The rhythm of the brain and the manifestation of its activity

Finite brain

The youngest section of the brain is the terminal section.
It is a fairly massive department of the central nervous system and is the most developed. The telencephalon covers all sections and consists of:

  1. Cerebral hemispheres;
  2. Plexus of nerve fibers (corpus callosum);
  3. Alternating stripes of gray and white matter (striatum);
  4. Structures associated with smell (olfactory brain).

In the cavity of the terminal part of the organ there are lateral ventricles, represented in each hemisphere (conventionally considered right and left).

Functions of the final department:

  • Movement regulation;
  • Reproduction of sounds (speech);
  • Skin sensitivity;
  • Auditory and taste sensations, smell.

The longitudinal fissure separates the left and right hemispheres; the corpus callosum (plate of white matter) is located deep in the fissure. In the thickness of the white matter there are the basal ganglia, which are responsible for transmitting information from one section to another and perform basic functions.

The hemispheres control and are responsible for the work of the opposite side of the body (the right half for the left half and vice versa). The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for memory, thought processes and individual talents in humans.

The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for processing various information and imagination, which is also generated in dreams. All parts of the brain and the functions they perform are a joint work of the two hemispheres and the cortex.

In each person, one part of the organ is dominant, either the right or the left - which hemisphere is more active depends on individual characteristics.

The coherence of all brain structures allows you to perform all functions harmoniously and maintain balance throughout the body. The functioning of each part of the central nervous system organ is quite well studied, but the functionality of the brain as a single mechanism is described superficially and requires more in-depth scientific research.

Theta waves

The phenomenon called theta brain waves allows a person to experience a deep sense of relaxation at a frequency of 4 to 7 hertz. It manifests itself between sleep and the onset of dreams, as well as in the deep sleep phase, when there are no dreams. Also, the manifestation of such waves can cause states of hypnosis or high-quality meditation. They can be compared to playing the cello. The cause of the strong activity of such waves is considered to be the lymphatic system.

Often, theta brain waves occur even outside the sleep phase. For example, in an extremely calm state, when you need to remember something or fantasize. The activity of these waves connects the subconscious with consciousness, opening access to information that is impossible to obtain in normal everyday life. A person may experience peculiar visions. The images will be dark, but clear and very meaningful. You can activate theta rhythms through meditation.

With a normal amount of theta waves, a person appears calm and peaceful. But any negative emotions reduce their activity. With sufficient quality training, you can learn to switch yourself from regular waves to theta. It will also increase your concentration and level of connection between your brain and body.

People who live with a predominance of electromagnetic impulses of the theta rhythm have a number of advantages. Among them:

  • good memory,
  • developed creativity,
  • creative thinking,
  • high spirituality,
  • quick understanding of associations.

As a rule, the manifestation of such waves is observed in children under 13 years of age, because they are subject to their overabundance. And in adults, in 99% of cases, the work of such waves occurs only at night.

Beta waves

Another type is beta brain waves. They are recorded in the range from 14 to 30 vibrations per second. Such fast waves are normal and are activated when a person is involved in the world around him. They are also actively emitted when excited, stressed or anxious. In order for them to begin to dominate, it is enough to start a conversation with any person

All the attention of people with dominant beta waves is directed to the environment

Beta activity in the human brain is associated with increased blood pressure and a sharp increase in metabolism. Its rhythm is similar to drumming. If the brain rarely functions in the beta rhythm, then the person will experience frequent depression, lack of normal concentration, and very poor memory.

You can develop beta rhythms through normal active life. Any communication, physical activity, manifestation of a social position, stress, fears - all this contributes to their increase. You can reduce their activity by simply relaxing and giving up negative thoughts.

There are three types of beta waves. They are separated for a more accurate characterization of several intervals, because The frequency range is quite large, and the sensations may be different. The following types are distinguished:

Low (13-16 hertz). When the activity of brain neurons begins to emit impulses at this pace, weak involvement in the world around us begins to appear. This activates the left hemisphere of the brain. The person loses the feeling of relaxation, but there is still no arousal

With regular training of this frequency, the skill of managing concentration and attention will appear. Medium (16-18 hertz). At such frequencies the right hemisphere of the brain is connected to work

An awareness of one’s “I” and surrounding things appears. People start to feel a little excited and involved in the world. When performing training, intellectual abilities and concentration will develop. High (18-30 hertz). Such waves are compared to driving fast in a sports car. The sensations are similar to those when a lot of adrenaline is released. Strong excitement and interest in the world around us and everything that happens appears.

The work of the brain in such a rhythm causes two sensations. On the one hand, a person is active and shows interest in the world around him. On the other hand, he is under a lot of stress.

Gamma waves, brain storage

Have a frequency greater than 36 Hz.
These waves are generated by the brain in all areas. In other words, they can be detected in all areas of the brain. It is generally accepted that when a person searches for information from different “storages” of the brain, the brain itself is in a state of generating gamma waves. A good memory indicator is associated with the generation of waves with a frequency of about 40 Hz.

An insufficient number of them can lead to a significant decrease in memory. The effects that arise from the deliberate invocation of gamma wave states have not yet been voiced in any way in official scientific sources. For this reason, it is difficult to say anything more specific and even more objective.

Schumann resonance.

This resonance is the electromagnetic frequency of the Earth, which for a long time was equal to 7.8 Hz, which coincides with the Alpha rhythm of the human brain. The analogue is an orchestra, the instruments of which have merged into one quiet sound and an organ plays in the background.

