun chirophobia - fear of hands hoplophobia - fear of knives chromatophobia - fear of any color and objects painted in it chrometophobia (chrematophobia) - fear of money chromophobia - fear of color in general chronophobia (chronometrophobia) - fear of watches, time


cenophobia - fear of empty rooms cibophobia - fear of food cyclophobia - fear of bicycles cidophobia - fear of murder, being killed


eikophobia - fear of the surroundings of the house eisoptrophobia - fear of one's own reflection in the mirror eichophobia - fear of saying or listening to good wishes ecophobia - fear of one's home eleuterophobia (eleutherophobia) - fear of freedom, liberation electrophobia - fear of electricity emychophobia - fear of scratches enissophobia - fear of criticism enosiophobia - fear of warmth sew enochlophobia - fear of crowds eosophobia - fear of day, dawn, sunlight epistaxophobia (epistaxiophobia) - fear of a runny nose ercinophobia - fear of works of art that are incomprehensible in intelligence and meaning ergasiophobia - fear of operating (by surgeons) ergophobia - fear of working, doing anything actions ephebiphobia - fear of teenagers ergophobia - fear of work


Judeophobia - fear of everything Jewish


Japanophobia - fear of everything Japanese Iatrophobia - fear of doctors By category

Fear of animals

ailurophobia, gatophobia - fear of cats; acarophobia - fear of ticks; alektorophobia - fear of chickens; apiphobia - horror of bees, wasps, bumblebees; arachnophobia - fear of spiders; batrachophobia (bufonophobia) - fear of frogs and toads; bufonophobia - see batrachophobia; zemmiphobia - fear of rats; zoophobia - fear of animals, most often of a specific species (cats, chickens, etc.); cynophobia - fear of dogs; lutraphobia - fear of otters; Ophidophobia - fear of snakes. [edit] Fear of natural forces aquaphobia, hydrophobia - fear of water, swimming acrophobia - fear of heights anemophobia fear of drafts fear of being caught by surprise by a storm apeirophobia - fear of infinity astrapophobia (see also brontophobia, keraunophobia) - fear of thunderstorms, thunder and lightning astrophobia - fear of the night sky, stars; barophobia - fear of lifting weights, gravity, gravity; bateophobia (acrophobia, aerocrophobia, aeronosiphobia, hypsiphobia, hyposophobia) - fear of heights; fear of depth (reservoir), manifests itself when swimming in deep water bodies. bathophobia - fear of tall buildings battophobia - fear of depth, fear of deep bodies of water brontophobia (keraunophobia) - fear of thunder, thunder, lightning, storm heliophobia - fear of being in the sun hydrophobia fear of water fear of liquids an outdated name for rabies distancephobia - fear of distances cosmophobia - fear of space disasters cryophobia - fear of cold and ice xerophobia - fear of dryness, drought nephophobia - fear of clouds nyctophobia - fear of the night, darkness, painful anticipation of insomnia ombrophobia - fear of downpours, fear of getting caught in the rain pyrophobia - fear of fire, fire; potamophobia - fear of fast currents, whirlpools radiophobia - fear of radiation and x-rays scotophobia - fear of the dark (syn. nyctophobia) thalassophobia - fear of the sea, sea travel fengophobia - fear of sunlight photophobia - fear of light hilophobia - fear of the forest (getting lost, meeting wild animals ) Fear associated with health acnephobia - fear of the appearance of acne on the skin; algophobia, algophobia - fear of pain; Amychophobia - fear of damaging the skin; anginophobia - fear of angina attacks; ataxiophobia - fear of impaired coordination of movements; bacillophobia, bacteriophobia - fear of pathogenic microorganisms; Venerophobia - fear of contracting sexually transmitted diseases; vertigophobia - fear of dizziness; hematophobia - fear of the sight of blood; Germaphobia - fear of contamination or infection; hydrozophobia - fear of sweating and catching a cold; Dentophobia - fear of dentists; dermatopathophobia - fear of getting a skin disease; dinophobia - fear of dizziness; cancerophobia - fear of cancer; Cardiophobia - fear of heart problems; copophobia - phobia of overwork; leprophobia - fear of contracting leprosy; lissophobia - obsessive fear of going crazy; Maleusiophobia (also tokophobia) - fear of childbirth; maniophobia - fear of developing a mental disorder; menophobia - fear of menstruation and accompanying pain; morphinophobia - fear of becoming a morphine addict; nosophobia - an obsessive fear of contracting an incurable disease; odontophobia - fear of dental treatment; parasitophobia - fear of worms, fleas, bedbugs and other parasites; patroyophobia - fear of heredity, hereditary diseases; psychophobia - fear of mental illness and the mentally ill; rectophobia - fear of difficulty defecating; syphilophobia - obsessive fear of getting syphilis; AIDSphobia is an obsessive fear of getting AIDS; scabiophobia (also acriophobia) - fear of scabies; toxicophobia - fear of poisoning; pharmacophobia - fear of taking medications; febriphobia - fear of fever; emikophobia - fear of scratches; epistaxophobia - fear of nosebleeds.

