How to learn to think positively and attract positive things

How to learn to think positively?

A person who is set up for failure will actually attract troubles and bad events to himself like a magnet.
And there is no magic in this. It's all about how our brain works. If people concentrate on the bad, they do not notice positive events and moments. And they willingly focus their attention on negative incidents. This is called the "sieve principle". Those. the focus of attention is selectively focused on what is in tune with the individual’s mood. Over time, focusing on the negative can lead to apathy, depression, problems in various areas (due to a lack of faith in the best and the resulting inability to deal with obstacles), and in the long term can even provoke illness.

If you learn to think positively, you can radically change your life. Psychologists say that correct thinking contributes to human development in all areas and directions, be it career, personal life, scientific or creative activity, etc.

Positive people are more balanced , get sick less often, concentrate well on tasks and approach problems with a clear head.

How a person’s positive thinking is connected with his Creator, look at the video:

How to develop positive thinking without self-deception

To come to an adequate perception of the world, without raising or lowering the standards, you need to know how to set yourself up for positive thinking. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the four principles of a positive outlook on life.

1 principle – law of attraction

The first law allows you to understand how to learn to think positively and attract positive things. We know that the law of attraction works the same for everyone. What we talk about directly affects our lives.

If we constantly complain, then there are more reasons for this, because the body is in a state of constant stress and psychological pressure. The result is health problems that do not make our existence better.

Understand that you can gradually replace your negative attitudes with positive ones. Affirmations are great for this. They allow you to tune in to a positive mood.

It is especially useful to become familiar with these positive attitudes for pessimists who, due to their own perceptions, cannot enjoy pleasant moments. The more positive our thoughts in everyday life, the more open to new things we become, which means it is easier for us to cope with various circumstances.

Principle 2: What goes around comes around

Imagine that our mind is a huge garden and we are the gardeners. We independently choose which plants to plant in it. But if we do nothing in the garden, it will become overgrown with weeds that we will have to fight.

The mind cannot tolerate emptiness. That is why, in the hours when we don’t know what to do with ourselves, negative thoughts are born in our heads, which gradually fill everything. It’s very easy to prevent this; if you feel like you’re starting to get bogged down in negativity, then try to do something you love or distract yourself by reading a book. Let it be a useful thing that, like a beautiful tree, will nourish your mind with knowledge.

Principle 3 – outburst of emotions and feelings

Thinking positively is good, but holding back accumulated negative emotions can be detrimental to the psyche. You need to find an activity that will help you throw out accumulated negative feelings. These could be the following active actions:

  • sport;
  • drawing;
  • music lessons;
  • a detailed description of your own feelings and emotions in a notebook;
  • cleaning;
  • walk.

Such actions should serve as a kind of release, helping to free oneself from negativity. Some people note that by being distracted by something they love, a solution to the problem comes to them, and they can quickly and effectively deal with the problem.

The main thing is not to restrain your own feelings, otherwise there may be psychological stagnation. Remember, it is normal to experience different emotions, you are not a robot. The main thing is to be able to properly direct negative energy and use it to your advantage.

Principle 4 – interaction

Treat other people the way you want to be treated. To do this, try to stop using the following habitual models in your speech:

  • complaints about life, circumstances, environment;
  • denial of the problem that has arisen;
  • judging other people;
  • lie;
  • constructions with negations: I can’t, it won’t work.

Just treat other people like people. Think not only about yourself, because you can offend another while passing by, without even thinking about it. Look around, realize your position. Ask others what they think about your behavior. Accept what they say about you and start changing for the better.

Benefit and success

Watching stories of other people's success, people try to understand how the heroes of history managed to achieve such heights.
After all, today's successful people were often once average citizens. And not all of them had a good start. Of course, there are many success factors, but the key role can rightfully be assigned to the way of thinking. While some were shy, afraid of failure, worried, lazy and procrastinated, others believed in their success and tried to “conquer the mountain” over and over again, even if they fell from it more than once on the slope.

Video about the benefits of positivity:

Why should a person learn the principles of positive thinking?