The Schumann frequency is growing and today is 14 -15 Hz, corresponding to Beta - the rhythm of the brain, conscious activity. Because of this, most people experience dizziness, the brain is forced to work at ever-increasing frequencies.

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With a further increase in frequency, the brain will reach 30 Hz or more, little studied

Gamma is the brain rhythm responsible for inspiration and creativity.

At this level, reason and reason are almost powerless; other mechanisms of perception and action operate here. It's like a superstructure over human consciousness. The frequency of brain vibration is 50 Hz, Zen - Buddhists call enlightenment. By increasing its frequency, the Earth thereby forces our brain to come out of hibernation and work more consciously. Each person intuitively has the ability to adjust his brain rhythm to the desired wavelength range. Or he does it consciously, knowing the adjustment mechanism.

Delta waves

The delta waves of the human brain are recorded at the lowest frequency. They can operate in a rhythm from 0.1 to 4 hertz. When neurons begin to emit such waves, people are in a state of trance or dreamless sleep. The rhythm can be compared to a light symphony

This type of waves is associated with a person’s involvement in some process when everything else does not interest him. It is believed that every child under one year of age constantly experiences a predominance of delta waves in the head. They help to navigate in space and time, make one anticipate various dangers, increase intuition, and develop instincts. As a rule, the presence of developed delta waves is observed in people engaged in research into human psychology and feelings, i.e. from psychotherapists.

This is the type of waves that allows you to establish a connection with the unconscious. To do this, you will need to overestimate the degree of their activity. When activated, a person’s consciousness turns off and is distracted from the outside world, and with good training, it will be possible to independently and consciously enter a state of trance. However, even with weak delta waves, a person may have problems concentrating on any task. To do this, you will need to weaken their effect by showing maximum activity.

Some people have a large amplitude of delta waves. They have very developed intuition. They can literally think a minute or second before an event that it will happen. This often happens to them, for example, before meeting an acquaintance or shortly before receiving a call on their mobile phone. They can also sense other people. This manifests itself both emotionally and physically. An excess of waves leads to problems. They manifest themselves psychologically. Waves of excessive brain activity of this frequency lead to the fact that a person receives too much information at an unconscious level. Also, people often feel guilty for someone else’s pain, which they suddenly begin to feel.

Delta wave brain rhythm, deep meditation

Delta waves are created in deep meditation and dreamless sleep. The desire for new forms of consciousness, as well as the desire to obtain various kinds of new information, is manifested in the activation of Delta waves.

  • Particularly activated during sleep.
  • They remain turned on when other waves of brain activity are turned off.
  • Provide restorative stages of sleep.
  • With their help, the subconscious receives and sends various messages.

Delta waves are radar that operate on an instinctive level.

Tends to shut down after a person notices its presence. People with large amplitude Delta waves tend to have well-developed intuition. But for those who don't understand what's happening to them, it can be a real curse. These people need the flow of other people's thoughts, feelings and impulses, which spills out from their own subconscious, to be limited. They should also learn to distinguish which feelings and thoughts are their own and which are someone else's.

Delta waves appear both during deep sleep and during wakefulness.

  • Delta waves help to navigate in space and time.
  • At a deep level, they are an indicator that reacts to danger.
  • They enhance instincts and are related to intuition and discernment.

Delta waves are usually well developed in people who feel others and help them. For psychotherapists and healers, Delta waves must be in an active state. These waves are very slow, with a very low frequency.

Manifestations of large amplitude delta waves.

These are the moments when you get the feeling that something is about to happen:

  • you know the phone is going to ring.
  • thinking about a friend a few minutes before you accidentally bump into him on the street.
  • you feel inexplicable pain - at this moment your child was injured
  • you know exactly how the other person feels, although he tries to hide his feelings.

The problem of sensitive people is an excess of Delta waves and this leads to the fact that a lot of information is perceived at an unconscious level. As a rule, such people feel other people's pain as their own. A person believes that if he feels someone else’s pain so acutely, then he is somehow involved in it, and feels guilty if he does nothing.

In my youth, such manifestations were a big problem for me. Communication with people literally splashed out on me even what they didn’t know about, along with their personal feelings. I felt like I was skinless. But, since I am a fairly stable creature, everything was within the limits that I considered acceptable. But when I began to realize that I was following the brain rhythm (wave) of someone else’s existence and could get lost there, I took action. After the strong and bright wave subsided, this perception was subjected to detailed analysis. Gradually, perception, contemplation of what is happening and analysis became one tool, that is, simultaneous action.

Coherence phenomenon

- this is the consistency of brain rhythms inherent in a meditative state. All the rhythms of the brain begin to, as it were, adapt to each other.

Synchronization occurs between the hemispheres, both in amplitude and frequency. The amplitude of waves in the active hemisphere of the brain (usually the left) decreases, and in the passive hemisphere it increases. The state of a witness arises. A person experiences a feeling of separation from his body and, upon exiting this state, cannot remember how his body felt. It is observed during samadhi, astral exit, also in people experiencing strong fear or unexpected shock. In deep meditative states, the SUBCONSCIOUSNESS becomes so activated that it merges with the CONSCIOUSNESS, all dividing lines disappear:

General information

Researchers have discovered waves in the brain that replace each other when the rhythm of activity changes. Most of them are frequency-locked to some type of thinking. They occur not only with maximum brain activity.

