Restless legs syndrome in the practice of a general practitioner

One common sleep disorder is restless legs syndrome in pregnancy (RLS). This pathological condition is characterized by constant discomfort in the lower extremities, which manifests itself mainly in the dark and causes the need for constant movement. To understand how to get rid of RLS, you need to determine its cause. The Leto Mental Health Center has been successfully diagnosing and treating restless legs syndrome in pregnant women for several years. We will select the correct, and most importantly, safe therapy for both the woman and the fetus and relieve the patient from the painful symptoms of the disease.

Information sheet

For the first time in medicine, such a pathological condition was described in the 17th century by Thomas Willis, an outstanding physician, clinician and anatomist from London. But the diagnosis was officially confirmed much later.

In the 20th century, thanks to the research of the Swedish neurologist and psychiatrist Karl-Axel Ekbom, it became clear what the nature of the disease was. And if psychiatry was initially involved in the study of pathology (it was believed that this was one of the signs of schizophrenia), then the disease was soon recognized as neurological.

The prevalence of restless legs syndrome is high: about 2.5% of respondents confirmed that they experience a similar problem. Women complain about this twice as often, and often the first signs of the disease appear during pregnancy. After childbirth, symptoms often disappear forever in the vast majority of cases.

2. Causes of the disease

In most cases, the causes of restless legs syndrome are not known. But there is an opinion that genetics plays a big role here. Almost half of people with restless legs syndrome have family members with the same problem.

Other factors in the development of restless legs syndrome and progression of the disease


  • Chronic diseases
    . Several chronic diseases and conditions, including iron deficiency, Parkinson's disease, kidney failure, diabetes, and peripheral neuropathy, are often associated with symptoms of restless legs syndrome. Treating these problems also helps relieve the syndrome.
  • Medicines
    . Some medications, including antipsychotics, some antidepressants, cold and allergy medications that contain sedating antihistamines, may worsen the symptoms of restless leg syndrome.
  • Pregnancy
    . Some women experience restless legs syndrome during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester. Symptoms usually disappear within a month after delivery.

Other factors, including drinking alcohol or lack of sleep,

may cause restless leg syndrome or increase its symptoms. Improving sleep and quitting alcohol in these cases helps solve the problem.

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Symptoms of restless legs syndrome

In modern medicine, the term “Willis-Ekbom syndrome” . It manifests itself primarily as problems with falling asleep - a person cannot fall asleep due to discomfort in the legs. This cannot be called pain, but rather a painful need for movements that help eliminate discomfort for 10-15 seconds. Every 5-30 seconds the patient experiences symptoms such as:

  • tingling;
  • aches;
  • severe burning sensation;
  • movements under the skin;
  • twitching;
  • goosebumps;
  • seizures, etc.

With RLS, there are usually problems with sleep, namely with its deep phase. With a certain frequency, such patients experienced twitching of their limbs during sleep. The more such spasms there were, the worse the person felt the next morning: there was no feeling of refreshing sleep.

An important feature of this condition is that symptoms become more active in the evening or at night, and in pregnant women most often in the 2nd or 3rd trimester .

The syndrome is diagnosed if:

  1. The patient has the symptoms described above. Often women cannot describe exactly what they feel, but note that the symptoms are extremely unpleasant and are mostly localized in the feet, legs or thighs.
  2. The amplitude of unpleasant sensations increases at rest (in a lying or sitting position, when the woman is about to sleep).
  3. Movements help temporarily relieve discomfort. When stretching, straining the legs, walking or exercising, the discomfort disappears.
  4. Symptoms are cyclical. Signs of restless legs syndrome intensify in the evening and in the first half of the night - from 18.00 to 04.00. With the onset of morning, the discomfort most often goes away.

Among pregnant women, RLS is diagnosed in about a third of cases, which is often associated with changes in the electrolyte composition of the blood.

How to treat the disease?

With secondary restless legs syndrome, effective treatment of the conditions and diseases that cause the syndrome helps: for example, normalizing iron levels in case of iron deficiency (read also: “7 foods rich in iron”) or discontinuing the drug.

However, in any case, self-medication for RLS is unacceptable, since medicine knows a large number of diseases with similar symptoms. If you suspect that you have restless legs syndrome, the first thing you need to do is consult a specialist who will identify the cause of the syndrome and, based on the examination, prescribe therapy.

Treatment of secondary cases of restless legs syndrome is largely based on addressing the underlying cause. Until they are clarified, sleep hygiene, avoidance of alcohol, smoking, and foot baths are recommended. Among the medications, the same drugs are often used as for Parkinson's disease. Their dose is determined by the doctor.

Source: MC.RU

Why does this disease occur?

During pregnancy, this problem can be caused by several reasons. The appearance of symptoms in the 3rd or 2nd trimester is influenced by the following factors:

  • stagnation of blood in the vessels;
  • poor sleep caused by dopamine fluctuations or increased estrogen levels;
  • lack of iron or folic acid in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • hormonal changes, etc.

The disease is often provoked by pathologies such as Parkinson's disease, diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, renal failure, etc.

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Does the syndrome need to be treated?

Since such a pathology significantly impairs the quality of sleep, it must be eliminated. Constant lack of sleep causes:

  • overwork;
  • depression;
  • neurasthenia;
  • decreased concentration;
  • deterioration of cognitive functions;
  • feeling of energy deficiency, etc.