If a person is passive and timid, he prefers to rely on the critical opinion of others , expects failures and firmly believes that he will not succeed; of course, no joyful events will happen in his life.

An individual with negative thinking will put himself in a box, preferring to protect himself from disappointments. But in this way he will also protect himself from success.

In fact, any event that happens to us initially does not have an emotional indicator. Events are neutral. The person himself gives a certain color to what is happening, determining for himself his attitude to what happened and the emotions that the accomplished fact evokes.

And if a person allows negativity to dominate in his head,
very soon control will be lost and thinking in a similar vein will become dominant.
Those. negativity will become a certain basic setting or filter that will immediately apply to all events in life. Over time, a person will actually lose the ability to distinguish bad from good and will learn to look for bad connotations in absolutely everything. The level of anxious anticipation will increase, and the quality of life will decrease. And every day something will happen that can be characterized by the simple phrase “I told you so!”

To regain self-control and feel in control of your life, you will have to try and break the vicious circle.

Positive thinking also has strong energy and can displace negative emotions.

And as soon as a person relearns to think in a new way, he will immediately feel that he controls his own life and mood . As a result, the focus of perception will shift (again according to the “sieve” principle) and the brain will focus only on what pleases it.

What is logical thinking, forms, and how to develop it, read here.

How to create positive thinking?

Developing positive thinking starts small. These are interesting, positive interlocutors, good books with a happy ending, humorous programs that make you smile. And most importantly, it is important to learn to thank life for any experience, taking it as a life lesson that makes a person better and happier.

For those who do not know what the first step should be to change in life, there are various methods for developing positive thinking:

  • Affirmations are positive statements that make a person feel confident. They work on the principle of materializing thoughts - the more often you repeat them, the more likely it is that they will come true
  • Diary of achievements. This practice is simple and effective. Every day you need to write down at least 5 feats. Even if it's just cleaning and washing a mountain of dishes. This method allows you to find positive meaning even in trivial matters.
  • Optimistic music. Experts have been talking about the influence of various sounds on the human psyche for many decades. And if you listen to music that makes you want to move mountains, then why not? The main task is to listen to exactly those melodies that will motivate you to move and develop further.
  • Smile. It has been scientifically proven that even an artificial smile forces the body to switch to a positive wave. And if you smile at those around you and at the reflection in the mirror, then your mood can change from negative to positive.
  • Technique for finding advantages. This is one of the most effective habits that will allow you to quickly learn to think positively. It consists of translating any event into a positive direction. Even bad events have positives. Over time, thanks to this method, a person simply will not have any negative events left.

Read more: Personal growth

A person's fate is always in his hands. He also attracts events into his life on his own. This means that it depends only on the person himself how bright and positive this life will be. Philosophers say that it is, therefore, too short to allow suffering, grief and negativity into it. This means that the breadth and richness of life can be much more interesting and positive than it seems at first glance.

Olga Figura

The essence

Thinking positively does not mean living in a fictional world , denying everything bad and engaging in self-deception.
Even positive-minded people understand that a person regularly faces problems and makes mistakes, becomes a victim of other people’s mistakes, or simply finds himself “in the wrong place at the wrong time.” But this understanding does not become a reason for stress, worry and constant anticipation of pain and problems. For properly minded people, everything negative becomes a valuable experience and lesson, an opportunity for growth, development and learning.

If a pessimist encounters trouble, he immediately gives up, believes that he deserved this failure and it simply could not have happened any other way. There may even be phrases such as: “this is natural”, “I’m a loser”, “I shouldn’t have hoped, everything was clear right away”, etc.

An optimist will also experience negative emotions due to difficulties , but he will not submit to them and will not get bogged down in a swamp of sorrows. A person who knows that he is building his own life will quickly pull himself together, begin to look for a way out of the situation and analyze, calculate the steps and set the right guidelines for himself.

Peace of mind is based on the understanding that life is changeable and neither the bad nor the good period will last forever. But it depends on the person which periods will dominate.