In humans, brain waves accompany any mental activity. There is no moment when the brain does not emit such impulses. In most cases, the brain does not generate any one frequency of waves, but emits several of them at once. But in each case, one type of wave dominates, and in certain situations, the frequency of waves created can be so pronounced that all other types of waves become insignificant.

Modern research shows that brain rhythms play a significant role in the manifestation of brain functions such as memory, attention or concentration. In an experiment by Earl Miller and Scott Brincat on monkeys, it was found that the frequency of the wave emitted by the brain changes depending on whether the monkey gave a correct or incorrect answer to a given problem

Such experiments are not uncommon, as the study of brain waves is now at its peak in neuroscience.

However, it is not just neuroscientists who are interested in the concept of brain waves. Electromagnetic brain waves are often used by numerous esotericists to substantiate their hypotheses. Despite the fact that the researchers did not find confirmation of most of them, the relationship between the frequency of a particular wave and specific images and thoughts was established. Due to the fact that there is little clear information at the moment, any advice on enhancing any type of brain waves should be taken critically.

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Brain waves and their uses

Most tips for activating certain waves in the brain are related to self-development or self-knowledge. Various meditation trainers and relaxation teachers are also actively involved in disseminating information about the effects of waves on a person’s daily life.

At the moment, the beneficial properties of meditation have already been studied to a sufficient extent for this technique to become recognized in the field of relaxation and self-help under significant mental stress. However, the need to stimulate any specific waves of brain activity has not been confirmed to date. The study of the brain, its waves and their connection with any type of activity is currently at the beginning of development; we still do not know much.

However, further research into brain activity and the impact of brain waves on human life could be truly breakthrough if researchers manage to figure out how stimulating any rhythms can affect health. The brain has a large reserve of possibilities for improvement and improvement of health, and if it is established that it is possible to cure diseases using the usual “adjustment” of brain rhythms, then this will become a new chapter in the development of medical science.

Brain frequencies

In the 50s of the last century, the method of electroencephalography was developed, which makes it possible to record and study the bioelectric potentials of the brain. Currently, it is customary to distinguish five main groups of electrical oscillations in the human brain, each of which has its own frequency range and state of consciousness in which it dominates.

Alpha waves occur when we close our eyes and begin to passively relax without thinking about anything. At the same time, bioelectrical oscillations in the brain slow down, and “bursts” of alpha waves appear, i.e. oscillations in the range from 8 to 13 Hertz. If we continue to relax without focusing our thoughts, alpha waves will begin to dominate throughout the brain, and we will plunge into a state of pleasant peace, also called the “alpha state.”

Beta waves are the fastest. Their frequency varies, in the classic version, from 14 to 40 Hz. In a normal waking state, when we observe the world around us with open eyes, or are focused on solving some current problems, these waves, mainly in the range from 14 to 40 Hertz, dominate in our brain

Beta waves are typically associated with wakefulness, focus, cognition and, when in excess, anxiety, fear and panic. Beta wave deficiency is associated with depression, poor selective attention, and problems remembering information

Gamma waves above 40 Hz go side by side with the concepts of “hyperconsciousness” and “hyperreality”. In any case, this is what Nobel Prize laureate Sir Francis Crick and some other scientists believe.

Theta waves occur when a calm, peaceful wakefulness transitions into sleepiness. The vibrations in the brain become slower and more rhythmic, ranging from 4 to 6 Hertz. This state is also called “twilight”, since in it a person is between sleep and wakefulness. It is often accompanied by the vision of unexpected, dream-like images, accompanied by vivid memories, especially childhood ones. The theta state allows access to the contents of the unconscious part of the mind, free associations, unexpected insights, creative ideas.

Delta waves begin to dominate as we fall asleep. They are even slower than theta waves because they have a frequency of 0.5 - 3 Hz. Most of us, when delta waves dominate in the brain, are either sleepy or in some other unconscious state. However, there is growing evidence that some people can be in the delta state without losing awareness. Typically, this is associated with deep “trance” states. It is noteworthy that it is in this state that our brain secretes the largest amounts of growth hormone, and the processes of self-healing and self-healing occur most intensively in the body.

The dangers of gamma rays

Due to its properties, gamma spectrum radiation has a very high penetrating ability. To stop her, you need a lead wall at least five centimeters thick.

The skin and other protective mechanisms of a living creature are not an obstacle to gamma radiation. It penetrates directly into cells, having a destructive effect on all structures. Irradiated molecules and atoms of a substance themselves become a source of radiation and provoke the ionization of other particles.

As a result of this process, some substances are transformed into others. From them new cells with a different genome are made. The remains of old structures that are unnecessary during the construction of new cells become toxins for the body.

The greatest danger of radiation rays for living organisms that have received a dose of radiation is that they are not able to sense the presence of this deadly wave in space. And also that living cells do not have any specific protection against the destructive energy carried by gamma-ionizing radiation. This type of radiation has the greatest impact on the state of germ cells carrying DNA molecules.

Different cells of the body behave differently in gamma rays and have varying degrees of resistance to the effects of this type of energy. However, another property of gamma radiation is its cumulative ability.

A single irradiation with a small dose does not cause irreparable destructive effects on a living cell. That is why radiation has been used in science, medicine, industry and other areas of human activity.

