Organic affective disorder in ICD-10

  • Personality and behavior disorders
    • Emotional and behavioral disorder
  • Conduct disorder in adolescents
  • Disorders of behavior and emotions in a child
  • Childhood behavior disorders
  • Behavior disorder clinic in Moscow
  • Causes of behavioral disorders
  • Conduct disorder diagnosis
  • Behavioral disorders can occur in connection with a variety of mental disorders. However, not every illness is capable of causing serious changes in behavior or an inadequate vision of the world. A number of disorders do not develop at the psychotic level, and therefore do not cause impairment of intellectual activity and retain the ability to care for oneself independently.

    Conduct disorder in children

    A distinctive feature of conduct disorder in childhood is the inability to control and plan one’s own actions, as well as interact with other people in accordance with accepted norms and rules. Increased aggression, irritability, lack of discipline and desire to obey elders, pugnacity, cruelty, theft appear, and often the child begins to lie.

    To establish a diagnosis, specialists carry out a number of psychodiagnostic measures and also talk with the child, drawing up the most competent and complete history. Treatment development is carried out through therapeutic techniques in an individual or group setting.

    Anxiety disorder

    This type of pathology is accompanied by a constant feeling of anxiety, unpleasant premonitions, and low self-esteem. Such people try to avoid any contact with people, considering themselves socially inferior and personally unattractive. They are too shy, indecisive, and often lead a reclusive lifestyle.

    Individuals with an anxiety disorder are pathologically afraid of criticism in their direction; they are hypersensitive to any negative assessments, and therefore try to avoid social and professional activities.

    As a rule, people with this diagnosis adapt well to society, since in most cases the environment is sympathetic to the problem of such a person.

    Types of conduct disorder

    An entire classification of behavioral disorders has been created, where each type has its own distinctive characteristics, treatment methods, symptoms and diagnostics.

    Mental and behavioral disorders

    It is important to note that with the development of a mental disorder, each person will be able to establish this in connection with pronounced symptoms. The most common include: the inability to fully think and engage in intellectual activity, the emotional background is constantly changing, and deviations in behavior from generally accepted norms often appear.

    As a rule, a person begins to hear non-existent voices or see unreal objects. Behavioral reactions often appear that were previously unusual for him. Aggression increases, the patient can lose his temper over literally every little thing. The cognitive sphere is also affected: it becomes difficult to read, carry out mental operations, and anxiety, fear, and aggression often appear.

    Mixed conduct disorder

    Characterized by disturbances in intellectual activity, action and behavior. This diagnosis falls into the category of mental. Their behavior is often regarded as inadequate; the occurrence of the slightest stressful situation is perceived differently. As a result, disagreements in professional activities or family may increasingly arise.

    A distinctive feature is the fact that a person cannot recognize the occurrence of a mental disorder, so treatment often begins at an advanced stage.

    The main tasks of the specialist are:

    1. Restoring normal response to external factors
    2. Teach the patient to interact with others in accordance with social norms
    3. Do not harm others or yourself.

    The disease develops throughout life. Most often it occurs in childhood. During adolescence, personality development continues, so making such a diagnosis is not always correct. With the onset of adulthood, the patient's condition begins to rapidly deteriorate and a mixed type of disorder occurs.

    Organic conduct disorder

    This is a type of disorder that appears as a result of impaired brain activity, or as a result of the development of mental disorders and other diseases. When a disorder is diagnosed in the brain, the person's behavior automatically changes. This is due to the fact that the brain is responsible for carrying out thought processes and thinking.

    Equally important is to establish the age at which the organic disorder began. Adolescence and menopause are the most dangerous, since most often changes are observed in a negative direction.

    Among the main causes of the disorder are the following aspects:

    1. Epilepsy (if its development continues for more than 10 years). A whole range of side symptoms is diagnosed, of which the patient is aware
    2. Suffering a brain injury. As a rule, an organic disorder manifests itself with severe mechanical damage. This is especially true if the integrity of the skull has been compromised. Serious abnormalities can develop when injured during adolescence
    3. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, use of psychotropic substances and narcotic drugs
    4. Autoimmune diseases
    5. Education of oncological type
    6. Diseases of the vascular system and circulatory disorders.