It is possible to learn to rejoice and experience happiness, even if you are captive of negative perception. It is important to start with small steps towards a complete transformation of consciousness. It is important to stop associating failures with your personality and start letting go of the situation when it cannot be influenced.

Strategies for optimistic thinking for different psychotypes

Where to begin? Before you start working with your thinking, you should determine and study your psychological type .

  • Introvert . This is a person who does not strive to join society, he enjoys being alone and it is quite difficult to establish contact with others. Such people are balanced and not prone to strong emotions. Their normal state can be described as “neutral”. They rarely experience intense happiness and joy, even when there are appropriate incentives.
  • Extrovert . The antipode of an introvert. He is open to communication and new contacts, feels good in society, and usually views all problems as an opportunity to improve his skills. Able to maintain a high level of his own positive attitude and convey good emotions to others.

The traits that are observed in extroverts fully reflect the positive aspects of an optimistic attitude:

  • thirst for new knowledge and discoveries;
  • desire to improve quality of life;
  • the tendency to plan and draw up strategies, to structure one’s actions;
  • the ability to make efforts to achieve set goals;
  • the ability to learn from both other people's mistakes and other people's successes;
  • attitude towards one’s own victories without excessive emotionality, taking them for granted;
  • low degree of attachment to the material components of life;
  • controlled emotionality.

Society tends to associate extroverts with positivity and introverts with negativity. But these are erroneous conclusions. The classification is conditional and reflects only the tendency to the dominant manifestation of certain emotions. But these two psychological types have cross-features and do not occur in nature in their pure form. Those. An introvert always has extrovert traits and vice versa.

Daily Practice

  1. " Emotions over the edge ." Sit in front of the mirror and watch your face , consider the features and features. Look at yourself as a stranger. After this, try to express vivid emotions with your face, accompanying this with suitable phrases and intonation. Listen to how your voice changes and how your body responds to it.
  2. " Alternate emotions ." Think about the negative, bring negative emotions to the surface and try to feel them deeply. Then slowly switch to a positive wave and listen carefully to yourself during the “perestroika”.
  3. " Unexpectedly winning ." Model in your head a situation in which you found yourself in the thick of problems. Try to live through this situation emotionally. Then suddenly put yourself in a winning position in your head. This exercise will teach you to quickly change your focus from problems to opportunities, even in everyday life.
  4. " Here is my hand ." This exercise will help you hear yourself and recognize your own feelings. Focus your attention on your left palm. Try to understand how you feel. Is the hand cold or hot, wet or dry, hard or weak? After a while, switch your attention to your second hand.
  5. " Eat with taste ." Your task is not just to get more pleasure from food, but to learn to live every moment. Try to slow down while eating. Don't rush to chew the piece. Taste the food, try to grasp its taste, aroma, strength and shade of each ingredient in the dish. Enjoy how the dish looks on the plate and how it is presented. How comfortable the cutlery is in your hand and how the tablecloth matches the color of the dishes.
  6. " Fantasy World ". Try to understand what you would like to have at the moment. For example, you dream of buying an apartment. Place your hand in your pocket and imagine that you have found the keys to the door there. The door that leads to your new home. Imagine how the cold metal from which the keys are made heats up from the warmth of your palms. How an unexpected find tightens your pocket. Fix the image in your head.
  7. " Relax ". It will help you relax and understand how to look at life and the world positively every day. Take a comfortable position, close your eyes. Now quickly, quickly clench and unclench your fists. Then raise your arms parallel to the floor without stopping the movement. When it becomes obvious that you are tired, lower your palms and relax. Remember this state.
  8. " Identifying our strengths ."
    If a person is aware that he has achieved something and is good in some specific areas, it will be easier to tune in to the positive. But often people ignore their strengths. To remember your advantages, you need to take a sheet of paper and divide it into three columns. Then you need to take a pen and enter your “advantages,” “strengths,” and “achievements” into the resulting fields. Important! After filling out the fields, re-read what you wrote, and also constantly remind yourself of what you are good at.
  9. " With hope for the future ." This exercise is similar to the previous one. You just need to enter in the fields those qualities and achievements that you do not yet possess, but want to possess.
  10. " Financial success ." Mentally acquire a solid capital. Imagine that you are a financially successful and independent person. Think about what you would do, how you would spend your weekend, how you would manage your capital, and what you would buy with your free money. Do not go beyond even in your fantasies, imagining yourself as a billionaire or a current king. Otherwise, it will be difficult to experience financial success as a new reality.
  11. " Authoritative advisor ." Need to make a difficult decision? Imagine that you are discussing this decision with a positive, wise and successful person. Ask him questions and try to predict how he would answer. And then give appropriate advice for him.