Brain Rhythms and Meditation

Alpha waves are the most desired state for those who practice serious meditation, since it is believed that during the activity of these waves a person is in the most productive state. There are even hypotheses that the world's geniuses were in an unchanged alpha state during active work. There is no evidence of this yet and it is unlikely that it will ever appear, but the connection between meditation and alpha rhythms of the brain seems obvious.

Meditation makes the brain feel calm and peaceful, reduces anxiety, and improves sleep. Periodic immersion in this state lifts a person’s mood and gives a feeling of well-being. Active alpha waves allow a person to feel all the effects described above. Also, using electronic encephalography, it was found that when a person is immersed in a state of so-called light meditation, the number of alpha waves increases sharply.

All this may suggest that the process of meditation and brain waves may indeed be connected. But the results obtained do not yet provide grounds for the assertion that alpha waves can help reduce emotional stress or other mental disorders.

The tradition of meditation practices requires a person to have at least 10 years of experience in meditation. But the appearance of alpha waves during any life activity can already indicate that a person is acting with all possible dedication, which in general can be equated to a meditative state.

According to some meditation teachers, real mastery is to meditate at any given time. This may mean that if a person is able to perform any work while in a state of maximum concentration and productivity (that is, with alpha wave activity), then he has learned what long practice of meditation can give him.

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From a scientific point of view, the use of brain waves to stimulate anything has no basis yet, since their positive or negative effects have not yet been clearly established. At the moment, researchers are recording all states of human consciousness during the activity of brain waves, and not all of these states can be called strictly good for a person. It must be remembered that for now you can experiment in this way only at your own peril and risk.

Brain rhythms – is everything so clear?

Mysterious structure requiring deep knowledge

The brain is a mysterious structure, much of whose work is still unclear to scientists.
Neurons, synapses, electrical impulses - this is the life that flows in the brain and it is not easy to understand it. The brain is believed to control the activities of the entire body. Thanks to it, sensory information that comes from the senses is processed, planning is carried out, movements are coordinated, decisions are made, and in general the thinking function is performed. Now there is a method for recording the electrical activity of the brain called electroencephalography. In this case, the discharges of individual neurons are recorded using thin electrodes. After the recording, it is analyzed, in particular, spectral, when it is determined in what rhythms the brain worked. These rhythms will be discussed in this article. But its task is not simply to tell what they are. There is a lot of such information on the Internet. I was interested in the fact that the functioning of the brain in certain rhythms is very ambiguous. That is, it is given some specific properties, signs, but in fact the manifestations and their causes may not be the same. I learned this after I became acquainted with the knowledge of “Iissiidiology”. Since I believe that such information may be important to other people, I am sharing it with you.

Brain rhythms

2.1. Main characteristics of human brain rhythms

Before I talk about the nuances themselves given in Iissiidiology, let me remind you what rhythms are characteristic of the work of the human brain. In total, five basic rhythms are known so far: alpha, beta, gamma, delta and theta. Each of them has its own oscillation frequency. Delta rhythm is an oscillation from 0 to 4 Hz, theta is from 4 to 7 Hz, alpha is from 7 to 14 Hz, beta is from 14 to 35 Hz and gamma is from 35 to 500 Hz.

The delta state is deep relaxation, specifically deep, dreamless sleep. The delta rhythm is also recorded during coma, lethargic sleep, and deep trance states (samadhi, nirvana, “exits” from the “physical” body). The oscillation amplitude here is high and can reach up to 500 μV. However, there are cases when a low amplitude is recorded - from 20 to 30 μV. This is a state of rest during some forms of stress and prolonged mental work.

The theta state is also relaxation, but not so deep. This is superficial sleep, meditation. In fact, this state is a thin border between Consciousness and Subconsciousness. Therefore, it may contain intuitive guesses, some bright visions, creative insights. Adults naturally experience the theta state only during sleep, but children under 5 years of age experience it during the daytime. This explains the fact that they quickly remember a huge amount of information. As for adults, they can use special methods to bring the brain into the theta state, thereby relieving stress and enhancing learning abilities.

The alpha state is calm wakefulness. It especially manifests itself when a person is in a darkened room and his eyes are closed. In this state, fussy thoughts do not bother you, so it is easy for a person to concentrate on one thing. In fact, many meditation practices are performed at a frequency that corresponds to the alpha rhythm. And this happens spontaneously. A person simply closes his eyes, relaxes, and his brain begins to work in alpha rhythm. This leads to the fact that he can figure out some question that would not normally have an answer and generally learn to manage his life.

But there are techniques that purposefully introduce a person into the alpha state. These include, for example, the Silva method. Its founder was an ordinary radio engineer from Texas, Jose Silva, who was interested in the functioning of the human brain and was fond of hypnosis. He drew an interesting parallel between resistance in an electrical circuit and resistance in the human brain. According to the laws of physics, as the resistance in an electrical circuit decreases, the current increases. And Jose Silva began to think about what would happen in the human brain if the resistance in it was reduced.

He did not stop only at thinking, but began to conduct relevant experiments. They consisted in the fact that the frequency of the human brain rhythm decreased to the alpha and even theta level. As a result, some experienced relief from bad habits or stress, while others experienced increased creative potential, learning ability, and sharpened intuition. In order to reduce the brain rhythm to the desired frequency, Jose Silva specially developed alpha sound.