Fear of situations

autophobia, monophobia - fear of being alone; agoraphobia - fear of open space (outdated, today used as a diagnosis); allodoxophobia - fear of other people's opinions; atazagoraphobia - fear of forgetting or being forgotten; autophobia: 1) fear of loneliness (for example, fear of being alone in a room), 2) fear of one’s own selfishness; aphenphosmophobia - fear of other people's touches; bromhydrophobia (autodisomophobia, bromidrosiphobia) - fear of one’s own smell, sweating; vomitophobia - fear of vomiting in the wrong place; haptophobia - fear of being touched by others; haphephobia - fear of accidental touching; hemophobia is the fear of the sight of blood, that is, when a person sees blood, he may either faint or start screaming; gerontophobia - fear of communicating with old people; fear of aging; hypengiophobia - fear of responsibility; hypomonstresquipedalophobia - fear of long words; demophobia - fear of crowds, large gatherings of people; didaskaleinophobia - fear of school; doxophobia - fear of praise; isolophobia - fear of loneliness in life; iophobia - fear of accidental poisoning; iremophobia - fear of silence; kairophobia - fear of new situations, unfamiliar places; kenophobia - a concept close to agoraphobia - fear of large empty spaces, for example, an empty square; claustrophobia - fear of closed spaces; kleptophobia - fear of thieves, often in old age, combined with obsessive ideas of stealing; counterphobia - obsessive provocation of a situation that causes fear, for example, fear of heights is combined with the desire to become a pilot, flight attendant, etc.; xenophobia - fear of foreigners, strangers; logophobia - fear of forgetting how to speak words; monophobia: 1) fear of loneliness, fear of being rejected and unloved; 2) a phobia that is not combined with other phobias; ochlophobia (also demophobia) - fear of crowds, crowded places; pedophobia - 1) fear of children; 2) fear of having a child in the family; 3) fear of dolls that look like babies; peladophobia - fear of baldness; peniaphobia - fear of becoming a beggar; pettophobia - fear of incontinence of intestinal gases in the presence of strangers (fear of farting in public); rhabdophobia - fear of punishment; scopophobia (also scoptophobia) - fear of appearing funny, of attracting attention; social phobia - fear of society or people in general; tachophobia - fear of speed; thermophobia - fear of heat, heated rooms; topophobia - fear of being alone in a room, fear of not being able to escape in a fire, earthquake or some other natural disaster; tremophobia - fear of shaking; trypanophobia - fear of injections; uranophobia - fear of looking at the sky; urophobia - fear of the urge to urinate when it is impossible to do so (fear of peeing); hipengiophobia - fear of responsibility; emetophobia - fear of vomiting; eosophobia - fear of daylight (time of day); enissophobia - fear of criticism; erythrophobia - 1) fear of blushing; 2) neurotic fear that occurs when looking at objects painted red.