How to practice positive thinking is shown in the video:

How to attract what you want with positive thinking

As it turned out, with the help of positive thinking a person can attract what he wants quickly and without much effort. However, for this you need to learn to manage your thoughts and internal energy, and then you will be able to fulfill any dreams.

Visualize. Learn not only to concentrate on your desire, but also to reproduce it in your subconscious. Try to imagine what you want in the smallest detail so that the Universe can respond to your signal. In this case, positive thinking will speed up the process of fulfilling your desire. You must sincerely believe that you are already close to your dream, and then it will definitely come true.

Say positively charged words. Like the power of thought, the power of words plays a huge role in the fulfillment of your desire. If you doubt that your dream can be fulfilled, voice it out loud. In this case, not only positive thinking will work, but also the process of self-hypnosis, with the help of which you can prove to yourself that your desire is quite real.

Smile more often. Of course, a fake smile won't do any good, and for it to be sincere, you need to remember positive thinking again. If you dream of going on a long journey or finding love, watch a film with a similar theme.

We suggest you read: How to get rid of envy, stop envying others

Brighten up your waiting time. Despite the fact that positive thinking can work wonders, you won’t be able to get what you want instantly. For a dream to come true, a certain amount of time must pass, and during this entire period you must not lose a positive attitude.

Pursue your favorite hobby or find a new hobby. Try to spend time with friends as often as possible, but do not forget to think about what you want. If you have not violated the above rules, your dream will definitely come true, and this can happen at any time.

Making a wish on a falling star is one of the most effective ways. However, by following certain rules, you can get what you want much faster. May all your wishes come true,

Background positive thinking

Remember, memorize and constantly repeat three phrases:

  • I can.
  • I will.
  • I'm worthy.

For example, not “I feel very bad and I have problems,” but “Even though it’s not too easy for me to deal with problems now, but I will do it and will be able to overcome them.”

Other settings will also help lift your spirits:

  • “I am cheerful and happy, regardless of external circumstances.”
  • "I admire myself."
  • “Everything that happens is for the better.”
  • “I can and want to be responsible for everything that happens to me.”
  • “I don’t hold any grudges against those who abused me.”
  • “I am loved, valued and respected.”
  • “My thoughts shape my best life.”
  • "I'm happy in the moment."
  • “I managed to learn how to switch from negative to positive and maintain this state.”
  • “Every day is a new opportunity to become better.”
  • “I enjoy even the little things.”
  • “I can handle any task.”
  • “I choose a happy life without negativity.”

Technique instructions

Easy-to-follow instructions will allow you to quickly get out of depression and return to positive thinking, take over your emotions and reconfigure them.

Objective assessment of thoughts:

  1. Stop shifting responsibility for your life to others, external factors, bad luck, bad aura, etc. Understand that only you are responsible for how your destiny turns out. And by deciding to fall asleep with bad thoughts, you also influence your life. First of all, realize that you are thinking in a negative way. The problem needs to be acknowledged. Then the understanding will come that the problem can be solved. And it will immediately become easier.
  2. Appreciate all the benefits of positive thinking. Imagine how your life will change for the better after you radically change your mindset. Think about the benefits you will get, how much easier it will be for you to encounter difficulties and how easily you will overcome them. If you realize the benefits of a positive attitude, you will have the motivation necessary to maintain it.
  3. Keep a special journal for reflection. In this diary, reflect on everything that aroused vivid emotions in you during the day, interested you, attracted you, made you happy or angry. This way you can analyze your emotions and look at situations from different angles over time, trying to find a positive perspective even in negative moments. At the end of the week, re-read your entries for the last seven days and write down the thoughts that prevailed most often. This way you can see the dynamics of the transition to positive thinking.