In general, a person cannot perceive waves with an alpha frequency in the form of sound, since his hearing organs recognize sound starting from a frequency of 20 Hz. However, Jose Silva was able to use a sound generator to create a sound effect that can be called alpha sound. Unlike the usual relaxing pleasant music, it is monotonous and gradually slows down. Thanks to this, the human brain also begins to work at a slower rhythm, reaching the alpha or even theta level. As for calm music for relaxation, different frequencies are used. When a person listens to such music, his brain has to react to them differently, which makes it much more difficult for him to reach the alpha frequency.

Another rhythm in which our brain works is beta. It is characteristic of the normal waking state of a person who is actively exploring the world around him and is focused on performing some life tasks. This state can be called immersion in the routine of life, and here everything is possible: the emergence of problems, stressful situations, deterioration of mood, health. At the same time, it is very difficult to concentrate on one thing. Although, if a passionate, positively-minded person is in a beta state, such activity helps him bring all his ideas to life. So technical progress is clearly related to beta waves.

And yet, in the beta state, a person is usually agitated, overly emotional, defensive, and rarely able to accept someone's advice. Fussiness, irritability, anxiety are signs characteristic of this condition. Staying in it, a person completely concentrates only on the external, obvious and cannot look for deep connections.

But the gamma rhythm exceeds beta in frequency, but the human condition, on the contrary, is characterized by a powerful increase in attention. At the same time, it can very quickly process incoming information, as well as connect and integrate the results of this processing. In esotericism, it is believed that when the brain works in the gamma rhythm, a person communicates with the so-called higher powers, that is, with that which is beyond the understanding of our consciousness. In the gamma state, one can gain knowledge that is only potentially accessible to a person.

2.2. The connection between brain function and the direction of human development

If you make an electroencephalogram of a person’s brain, it will show which rhythm is currently dominant in him. At the same time, there are special techniques with which you can achieve amplification of a certain frequency. For example, in order to strengthen the alpha rhythm, you can meditate, do yoga, deep breathing, and visualization. And alcohol and drugs also help in this regard. They very effectively transfer brain function to the alpha level, but at the same time the person becomes weak-willed and dependent on such bad habits.

However, you can get rid of them by generating these waves using other techniques, as demonstrated in the Silva method. And many who practice yoga and meditation eventually give up alcohol and drugs. They don’t need them simply because the alpha state becomes the norm for them. But is everything so simple in this case? Is it really enough to be in an alpha state and everything will be easy to solve? Iissiidiology helped me take a deeper look at many aspects, including how the brain works in certain rhythms.

I began to think about this even when I was practicing meditation daily using the Sahaja Yoga method and periodically observing my mental states. It turned out that even in a peaceful state, with little external influence, negative psychisms could arise, that is, irritability and tension could appear. For example, if I was asked to do something, I could well refuse help under the plausible pretext that I first needed to establish inner harmony through meditation. At the same time, until a certain period, the internal question did not even arise, what is more important - helping another person or my own spiritual improvement.

The concepts gleaned from Iissiidiology helped me to better determine the main guidelines and goals in life. It turned out that every day, through our self-awareness, many animal behavioral programs are implemented that provide survival, a place in the sun, ownership, self-confidence, or just a banal dinner. These programs, from the point of view of Iissiidiology, have nothing to do with truly human values ​​and the human path of development, where altruism and intelligence serve as the main guidelines. So-called “inhuman” programs only contribute to the cultivation of selfishness. However, although it is not simple, there is an evolutionarily shorter and more expedient path of development that helps to transform in your consciousness the levels through which egoism periodically manifests itself. From that moment on, I began to understand that one of the main tasks for the development of our self-awareness is the question of choosing the direction of development.

It turns out that the brain can work at both alpha and theta frequencies, but personality development may not go in a human direction, that is, various ego programs can be implemented. For some, this may seem strange: how is it possible that a person does not go in a human direction? But are many of us capable of confidently and constantly demonstrating such qualities as unconditional Love, Intelligence, Altruism, Wisdom? At best, we are only trying to cultivate them. Unfortunately, due to the low level of awareness about the structure of the mechanisms of self-awareness, all sorts of ego programs are quite often implemented through people, directing them towards the path of personal gain and their own well-being. This is neither good nor bad, just “for now.” And I would really like to convey to as many people as possible that there are much more human life choices, interests and opportunities.

In Iissiidiology, much attention is paid to the concept of “direction of development,” that is, how a person develops. This has nothing to do with what kind of education he receives, what his professional skills or type of activity are. The main thing is what qualities he develops, what is his purpose in life. The main components of the human (lluuvumic) direction are Intelligence and Altruism, and they are not considered quite as is customary in our society. Let's start with the fact that a very important addition has been made to the words themselves: Intelligence is called highly sensitive, and Altruism is called highly intellectual. This immediately suggests that both components should always be present in our elections - mental and sensory. Otherwise, some “distortions” are possible, that is, a shift in development in one direction. And the human direction presupposes their harmonious combination.

What kind of person do we usually consider an intellectual? Who received a good upbringing, education, knows a lot, has analytical thinking, and is competent in many issues. In fact, this is a creative thinker who generates ideas and influences a certain part of society. He is able to self-learn, solve complex problems, has excellent memory, knows how to plan and achieve his goals. But can such a person be called a real person? Not always, since all these abilities are most often used only for their own purposes. Basically, they simply significantly increase the level of survival in the modern world and the degree of importance of the individual in society.