Fear of actions and conditions

ablutophobia - fear of washing; agyrophobia - fear of crossing a busy street; acribophobia - fear of not understanding the meaning of what you read; amaxophobia - fear of traveling in public transport; apopatophobia - fear of going into restrooms; aerophobia - fear of flying in aircraft (aviaphobia); Basilophobia - fear of walking; Basiphobia (ambulophobia, basophobia) - fear of walking; basistaziphobia (basostasiphobia, stazobasophobia) - fear of standing; blaptophobia - fear of harming someone; gephyrophobia - fear of crossing a bridge (a type of bateophobia); hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - fear of speaking long words; glossophobia - fear of speaking in public; homilophobia - fear of communication, fear of showing inconsistency, appearing funny, suspicious, or attracting attention; graphophobia - fear of writing or picking up writing utensils; Internet phobia - fear of accessing the Internet; Climacophobia - fear of walking up stairs; koinophobia - fear of entering a room where there are many people; Criminophobia - fear of committing a crime; lalophobia - fear of speaking for fear of stuttering; laterophobia - fear of lying on the left side (with cardiophobia); paralipophobia - fear of causing harm to loved ones as a result of any careless and erroneous actions; paruresis - fear of urinating in public; peiraphobia - fear of public speaking; Readingophobia - fear of reading crime chronicles, disaster reports; siderodromophobia - fear of riding trains, especially during acceleration; sitophobia - fear of eating; somniphobia - fear of going to bed; stasibasiphobia (stasobasophobia) - fear of an upright position (standing) and walking; stasyphobia - fear of standing; telephone phobia - fear of talking on the phone; tremophobia - fear of trembling; urethrophobia - fear of eliminating minor needs; phagophobia - fear of choking on food; chrematophobia - fear of touching money (often combined with mesophobia); Eichophobia - fear of listening or saying good wishes; ergasiophobia - fear of performing any action or movement; ergophobia, ergasiophobia - fear of work, fear of responsibility; Ereithophobia is the fear of blushing. [edit] Other isolated phobias acousticophobia - fear of loud sounds amatophobia - fear of dust arrhythmophobia (numerophobia) - phobia of numbers (specific) barbaphobia - fear of mustaches, beards, facial hair blenophobia - fear of mucus verminophobia - fear of microorganisms, their infection, worms and insects wyvernophobia - fear of dragons Wiccaphobia - fear of sorcerers and witches rophobia - fear of loud things noise mesophobia - obsessive fear of infection, infection and subsequent illness mysophobia - fear of pollution, fear of dirt mycophobia - fear of mushrooms microphobia - fear of microbes necrophobia - fear of corpses, funerals, funeral accessories neophobia - fear of new numerophobia (arrhythmophobia) - phobia of numbers (of a certain number) ) ommatophobia - fear of “damage” and the “evil eye” onomatophobia - fear of a certain word or name pantophobia (panphobia, panophobia) - fear of everything that can happen paraskavedekatriaphobia - fear of Friday, the 13th day of the month penteraphobia - fear of mother-in-law pogonophobia - fear of beards polyphobia - fear of several things ripophobia (also mesophobia) - fear of dirt rubrophobia (also erythrophobia) - fear of the color red selaphobia - fear of flashes of bright light symbolophobia - fear of symbols thanatophobia - fear of death tetraphobia - fear of the number 4 technophobia fear of the dominance of technology (especially electronic) negative perception social consequences of technological progress triskaidekaphobia (also terdekaphobia) - fear of the number 13 trichophobia - fear of hair getting into food, clothing, or the body phasmophobia - fear of ghosts, spirits, and other paranormal creatures (phenomena) phobophobia - fear of the occurrence of a phobia phonophobia - fear of sound francophobia - fear of everything French harpaxophobia - fear of robbers chromatophobia - fear of any color chronophobia - fear of time (a form of prison neurosis) electrophobia - fear of electricity epistemophobia - fear of knowledge iatrophobia - obsessive, beyond the usual limits, fear of doctors

Fear of looking people in the eyes: how to get rid of it?

Fear of looking people in the eyes
Although this type of phobia causes minimal discomfort, it is still necessary to fight it. After all, if you do not look your interlocutor directly in the eyes, he may think that you simply do not want to conduct a dialogue with him.

Advice from psychologists:

  • Exercise regularly. To do this, stand in front of the mirror several times a day and try to look at your reflection for as long as possible.
  • Give yourself the right attitude. You must realize that a person’s look, even dissatisfied, will not particularly harm you.
  • When communicating with someone you don’t know well, try to control your breathing and at the initial stage you can temporarily shift your gaze to the bridge of your nose.
  • When walking down the street, never take your eyes off passers-by, especially if they were the first to start looking at you. This way you will train your tenacity of gaze.
  • Train your peripheral vision. This will help you remain calm at all times, and you will be able to look into the eyes of your interlocutor for as long as possible.

Fear of large crowds of people - demophobia (ochlophobia): symptoms and treatment

Fear of crowds: symptoms and treatment
Demophobia is a pathology that greatly interferes with a person’s ability to live a normal life. If it worsens, the patient may refuse to go outside at all. Some patients suffering from this mental disorder claim that they are not frightened by the mere presence of people on the streets, but by the fact that too large a crowd of men and women can injure or even crush them. It is for this reason that most often they move along sparsely populated routes, trying not to approach companies that meet on their way.

Symptoms of ochlophobia:

  • Complete disorientation
  • Heavy sweating
  • Incoherent speech
  • Hand tremors
  • Nervous tic

It is difficult to get rid of this pathology, but it is still possible. First, you will need to contact a specialist and undergo an examination. If the condition is very severe, it is likely that you will be prescribed medication support. If the mental disorder has not yet become very deeply ingrained in your subconscious, then literally after the first visit to a psychologist you can begin corrective therapy.

To begin with, the patient will have to go out in public for a very minimal amount of time (this could be a trip to the nearest store). When panic attacks become less aggressive, you can move on to the second stage, visiting parks, markets and shopping centers. And after the discomfort disappears in these places, you can go down to the metro.

Fear of drunk people

Fear of drunk people

  • This pathology, like most of our phobias, appears in our childhood. Most often, the cause of its appearance is the continuous drunkenness of parents or someone close to them. Scientists have proven that if a small child sees a very drunk and inadequate person in front of him every day, this creates a lot of negative emotions in him, which make themselves felt when he grows up.
  • Most often this manifests itself as disgust towards people who drink. A person who has this phobia fears and hates them at the same time. As a rule, this mental disorder manifests itself as closedness, excessive suspicion and irritability. And most importantly, the patient will feel fear even if the alcoholic does not show aggression.
  • If you want to get rid of pathology in the shortest possible time, then find a qualified specialist who will help you put your emotions in order. If you learn to block negativity at the very initial stage of its inception, then it is likely that you will stop reacting to people who drink.
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