Fighting destructive thinking:

  1. Identify destructive thoughts that appear in your head involuntarily. They are the ones who prevent you from changing your way of thinking and slow down your transition to the “light side.” For example, a colleague warned you that inspectors will come to the office tomorrow. The thought of being fired and panic is destructive. After all, you are a specialist and know your job, and thanks to information from a colleague, you can prepare in advance and get ready for the test. Isn't that a positive thing? Once you begin to notice destructive and pessimistic thoughts, it will be easier to stop them.
  2. Analyze all your thoughts . Try to understand when a situation is actually sad, and when exactly you are presenting it in such a light. Also, by shifting the blame for your failures to your neighbors, colleagues, bosses and the government, try to understand whether you are really a victim of circumstances or whether your negative thinking has once again played a cruel joke on you. Stop yourself as soon as you feel a surge of negativity and start analyzing your thoughts. How accurate are they lenses? You can even write down a thought on a piece of paper and then read it out loud, imagining that another person is doing it. What is your reaction now?
  3. Replace negativity with positivity . When you can not only notice, but also analyze thoughts, you can begin to introduce replacement thoughts. For every bad thought that hinders your success, try to replace it with an antipode (a positive thought on the same topic). For example, when you feel like you can’t handle a complex report, stop yourself. Then remember that you have enough time left, that you have submitted a report more than once, that in your third year of university you wrote a brilliant essay in just 4 hours and have the skills to work with a database and large amounts of information.
  4. Try to minimize external stimuli . Excessive stress is of no use to you, because it only contributes to the imbalance of emotions, over which you are so confidently trying to gain control. Instead of heavy and loud music, listen to something light and pleasant, and replace watching horror films with reading good and exciting books.
  5. Stop dividing the world into black and white. This (polarized) approach will not work in your favor. After all, everything that does not fall into the “white” category will be classified as “black”. You shouldn’t paint life in mournful colors with your own hands. There are also many greys, light greys, off-whites and off-blacks.
    To escape polarized thinking, you need to understand and accept that the world is not divided into two poles.

    It is also necessary to expand your horizons and be interested in other people's points of view in order to replenish your baggage of opinions and assessments. For example, if a work inspection is planned the day after tomorrow, this does not mean that based on its results you will become the best employee of the company or will be fired. Perhaps the test will be canceled, you will get an average score, or during the test you will be sent to a conference. The variety of “intermediate” outcomes of events is simply enormous.

Part two. Fighting destructive thoughts

Identify your involuntary destructive thoughts

You need to know your enemy by sight, so you need to start the fight against negative thinking by identifying those destructive thoughts that involuntarily arise in your head as a first reaction to this or that news.

Example. A colleague secretly told you that there will be an extraordinary inspection at work tomorrow. If the first thought that came to your mind was the thought that you will not cope with this test and management will definitely fire you, then your way of thinking cannot be called positive. A person who knows how to think constructively would think that he will definitely be able to pass any test, because he is confident in himself and his qualifications.

Once you learn to identify and monitor your involuntary negative thoughts, you can challenge them and push them out of your head.

Analyze your negative thoughts

Mindset is a choice. And no one will make this choice for you. You can blame the government, foreigners, neighbors, Masons or aliens for all your troubles as much as you like, but you and only you decide whether to continue to think destructively or start fighting negative thoughts. If you have preferred a destructive way of thinking your entire adult life, this does not in any way oblige you to continue to behave that way. You can declare war on negativity at any time!

As soon as involuntary or conscious negative thoughts once again visit your head, immediately stop the internal dialogue and think about how true these thoughts are to reality. Are they really as accurate and truthful as you believe?