What kind of person will be who has highly sensitive Intelligence? This is a person who uses all his abilities and acquired Knowledge for the benefit of others. Moreover, he cannot help but share them, since this internal need to give is very strong. At the same time, he has a sense of responsibility for every word spoken, every choice made, and even for the thoughts he generates. He never condemns people, as he has deep Knowledge that helps him understand any of their actions. And he shares this Knowledge so that people can get answers to their questions and in the future build their lives differently - not on unconscious selfish levels, but with full understanding and responsibility to others. Of course, this is an ideal image, but you can strive for it.

Who in our society is considered altruistic? Someone who unselfishly cares about others, actively shows himself in terms of providing some kind of help, even if at the same time he has to sacrifice something of his own. But often such altruism is still done with a certain benefit. For example, a businessman may donate a lot of money to charity, but this may exempt him from taxes. Or someone donates to the needs of the church, but at the same time secretly hopes for some kind of mercy from God. Such manifestations of the ego may be unconscious, but still they take place in consciousness.

And it is also very important to understand that generally accepted altruism can simply harm someone. For example, you can provide financial assistance to a person, and he uses it to buy alcohol or drugs. That is, this will not help, but will aggravate the condition, which can lead to even more serious personality degradation. And isn’t the one who showed his altruism in this way responsible for this then?

From the point of view of Iissiidiology, a person moving in the human direction of development strives to cultivate in his consciousness a special state - highly intellectual Altruism. Such a person will definitely think twice before providing help, realizing the full responsibility for his actions and for the person he is going to help. But, if this help is really necessary, he will try to push his personal interests into the background, and will do everything possible that depends on him. Such a person, in personal terms, bears little resemblance to the social image to which we are accustomed in gray everyday life; rather, he is part of a single Whole, and is inclined to consider his life from the perspective of the tasks facing all of humanity. Moreover, his responsibility for his choices is based on deep Knowledge.

In fact, high Intelligence and Altruism are two integral parts that are combined in the human direction of development, and such a quality as Wisdom is obtained. All this is literally imbued with unconditional Love, which cannot be passive, but is expressed in the form of an active manifestation of the best qualities of a person. And this is directed not only at friends, loved ones, relatives, but at any strangers and even at everything around. And, of course, in the actions of a person who is characterized by highly sensitive Intelligence and highly intellectual Altruism, there is never any benefit, even in an unconscious form.

How are the direction of development and the functioning of the brain related? In general, no one has studied this issue yet, since in modern science there is no such concept - the direction of development. However, Iissiidiology poses it, because indeed not everything is so simple with the work of the brain, its rhythms. For example, it is believed that the alpha rhythm is very productive for a person, since in this state it is balanced. But this does not mean that he is not at all affected by external stimuli, which can cause different reactions, and far from human ones, so to speak. And this can be explained by several reasons.

The first is that the human brain never works in only one rhythm. If you take an electroencephalogram of the brain of a person who is in the alpha state, it will show that there are other rhythms there. This is especially true for beta frequency, which is characteristic of normal daytime activity. This means that with a stable external stimulus at low-frequency levels, a person can move from the alpha to beta state, that is, some negative reactions may begin to appear.

Let me give you an example from my own life. A person tries to enter into meditation, adjusts himself in a certain way, the so-called “inner silence” sets in, that is, the alpha state, but if a source of noise appears somewhere nearby (for example, loud rock music), this will bring him out of this state. At best, he will simply postpone meditation for the future; at worst, he will be irritated because he was interrupted.

Now let's look at the same situation from the point of view of human direction. If a person cultivates human qualities in himself, he will definitely find motivation, that is, he will understand why this happens, why someone wanted to listen to such music right now. Having deep Knowledge about the nature of man and the Universe, you can always find a justification for everything that happens in life. But in what state can such a person be? He can remain in the alpha state or even go into deep meditation, that is, move to the theta level, where no external stimuli are perceived. But for this you need to have certain skills.

The second option is that he can go into the beta state, that is, stop meditating and engage in some kind of daily activity, but at the same time he will not have any negative moments, since he has found many motivations for himself to understand the situation. That is, the human direction of development in any case gives a positive outcome, regardless of what rhythm prevails at the moment in the work of the human brain. This means that we cannot say unequivocally that the alpha rhythm is more preferable.

Let's look at the same situation from one more side. Thanks to certain meditative practices, a person knows how to enter the so-called state of a witness or observer, when he completely detaches himself from what is happening. In fact, he does not leave the alpha state, that is, he remains calm and balanced, but is he at the same time in the human direction of development? There are two possible options here. If he is not indifferent and is always ready to help others, then his direction corresponds to that of a human being. If this detachment leads to an indifferent contemplation of what is happening around us or even to some kind of cynical view of the lives of others, sometimes bordering on arrogance, this cannot be called a human direction. But at the same time, the alpha frequency will prevail in the functioning of the human brain.

2.3. Schumann waves

There is one more point that I would like to touch upon. This is the presence of waves that our planet generates together with the Sun. It is believed that these waves also affect the functioning of the human brain and its conditions in general. Therefore, I wanted to delve deeper into this issue. So what are these waves? They are called Schumann waves. The name comes from the name of a professor at the Technical University of Munich, who not only discovered them theoretically, but also subsequently proved their existence in practice.