    Depending on the complexity and development, the disease can manifest itself in completely different ways. Among the most common manifestations are the following aspects:

    1. The emergence of specific behavioral habits
    2. A person is unable to control his own will and behavior
    3. Increasing emotional instability
    4. Cognitive activity decreases
    5. The emergence of delusional ideas.

    To make a diagnosis, it is important that the symptoms appear continuously. Otherwise, one-time outbreaks do not prove the development of an organic disorder.

    Social behavior disorder

    A category of disorders characterized by deviant behavior and excessive aggressiveness. Most often develops in childhood or adolescence. As a rule, the disorder at the emotional level manifests itself minimally. Violations do not necessarily manifest themselves in family or work activities. If the disease develops in a schoolchild, the following aspects can be diagnosed:

    1. The disorder most often manifests itself when interacting in a group
    2. Delinquency
    3. Violations of the rights of other group members
    4. The child may start stealing
    5. Leaving an educational institution on your own, vagrancy
    6. Increased excitability.

    In differential diagnosis, first of all, control and observation of interactions with other people and peers are established. In addition, diagnosis requires the presence of persistent symptoms for at least six months.

    Hyperkinetic behavior disorder

    It consists in the appearance of complex behavioral disorders, which manifest themselves in excessive impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and inattention. As a rule, the first signs can appear at an early age. As a result, the child may experience difficulty communicating with other schoolchildren or older children. According to statistics, 5% of the total number of children suffer from this disorder every year and most of them are male.

    There are no specific reasons for which this disorder occurs. But it has been established that there is a genetic predisposition and experiences of strong amplitude. Other common factors include:

    1. Insufficiently balanced diet
    2. Serious poisoning from heavy chemicals
    3. Having a serious stressful situation
    4. Long-term use of medications
    5. Traumatic brain injuries.

    When the disease develops in childhood, there is increased activity, impulsive behavior, and inability to concentrate.

    Mixed emotion and behavior disorder

    Manifests itself in childhood at an early stage. The main factor is the negative situation in the family, constant scandals, cruel punishments, and insufficient expression of love for the child. The main manifestation is deviant behavior (hooliganism, theft, excessive aggression, rudeness, vagrancy) in young children and teenagers. As a rule, negative relationships are formed with adults who represent power.

    Regarding diagnostic measures, we can highlight, first of all, observation. If persistent behavior deviates from accepted norms, a diagnosis of mixed disorder is established.

    Socialized conduct disorder

    The development of deviant behavior that differs from established norms is called a socialization disorder. Often the first signs are observed during school or adolescence.

    The disease appears due to the accumulation of external negative factors, which may include a negative environment at home or in an educational institution. Often a child becomes an outcast and may be bullied by his peers. After a certain period of time, the child experiences a tendency towards hooliganism, gets into fights, and is rude to adults. Often conflicts arise with government officials.

    During the diagnostic process, it is important to note the fact that a socialized disorder is diagnosed only if the signs appear over a long period of time (at least 6 months).

    Suicidal behavior disorder

    Characterized by the desire to cause physical harm to oneself, which will lead to death. The aggression that a person directs at himself has many facets, and therefore is studied separately by specialists.

    There are several distinctive features that characterize suicidal disorder:

    1. To solve a problem, a person tries to kill himself
    2. Psychological torment and painful experiences act as stimulants. Suicide in this case acts as a quick solution to the problem
    3. The person ceases to see a way out of the current situation, shows helplessness and hopelessness
    4. The emergence of a persistent feeling to commit suicide
    5. How to avoid a greater evil
    6. The emergence of self-hatred.

    If the above signs and symptoms occur, the patient should be referred to a psychologist or psychotherapist to correct the condition. If severe depression develops, specialists may prescribe additional medications.

    Deviant behavior disorder

    Sustained opposition to social norms, as well as the desire to prove the correctness of one’s own approach to life, is called a deviant disorder. It is most often expressed in antisocial behavior traits.