Take a piece of paper and write down the negative thought that comes to your mind. Analyze this thought objectively, and then say it out loud on behalf of some other person and think about how you would respond if that other person asked you to express your opinion on this matter. Many of us are able to easily refute the negative thoughts of other people, despite the fact that we often perceive our own negativity as the ultimate truth.

Example. If your head is often haunted by thoughts that you will not pass the next work test, then think about the fact that it is unlikely that you would still be working at this job if your negative thoughts were true. Why would management pay a salary to an incompetent employee? Answer this question for yourself and try to understand the fact that you are greatly exaggerating.

Change negative to positive!

Once you learn to identify and objectively analyze your negative thoughts, you can begin to replace the negative with the positive. Try to replace every negative thought that inhibits your personal growth with a positive thought that will help you achieve success and improve your quality of life.

Example. As soon as you think that you cannot pass the next work test, immediately stop your internal dialogue. You already know for sure that this thought is a negative thought and is not true. Therefore, it needs to be replaced with a positive thought. It is very important that this positive thought is not an example of self-confidence. Many people often confuse self-confidence and self-confidence and self-confidence.

“I am an experienced and respected employee, without whom our company certainly cannot manage. I will definitely pass any test without any preparation, so my colleague might as well not share this information with me” - an example of a positive but self-confident thought. You definitely don’t need to think like that, otherwise you could end up without a job.

“It’s very good that my colleague shared with me the information that tomorrow we will have to undergo another inspection. Today I will spend a little time preparing so that tomorrow everything will be at the highest level” - an example of the correct positive attitude.

Avoid or minimize contact with negative external factors

Constant contact with certain external factors can cause a negative impact on your mood and general condition. Therefore, it makes sense not to contact or minimize contact with violent or stressful factors.

Instead of aggressive and heavy music, listen to soothing and meditative melodies, replace violent video games and bloody films with reading classic books, walking or chatting with people you like. Such a pastime will not only relax your mind, but also put you in the right mood.

Say no! polarized thinking

Polarized or “black and white” thinking prevents an individual from thinking positively, as a person perceives everything either in a white or black light. He thinks he has to do everything perfectly (white) or do nothing (black). The absence of any alternatives (gray shades) leads to the fact that a person begins to think negatively, because nothing ideal exists in our world.

To get rid of polarized thinking, you need to learn to think in more than just two directions (positive and negative). Fill your life with all possible options for the development of events, because the situation is not always resolved one hundred percent positively or negatively.

Example. If tomorrow you have to undergo an extraordinary work test, then you don’t need to think that you will show the best results or fail and be forced to look for another job. Between these radically opposite options there are several more alternatives “hidden”: your result will be average, the test will be canceled, etc.

Formation of optimistic attitudes

Pay attention to your health and give up bad habits.
After all, in order for positive thoughts to settle in your head, you need to feel comfortable. It’s hard to feel joy if your head is pounding all day from the amount of alcohol you drank at a party, and in the middle of the night you get the cough of a seasoned smoker. When you take care of yourself and your condition, your thoughts will also begin to restructure. Therefore, keep your posture, regularly attend preventive examinations, play sports, give up junk food (or reduce it to a minimum), learn to get proper rest and smile more often (a practice for men and women).

Unleash the creator within you . Creativity helps not only calm your thoughts and boost creativity, but also set you in a positive mood. The process, which is based on creation, will “tune” thinking in the best possible way.

Spend at least 30 minutes three times a week bringing your ideas to life. And don't be afraid to experiment! Try to realize your craziest creative ideas. It will be fun. And in the future, it may even help you become a great inventor, artist or sculptor. Who knows how far your imagination will take you.

Set realistic goals for yourself . This doesn't mean you should give up on your wildest dreams. This means that in everyday life and short distance races you should not raise the bar, trying to achieve unrealistic goals. Otherwise, you will only be disappointed because you were unable to achieve what you wanted. And a stream of pessimism will overwhelm you.

To prevent big goals from scaring you and becoming a dead weight on your list of planned achievements, divide them into small tasks.