It all started back in 1949, when Otto Schumann, in his class on electrophysics, set students the task of calculating the parameters of a symmetrical resonator formed by two spheres placed inside each other. To carry it out, we took the dimensions of our planet and its ionosphere, that is, the air layer surrounding the Earth. The influence of processes on the Sun, thunderstorm activity and air disturbances was also taken into account. As a result, it turned out that the Earth and the ionosphere are a giant spherical resonator in which waves with a certain frequency propagate well (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Schumann waves

In 1952, Schumann had already theoretically derived the resonant frequencies of these waves. The first and strongest resonance was at a frequency close to 8 Hz. If we compare this frequency with the rhythms of the human brain, it corresponds to the alpha rhythm. Schumann resonance was also discovered at other frequencies - 14, 20, 26 and 32 Hz, but they are less pronounced. That is, here the frequencies coincide with the rhythm of the brain, but at a different level - beta. In fact, such “standing” electromagnetic waves were discovered even earlier by Nikola Tesla, but then they did not pay much attention to it.

After the theoretical prediction, Schumann and his follower Herbert König experimentally proved the presence of waves of this frequency in the Earth-ionosphere cavity. Subsequently, they began to be registered in laboratories in different countries. For example, in Russia Schumann frequencies are now monitored daily at Tomsk State University[1]. Although they are not so easy to measure, since there is a lot of interference in the environment, for example, electromagnetic background from various equipment.

Schumann waves are a natural phenomenon and since they exist in the space where all life on Earth takes place, they are believed to have a great influence on humans and other biological organisms. Due to the fact that the strongest frequency coincides with the alpha rhythm, it is concluded that when tuning into Schumann waves, a person not only feels good in terms of balance and health, but can also exhibit some unusual abilities, for example, receiving information about the future. In particular, Herbert Koenig conducted research on attunement with Schumann waves and the manifestation of unusual abilities. He studied the work of people called dowsers. They can use an ordinary willow rod to find water and even deposits underground. Agree, not every person can do this. And it was in them that the frequency of brain biocurrents coincided with the frequency of Schumann waves.

But still, most of all, Schumann waves synchronize the biorhythms of all living things, including humans. This was established thanks to experiments carried out at NASA (USA) and the M. Planck Institute (Germany). NASA has even developed a device that generates waves with a frequency of 7.8 Hz (the most active Schumann frequency). Thanks to it, a person’s brain calms down, he becomes more relaxed and can work more productively.

The fact that Schumann waves have a beneficial effect on humans was also confirmed by the fact that astronauts who are on flights beyond the Earth’s ionosphere sometimes feel uncomfortable. They experience dizziness, headaches, and lack of attention. When such manifestations were associated with the lack of exposure to Schumann waves, special devices began to be used during flights that artificially generated a frequency of 7.8 Hz, after which these phenomena ceased among the astronauts.

In general, Schumann waves are quite interesting and their purpose is not fully understood. Judging by the fact that their frequency coincides with the two main rhythms on which human life is based, they contribute to normal survival on the planet in given conditions of existence. However, not everything is so simple, because some scientists believe that by consciously tuning into these frequencies, you can even learn to materialize desires. For example, Masaru Emoto (Japan), as a result of experiments with water, found that human thoughts are transferred due to a single vibrational frequency and under the influence of thoughts, water changes its structure. He is sure that in the same way thoughts and emotions are transferred to everything that surrounds a person. Therefore, with the power of thought you can materialize desires.

Another observation of these frequencies suggests that over time their magnitude becomes larger. That is, the lower limit moves away from the value of 7.8 towards an increase. Such data is quite common on the Internet, although some sources refute it. And yet, there are predictions according to which the lower limit can reach 40 and even 50 Hz, and this is already a gamma frequency and the brain at this level works very hard for an ordinary person. After all, he performs a huge number of operations in such a rhythm.

In Zen Buddhism, the frequency of 50 Hz is believed to correspond to complete enlightenment. That is, in this state, a person goes beyond the boundaries of the dual mind, the ego dissolves and the feeling of being a performer disappears, which leads to a state of unity with everything around [3]. But is such a state possible only when the brain operates at a high frequency? Indeed, when meditating, a person also ideally experiences a disidentification of consciousness with the body, mind and awareness of something more global, in particular, oneself as an integral part of the Universe. But at the same time, his brain works at the alpha, theta or delta frequency, depending on the depth of meditation.

Schumann waves are a natural phenomenon and since they exist in the space where all life on Earth takes place, they are believed to have a great influence on humans and other biological organisms. Due to the fact that the strongest frequency coincides with the alpha rhythm, it is concluded that when tuning into Schumann waves, a person not only feels good in terms of balance and health, but can also exhibit some unusual abilities, for example, receiving information about the future. In particular, Herbert Koenig conducted research on attunement with Schumann waves and the manifestation of unusual abilities. He studied the work of people called dowsers. They can use an ordinary willow rod to find water and even deposits underground. Agree, not every person can do this. And it was in them that the frequency of brain biocurrents coincided with the frequency of Schumann waves.

But still, most of all, Schumann waves synchronize the biorhythms of all living things, including humans. This was established thanks to experiments carried out at NASA (USA) and the M. Planck Institute (Germany). NASA has even developed a device that generates waves with a frequency of 7.8 Hz (the most active Schumann frequency). Thanks to it, a person’s brain calms down, he becomes more relaxed and can work more productively.