    The manifestation of deviant behavior presupposes the formation of inadequate moral attitudes, rules and foundations. Most often manifests itself in adolescence through the following attitudes and properties:

    1. Presence of an impulsive reaction
    2. Inadequate response to external manifestations of the surrounding world
    3. Behavioral reactions that occur repeatedly
    4. Manifestation of antisocial behavior in society.

    It has been found that the development of such symptoms is shaped by psychological and social factors. Among them are the distinctive features of upbringing, hereditary predisposition, the formation of a negative microclimate in the family, and the use of drugs and alcohol.

    When diagnosing this disorder, consultations with a psychologist and behavioral correction work are required.

    Hyperkinetic behavior disorder in children

    In children, hyperkinetic disorder is most often associated with excessive control by parents or caregivers. However, this is not the only factor that can lead to the persistent development of pathology. The influence is exerted by a certain situation in society (for example, in the classroom or in the family). Among the most pronounced signs it is worth noting:

    1. Excessive impulsiveness
    2. Increased activity
    3. The function of attention is impaired.

    Regarding the last point, it is important to note that it is difficult for a child to concentrate in order to fully assimilate the educational material. Often he begins to lose disorientation, unable to organize himself independently; if he starts one thing, he cannot complete it.

    Children, as a rule, are fussy, have difficulty withstanding waiting, and are unable to independently adapt to new conditions in society.

    Autistic behavior disorder

    As a result of autistic disorder, there is a distortion of real events that occur in the environment. A person may also experience difficulties in communicating with other people. Diagnostic measures are carried out through observation and conversation.

    If the diagnosis is confirmed, then treatment occurs through a whole range of measures: medications, work with a psychologist, and the development of special training programs.

    Unsocialized conduct disorder

    Among the main signs is the persistent manifestation of antisocial behavior. Increased aggression and anger often manifest themselves, and there is often a disruption in the process of communication with other people, regardless of age category. Most often it develops in adolescence, when the child tries to show his superiority through hooliganism and fights.

    Organic personality and behavior disorder

    It manifests itself as a result of brain injuries, which negatively affects the development of personality and behavior. A person is often diagnosed with moral and mental exhaustion, and mental activity gradually decreases. The most acute periods of the disease are the onset of menopause and adolescence.

    Disorders of volitional behavior

    The distinctive symptomatology is disturbances associated with activities. Often there is a weakening or strengthening of volitional qualities that go beyond the acceptable norm. When hyperbulia is detected, a person acts with unshakable determination, which is far from an objective assessment of the current situation. Abulia is a decrease in volitional qualities, since a person lacks incentive motivation to act. Passivity, lethargy, and fulfillment of plans are often diagnosed.

    Paranoid disorder

    Personality disorder of the paranoid type is characterized by increased distrust, pathological suspicion, and an exaggerated perception of injustice towards one’s own person. Patients with this diagnosis tend to see negative intent in everything, constantly feel a threat from the outside, and attribute negative intentions to others.

    A paranoid person is characterized by increased confidence in his own importance, does not recognize that others are right, and is convinced of his own infallibility. Such a person is extremely sensitive to criticism addressed to him and interprets any actions and words of others in a negative way.

    In a state of decompensation, the clinical picture is complemented by pathological jealousy, a craving for constant disputes and proceedings, and aggression.

    Personality and behavior disorders

    Depending on the type of disorder, not only a radical change in behavior occurs, but also in the personality layer. As a result, it is difficult for the patient to interact in society, and constant conflicts at work and family may arise. Most often, such disorders are not recognized by the patient.

    Emotional and behavioral disorder

    The main characteristic is the manifestation of aggressive behavior. Often caused as a result of a long-term depressive state, exposure to a stressful situation, or a hereditary factor. Most often, primary symptoms appear in childhood and become more pronounced as they grow older.

    Conduct disorder in adolescents

    The most common cause of this is stressful situations. Since personal development continues in adolescence and is not fully formed, it is important to provide support in difficult moments. Among the main features are:

    1. Obsession with one activity without achieving positive results
    2. All old hobbies fade into the background or are completely forgotten
    3. Sharp decline in school performance
    4. Loss of interest in any other activity.

    However, it is important to look at the totality of other factors. For example, you can notice sudden mood swings, disrespect for adults; any advice from adults can cause an aggressive reaction.