Communicate with positive people and clear your space of negativity.
An interlocutor who constantly complains, whines and blames everyone around him, talks about how unfair life is, can easily lure you to his side. Therefore, reach out to people who are charged with positivity and share good emotions with everyone around. Of course, it is not always possible to remove unpleasant, negative and angry people from life. But you can reduce communication with them to a minimum. Even if it's your colleague. Just gradually reduce the number of your personal contacts with him and contact him only on work matters, without offending or pushing the person away in a rude manner.

Live joyfully . Listen to the sound of wind and rain, rejoice at the first snow, take five minutes to drink aromatic coffee, look around when walking through a forest or meadow, do something nice for your loved ones, accept compliments with pleasure and do not hesitate to give them to others, allow yourself little pranks and always stay a little bit childish.

Humor and a light-hearted attitude to life sometimes help you get away with it. Therefore, do not kill your lightness and sincere laughter.

Live in the current moment . You shouldn’t drag around a suitcase with old grievances, problems and worries. The events of the past days cannot be replayed. But it’s very easy to spoil your mood with constant worries. Look back at your past one last time, analyze it and draw conclusions. Understand that anything happens in life and move on, leaving the burden of sorrows behind you.

You can’t live in the future either, because it will never come. Physically, you will always be present in the present, in today. Therefore, be sure to plan, dream and think about a plan of action several steps ahead, but do not forget about the present. Live now, please yourself when your soul requires it and, if possible, fulfill your dreams today.

Also, don't worry about potential problems that don't exist yet.

What awaits us ahead is a mystery. And this riddle should not poison your everyday life and hang over you like an evil rock.

Read the article on how to develop abstract thinking, and follow the link to teach logic to preschoolers.

Seven ways to be positive

So, we found out that developing the habit of thinking optimistically is quite possible - you just need to set such a goal for yourself. Now let’s share ways that will help the brain adapt to a new type of thinking. Perform these exercises in combination and do not forget that regularity is important for best results. Within a couple of months you will notice how your thoughts, mood, and then life have changed.

  1. Purple bracelet

In 2006, the author of the book A World Without Complaints, Will Bowen, suggested that everyone wear a purple bracelet to learn to live without complaining, criticism and gossip. The bracelet had to be changed from one hand to the other at the first negative thought. The goal is to wear the bracelet on one hand for 21 days.

On the Internet you can find hundreds of stories of people about how the bracelet helped them learn to be optimistic. However, psychologists believe that such artificial suppression of negative emotions is very harmful to the psyche: it can lead to depression and psychosomatic illnesses. Therefore, we offer a more gentle option. Use the bracelet to pay attention to your thoughts and think about how they can benefit you. Perhaps right now you really really need to complain about life to a loved one in order to receive a portion of care and attention - this will fill you with energy. There is nothing wrong with negative emotions if you express them without harm to yourself and other people, and work through them without getting hung up. The main thing is that they do not cloud your consciousness and prevent you from seeing the good.

Gratitude journal

Every day before going to bed, write at least ten reasons why you should be grateful for this day. Even if nothing significant happened, remember that you can be grateful for waking up this morning, for a delicious meal and a warm bed, for having loved ones - in general, for many things that we often consider ordinary and self-evident. This practice will help you remember that there is already a lot of good in life - and this is an excellent foundation on which to build the life of your dreams.

Language of the body

Body and mood are closely related. Therefore, if you cannot influence consciousness, try starting with the body. For example, if you artificially pretend to smile for just two minutes, the muscles will send the corresponding signal to the brain, and it will actually “turn on” a good mood. Don't forget about your posture and confident gait - this is another way to set yourself in a positive mood.

Positive on schedule

You need to set three alarms for any convenient time - the main thing is that they remind you of yourself every day. At the appointed time, take a break from your work and think about something good for exactly a minute. It is better if these thoughts are related to the current situation. For example, if you are busy preparing a report, think about how much work you have done. In just a few weeks, the brain itself will learn to notice good moments in the world around us. [1]


This practice has nothing to do with going into a trance and other esotericism. Her goal is to learn to be in the present moment without worrying about the past and future. After all, most often our pessimistic thoughts are associated either with worry about the future or with replaying past events. If you focus on the present for a minute, then, most likely, it will turn out that right now everything is fine: you are at home or in the office - which means you have a roof over your head and a job, nothing threatens you, you are safe , and you have the resources to move on with your life.