The fact that Schumann waves have a beneficial effect on humans was also confirmed by the fact that astronauts who are on flights beyond the Earth’s ionosphere sometimes feel uncomfortable. They experience dizziness, headaches, and lack of attention. When such manifestations were associated with the lack of exposure to Schumann waves, special devices began to be used during flights that artificially generated a frequency of 7.8 Hz, after which these phenomena ceased among the astronauts.

In general, Schumann waves are quite interesting and their purpose is not fully understood. Judging by the fact that their frequency coincides with the two main rhythms on which human life is based, they contribute to normal survival on the planet in given conditions of existence. However, not everything is so simple, because some scientists believe that by consciously tuning into these frequencies, you can even learn to materialize desires. For example, Masaru Emoto (Japan), as a result of experiments with water, found that human thoughts are transferred due to a single vibrational frequency and under the influence of thoughts, water changes its structure. He is sure that in the same way thoughts and emotions are transferred to everything that surrounds a person. Therefore, with the power of thought you can materialize desires.

Another observation of these frequencies suggests that over time their magnitude becomes larger. That is, the lower limit moves away from the value of 7.8 towards an increase. Such data is quite common on the Internet, although some sources refute it. And yet, there are predictions according to which the lower limit can reach 40 and even 50 Hz, and this is already a gamma frequency and the brain at this level works very hard for an ordinary person. After all, he performs a huge number of operations in such a rhythm.

In Zen Buddhism, the frequency of 50 Hz is believed to correspond to complete enlightenment. That is, in this state, a person goes beyond the boundaries of the dual mind, the ego dissolves and the feeling of being a performer disappears, which leads to a state of unity with everything around [3]. But is such a state possible only when the brain operates at a high frequency? Indeed, when meditating, a person also ideally experiences a disidentification of consciousness with the body, mind and awareness of something more global, in particular, oneself as an integral part of the Universe. But at the same time, his brain works at the alpha, theta or delta frequency, depending on the depth of meditation.

In general, partial enlightenment can occur in any state, even a normal waking state, when the main rhythm of the human brain is beta. Surely many have experienced moments when they suddenly understand something that previously seemed simply incomprehensible. And this is also enlightenment. It is difficult to say in what rhythm the human brain works. After all, it simultaneously generates waves of different frequencies. However, any information is provided only if there is interest in it. That is, the answer will appear only when the question exists.


From all of the above, we can conclude that the main thing for people is not to achieve some state in which the brain generates waves of a certain frequency. The important direction of development is interest in cultivating truly human qualities in oneself, such as highly sensitive Intelligence, highly intellectual Altruism, responsibility, Wisdom, unconditional Love. This is necessarily accompanied by corresponding thoughts and feelings, reflected in specific choices. That is, a person’s entire life becomes subordinate to this goal. But most of it takes place in the waking state, when the main brain activity occurs at the level of beta waves.

Although now some people in this state have a greater generation of alpha waves, that is, they are quite calm and balanced. This is often the result of using various meditation practices. However, we have already seen that this does not mean that they are not in egoism. If a person is striving for altruistic-intellectual manifestations, then methods of achieving internal balance can help him, since it has already been revealed that alpha and theta rhythms have a beneficial effect.

But from Iissiidiology I learned that in the future science will become aware of a much larger number of waves of different frequencies that the human brain generates. Moreover, they need not just to be defined, but to identify relationships with specific mental and sensory states, which characterize the aspiration in one direction or another of development. Only then can we say with any greater certainty what rhythms will be of higher quality for a person to generate. I think that over time we will learn to consciously manage this, just as we are now trying to enter the alpha or theta state with the help of various practices. But I made one very important conclusion for myself - you should always try to be Human in any situation and in any condition!


[2] You can read about this on the page “Human Direction of Development”

[3] Enlightenment (Wikipedia)

Use of traditional medicine

To prevent diffuse changes, doctors often recommend using traditional medicine recipes at home. However, before increasing brain activity using these methods, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the components.

The most common recipes:

  1. Pour 2 tablespoons of onion peels and rose hips into the pan, as well as 5 tablespoons of pine needles. Pour this mixture with a liter of cold water, place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Boil for 30 minutes, then strain the broth and take the drug one tablespoon 5 times a day. The duration of the course is 2 weeks.
  2. Mix 1 tablespoon mint and 1 tablespoon sage. Add 500 ml of boiling water and leave overnight. The infusion is taken once a day, 2 tablespoons in the morning.
  3. Place 1 tablespoon of raspberry and lingonberry leaves, 1 tablespoon of oregano and 4 tablespoons of bergenia into a heat-resistant bowl. Place the container on the stove, add half a liter of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes over medium heat. Take 1 tablespoon of decoction once a day for 21 days.
  4. Pour one teaspoon of rosemary into a glass of boiling water, cover and let steep for 3-4 hours. It is recommended to drink one glass of the product per day every day.
  5. Mix one tablespoon of tea with one teaspoon of lemon balm and pour in a liter of boiling water. During the day you should drink a liter of this drink.
  6. Pour 1 glass of water into a small heat-resistant container and add 1 tablespoon of rowan bark. Put on fire and boil for 10-15 minutes. You need to take 2 tablespoons of the medicine 3 times a day for a month.

By simultaneously consuming the right foods, performing physical and mental exercise, and using traditional medicine methods, you can achieve noticeable success in enhancing brain activity and increasing intelligence.

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