    Disorders of behavior and emotions in a child

    They appear as the child grows up, however, when this defect appears, it can be corrected, but it cannot be completely eliminated. Manifestations can be in the form of phobias, irritability, aggression, deviant behavior and other negative factors. To adjust the work program, the main diagnostic technique is observation for several months. The diagnosis of the disease occurs only if the symptoms constantly recur.

    Childhood behavior disorders

    There is a whole classification of childhood behavior disorders, according to the generally accepted nomenclature of ICD-10. Among the main groups are:

    1. Hyperkinetic
    2. Behavioral
    3. Alarming
    4. Phobic.

    Despite the specifics of each group separately, it is important to note that most often diseases arise as a result of negative social factors, heredity or unfavorable family conditions.


    According to statistics, about 12% of the population suffers from personality disorders. The reasons for their occurrence are ambiguous in most cases. The main predisposing factors to the development of mental disorders are of a genetic nature - the presence of mental illnesses, alcoholism, personality disorders in parents or close relatives.

    In addition, the development of personality disorders can occur as a result of traumatic brain damage before the age of 3-4 years. Also, social factors can play a leading role in the emergence of this kind of pathology - inadequate upbringing of a child in the event of the loss of parents or in a family suffering from alcoholism. Violations arise against the background of inflicted psychological trauma - intimate abuse, manifestations of sadism, moral cruelty towards a child.

    At first, the manifestations of the pathology have a clear picture, but with age, the symptoms have no specific boundaries and are reflected in all areas of life.

    Causes of behavioral disorders

    It is customary to distinguish several groups of reasons for which behavioral disorders can be diagnosed:

    1. Physiological (schizophrenia, epilepsy and other mental disorders)
    2. Psychological (depressed state, low self-esteem, shifting blame to other people)
    3. Social (negative experiences of interaction with other people).

    Before forming a comprehensive treatment program, specialists establish the reasons why the disorder develops.

    Hysterical disorder

    This kind of disorder occurs in 2-3% of the population, most often in females. This type of mental disorder is characterized by theatrical manifestation of emotions, frequent mood swings, shallow perception of phenomena, and inconsistency in attachments. Such people love increased attention to their person, so they try in every possible way to achieve this.

    Patients with hysterical disorder are overly concerned with their appearance, strive for ostentatious external brilliance, and need constant confirmation of their irresistibility.

    When building personal relationships, individuals with this diagnosis put their own interests first and try to achieve their goals at the expense of others through manipulation. They are painfully aware of the indifferent attitude of others.

    Narcissistic disorder

    A clear manifestation of this kind of disorder occurs in adolescence. Patients experience an increased need for admiration from others, exaggerate their own importance in society, and do not accept critical judgments.

    The main character traits of such individuals are complete conviction of their own greatness and the need to indulge all their whims. They are convinced of their superiority over other people, have an inflated opinion of their talents and achievements, and are absorbed in fantasies about their successes. They need increased attention and are focused exclusively on themselves.

    Narcissistic individuals are clever exploiters and manipulators, thanks to which they achieve the fulfillment of their desires at the expense of others. Such people prefer a certain social circle that meets their high standards. They do not accept criticism and comparisons with “ordinary” people.

    The inner world of these individuals is quite fragile and vulnerable, the emotional state is unstable and completely depends on external circumstances. Arrogance and arrogance are a protective mask that hides excessive sensitivity to rejection and criticism.

    Dependent personality disorder

    People suffering from this type of disorder are characterized by shifting responsibility for solving most life issues. The pathology is accompanied by a feeling of helplessness, pathological fear due to the inability to independently manage one’s own life.

    As a rule, dependent people try to find a kind of patron with the help of whom they can at least somehow realize themselves in society. Such individuals need constant encouragement, advice, and approval of actions. Patients with this diagnosis are fearful, timid, unsure of their own abilities, unable to live without constant guidance.

    The period of decompensation begins in the event of the loss of a patron, when life tasks must be performed independently, without prior agreement with him. The clinical picture during this period worsens significantly, which can lead to severe panic attacks without any particular reason.

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