What to do when everything is bad, or how to deal with negativism

Negativism: causes of development in children, adolescents and adults, symptoms and correction of stubbornness

In psychology, negativism means a person’s resistance to any external influence, devoid of rational premises, even contrary to his own well-being.
In a more general sense, this concept denotes a generally negative perception of the world around us, the desire to do everything contrary to requests and expectations.

In pedagogy, the term “negativism” is applied to children who are characterized by an oppositional manner of behavior with people who should be an authority for them (teachers, parents).

General information

In psychology, negativism is a separate term to designate a symptom of unmotivated resistance, characterized by a disorder of will and manifested in catatonic excitement and catatonic stupor - psychopathological syndromes, accompanied by movement disorders of an inorganic nature

It is important to distinguish children from stubbornness, since it has its own reasons, and the origin of negativism reactions is unconscious. They can manifest themselves at a communicative, behavioral or deep level (do not give external manifestations)

Typically, negativism comes down to unmotivated resistance to any demands/requests to move, speak, or follow any instructions, as well as the desire to do things contrary. It causes disruption of communication, learning and, in general, adaptation in this world.

According to Kretschmer, negativism is a manifestation of the activity of hypobulic mechanisms - a mental state characterized by a reduced desire and urge to activity. Whereas Bleuler believed that unconscious resistance was a sign of autism or personality dissociation.

A child spoils and breaks toys, what should I do?

This question interests a good half of parents. The reasons for this behavior in children are different.

First of all, toys need to be purchased according to the age of your baby, since younger children still have poor control over their strength and can break very fragile toys intended for older children.

In this case, there is no fault of the child - he does not do this on purpose. But in most cases, the child does this on purpose and parents need to understand the reasons for this behavior. It is possible that such behavior carries a “hidden” message from the child to the parents.

Let's look at the most common reasons for this behavior.

The toy is one piece and cannot be taken apart, but I really want to!

In this case, the child is driven by the desire to understand how the toy works: he begins to tear off wheels, stickers, squeeze out glass, etc. etc.

The child tries to take it apart out of curiosity and then put it back together. The solution here may be to buy construction sets.

Now there is a large selection of construction sets, both for girls and boys, for different ages - from the simplest to the most complex.

Child's awkwardness.

There is a category of parents who raise infants without toys at all, believing that children still do not know how to play with them, but only throw them around, as a result of which the rattles break.

The result of this is a delay in the formation of skills in handling objects - motor awkwardness.

As a result, the child’s development is delayed: the development of fine motor skills and perception of the environment.

In this case, only a specialist – a neurologist – can help the child. If this is not done, then the possibility cannot be ruled out that difficulties will arise when learning to write, cut, sculpt, or draw.

From the very first days of life, a child needs to be taught to use rattles and cubes: the more the child picks up objects, the faster his development occurs, both physically and mentally - the faster the baby’s horizons develop.

Internal aggression.

When a child is offended or upset about something, he begins to hit or throw toys around. In such a situation, you need to calm the child down as soon as possible and find out from him the reason for such aggression.

The toy is not liked or causes fear.

How negativism ruins life

Negativism in psychology is human behavior manifested in a tendency to confront other people and external circumstances. [1] The presence of this condition can be determined by the following signs:

  • acute hostility towards people with different views on life;
  • rude and harsh communication even with close people;
  • skepticism and distrust towards everyone around;
  • stubbornness and unwillingness to compromise;
  • constant depressing thoughts about the imperfection of the world;
  • the habit of plunging headlong into a problem instead of looking for a way to solve it;
  • hidden or open aggression. [2]

It seems that every stubborn person can be called a negativist.
But this is not entirely true. Stubbornness is often a response to resentment and is only “temporary.” That is, it is easy to come to an agreement with a stubborn person, the main thing is to choose the right arguments. A negativist is convinced of his personal attitudes; he really thinks that the world is imperfect and there are enemies all around. His behavior sometimes does not fit into the framework of generally accepted norms. He will reread even when it makes no sense. Let's teach you to be positive

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