Find a comfortable place where no one will disturb you. The most comfortable position is to sit up straight so that your feet and spine are supported. Bring all your attention to your sensations: feel the contact of your body with the chair and the floor, pay attention to what sounds surround you, watch your breathing: how your chest or stomach rises and falls, how your nose draws in air. You can mentally say “inhale - exhale.”

In the process, the mind will definitely begin to wander, and some thoughts will arise. Your task is to monitor their appearance, but not to shift attention to them. Return to your breath each time. [3]

You can start practicing even with one or two minutes, in the future it will become easier and easier and you can increase the time. The main thing is to meditate every day, for example, immediately after waking up or before going to bed.

Three positive aspects

When an unpleasant situation happens in life, you need to sit down and write down at least three good things about it. Once you get into the habit of doing this every time, you will learn to focus on the positive rather than the negative, and take away valuable experience from any situation.

Tips and Cautions

“Positivity begets positivity” and “negativity begets negativity .
A person who is open and easy-going, ready to help and support others, smiles and does not take a judgmental position, receives a proportional response. And rude and arrogant people inevitably face rejection from others.

Laugh and don't be shy about your laughter. Smiling or laughing sends a signal to your body that everything is fine. Laughter relieves tension, relieves stress, helps to abstract from problems and look at them from the outside. Laughter also brings people together.

When your mood tends to zero, it is important to think about how many good things happened during the day . And how many bad things could have happened, but did not happen.

It is important to develop verbal and logical thinking from an early age.

10 exercises to develop positive thinking

There are 10 effective exercises that can help you look at the world in a new way and feel that you are building your own destiny:

  • Exercise #1 Practice gratitude. Write down everything you are grateful for, including every aspect of your life.
  • Exercise No. 2 When a problem arises, do not deny it. Write 5 to 10 ways to solve this problem. Try it in practice.
  • Exercise No. 3 Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. Write down all the attitudes that prevent you from taking a sober look at your circumstances. Replace them with positive affirmations. For example, the attitude “I never have money” can be replaced with “I can earn money to live in abundance.”
  • Exercise No. 4 Read motivational literature and stories of great people. You will be inspired by their example and become more productive.
  • Exercise No. 5 Before going to bed, don’t think about bad things. You need to restore your strength, imagine a peaceful picture: sunset on the seashore. Remember an interesting story from your life, you can share your memories with a loved one.
  • Exercise #6 Be open to new knowledge. It is useful to attend events that you have not done before. Don't be afraid of new experiences.
  • Exercise No. 7 Monitor your condition throughout the day. Answer the questions: how am I feeling? Which emotion is dominant? What do I want to do now?
  • Exercise No. 8 If an unpleasant situation arises, write 5 options for a successful outcome and 5 options for an unsuccessful outcome. What you will do if everything goes well and what if it goes badly. The method helps to develop logical thinking.
  • Exercise #9 Don't be afraid to ask for advice or help. You can ask people you trust for their advice. You don’t have to follow it, choose the most suitable option. But remember that the responsibility for the decision is still on your shoulders.
  • Exercise #10 Live life to the fullest and take time to relax. This is a useful pastime, as you understand where you need to go. Don’t be afraid to dream in your free time, develop your imagination and erase boundaries as much as possible.

All in your hands. Positive thinking is a way to look at things objectively. You take the position of an observer who helps to evaluate everything that is happening. But at the same time, you act, and do not sit idly by.

The main thing is to take your time and not act on emotions. Over time, you yourself will begin to manage your emotional state, and this will give you unlimited freedom of choice. All fears will subside and a feeling of clarity will come, but you don’t need to stop there either, continue to learn and gain new knowledge.

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