In addition to the above, the presence of Willis-Ekbom syndrome is one of the predictors of the development of cardiovascular diseases. Patients are much more likely to suffer from arterial hypertension, arrhythmia, and in the presence of risk factors (overweight, diabetes, etc.), a heart attack or stroke cannot be ruled out (especially during childbirth). And restless legs during pregnancy are an additional danger, because constant discomfort associated with lack of sleep increases the risk of premature birth and placental hypoxia.

Why do pregnant women have joint pain?

Pregnant women gain weight every week, which puts more stress on their lower limbs. Muscles and joints react to stress with pain - this is a normal process if the sensations are tolerable. If joint pain becomes noticeable, it’s time to think about treatment.

Significant weight gain can produce the following results:

  • Pressure on the knees leads to severe pain, and the knee joints themselves seem more loose. Significant discomfort is felt while walking.
  • Stiffness increases in the feet, hips, knees and ankles.
  • Signs of carpal tunnel syndrome appear: pain and tingling in the fingers.

If joint pain intensifies or tingling or numbness appears in the arms or legs, be sure to consult a gynecologist. Also tell your doctor about any swelling, such as in the face or hands.

You should contact your doctor immediately if you notice sudden swelling or a significant increase in swelling, especially in your legs.

In addition to normal physical changes during pregnancy, joint pain during this period may also be due to arthritis. Arthritis is a serious disease in which the joints become inflamed.

Cost of services

Initial consultation with a psychiatrist (60 min.)6,000 rub.
Repeated consultation5,000 rub.
Consultation with a psychiatrist-narcologist (60 min.)5,000 rub.
Consultation with a psychologist3,500 rub.
Consultation with Gromova E.V. (50 minutes) 12,000 rub.
Psychotherapy (session)7,000 rub.
Psychotherapy (5 sessions)30,000 rub.
Psychotherapy (10 sessions)60,000 rub.
Group psychotherapy (3-7 people)3,500 rub.
Psychotherapy session with E.V. Gromova (50 minutes) 12,000 rub.
Ward for 4 persons10,000 rub./day
Ward for 3 persons13,000 rub./day
Ward 1 bed VIP23,000 rub./day
Individual post5,000 rub.
PETE15,000 rub./day

This list does not contain all prices for services provided by our clinic. The full price list can be found on the “Prices” , or by calling: 8(969)060-93-93. Initial consultation is FREE!

What to do if you have restless legs syndrome

The following are used in therapy:

  1. Iron supplements, since a lack of an essential microelement leads to disturbances in the area of ​​the brain associated with the production of dopamine. Before this, it is necessary to undergo laboratory tests to determine serum iron levels. In case of a complicated medical history (cases of restless legs syndrome in close relatives, metabolic disorders, etc.), multivitamin complexes are recommended to be taken already at the planning stage of conception.
  2. Dopamine receptor stimulants, which help replenish the lack of dopamine in the body.
  3. Drugs that normalize the transmission of nerve impulses in muscle tissue.
  4. Agents that improve blood circulation in the vessels of the lower extremities. Considering the likelihood of adverse reactions, preference in this situation is given to topical medications (creams, ointments, gels).

Due to the fact that many drugs used in the treatment of restless legs syndrome are contraindicated during pregnancy, it is first advised to try non-drug therapy methods. Recommend :

  • massage the lower extremities before bed;
  • avoid taking stimulating drinks and foods (coffee, strong tea, chocolate, Coca-Cola, etc.) at late times;
  • stop smoking (unfortunately, often women, even after learning about pregnancy, continue to smoke);
  • increase physical activity on the legs and the body as a whole during the daytime (naturally, taking into account individual physiological characteristics and health status);
  • observe the rules of sleep hygiene (go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, refuse daytime rest, do not watch TV before bed, limit the use of any gadgets).

Experts warn that the appearance of any alarming symptoms during pregnancy, even minor discomfort, is a reason to consult a doctor. Treatment and diagnosis should be carried out only by specialized doctors.

In our center you can find experienced neurologists who will conduct a thorough diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy. Good health of a pregnant woman is the key to having a healthy baby! And we are ready to take care of it! Call us 24/7 at 8(969)060-93-93 .

Why do my legs hurt?

Unpleasant sensations in the legs during pregnancy can be either a normal condition or a sign of a serious pathology. The most common causes of pain:

  • consequences of high weight -
    during pregnancy, a woman’s body weight increases, which increases the load on her legs;
  • varicose veins -
    due to the redistribution of blood in the body, the disease may first appear during pregnancy;
  • impaired kidney function -
    swelling occurs, which causes the legs to hurt;
  • a shift in the center of gravity of the body -
    the pregnant woman’s belly begins to outweigh the body, the load is redistributed to the spine and lower limbs, which may be unnecessary;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals -
    leg cramps are often caused by a reduced concentration of magnesium in the blood;
  • improper shoes -
    inelastic and uncomfortable shoes, especially narrow or high-heeled ones create additional stress on the feet;
  • ingrown nails, corns, calluses and flat feet -
    appear due to changes in the body, lack of calcium and phosphorus, and weight gain;
  • high blood pressure -
    dilates the blood vessels in the legs, causing discomfort.

The most dangerous causes of pain are varicose veins and high blood pressure. They can lead to serious consequences, and therefore require correction with medications and supervision by a specialist.

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