Be careful - tension. How to properly relax your body?

Tension in the body has a bad effect on a person's condition. It leads to muscle tone, and tension in this area impairs blood circulation, body nutrition is disrupted, and energy levels decrease. At the same time, even those who understand that the body is already like stone and something needs to be done about it, do not know exactly how it can be easily and quickly relaxed. spoke about the consequences of constantly keeping the body in tight muscle tone and what techniques will help relieve this tension osteopathic doctor Vladimir Zhivotov.

Muscle tension

First of all, we must remember that overstrain can be physical and emotional. And when we talk about the first, we cannot ignore the second. As for physical overstrain, if the resources of the human body allow it to be compensated for, everything is fine. This is normal: we constantly experience tension in one way or another.

But, if it was strong and prolonged and exceeded the body’s capabilities, it can lead to the formation of undesirable changes in the muscles, which requires the intervention of a specialist: an osteopath or massage therapist. When changes accumulate and the body cannot cope with them, a person may be lethargic for a long time and feel a lack of energy, which affects his quality of life and productivity. In addition, pain may appear in different parts of the body.

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No matter how scary it may sound, the fact remains: 95% of children receive a birth injury. Consequences that were not eliminated in childhood create an additional risk zone, in particular, for overexertion, spasms, etc. And, if this happens often, it is necessary to contact a specialist and eliminate the consequences of injuries.

What is sore throat?

There is still no consensus on the origin of SOMB syndrome. Previously, it was believed that muscle pain was due to the accumulation of lactic acid in them after intense physical activity. But modern research has refuted this version; it turned out that after 30-40 minutes the concentration of lactic acid in the muscles returns to normal [1].

Modern experts are inclined to believe that SOMB is a complex result of complex biochemical, physiological and neurological processes occurring in muscle tissue during and after intense exercise. Pain and the feeling of bloating and “petrification” in the muscles are caused by several factors[2]. Among them:

  • microdamage to muscle fiber caused by muscle overstrain;
  • inflammation that develops inside an overtrained muscle as a response of the immune system to microtraumas and microtears;
  • inflammation accompanies swelling associated with the accumulation of lymph in the muscles and fluid retention;
  • neurotrophic factors caused by microdamage to nerve endings in muscles.

What are the consequences?

Few people think about the consequences of muscle tension. However, they can be quite serious. So, first of all, tension in the body, which is constantly present, becomes the cause of headaches. Spasms compress blood vessels and nerve endings, disrupt blood supply to organs and impair the functioning of the nervous system. The most common spasms of the muscles of the neck and shoulders occur: this is typical for sedentary types of work. Against the background of this disorder, headaches, migraines develop, and even vision deteriorates.

Naturally, due to constant muscle tone, problems with posture develop, because muscle spasms often even change the geometry of the skeleton.

Another consequence of constant tension in the body is a malfunction of the internal organs. After all, problems develop with lymph flow and blood circulation, breathing goes wrong (it becomes shortened), the functioning of the digestive system is disrupted, etc.

And, of course, hard, tense muscles cannot stretch well. Accordingly, a person becomes inflexible, it is more difficult for him to perform some simple manipulations, etc.

To avoid the development of such complications or reduce the potential danger if they develop, it is worth contacting a specialist. Typically, exercise therapy, certain sedatives and massages are offered to relieve tension. But, if it is not possible to see a doctor “here and now,” you can help the body on your own. To do this, I recommend several methods, or better yet, all at once.

Burnt out at work? Overwork is the cause of nervous tics and depression Read more

What is muscle tension

In fact, a muscle clamp, as well as a block, spasm, or muscle armor, is a muscle or group of muscles that cannot completely relax and is constantly under tension. As a rule, it is hypertrophied, blood passes through it more and more difficult, and the efficiency of such a muscle invariably decreases. Moreover, the tight muscle “turns to stone,” interfering with the functioning of the entire body and often causing severe pain with every movement.

Typically, a rare person with this problem rushes to the doctor or begins to look for the root of the problem. In most cases, he gets used to the discomfort and pain, continuing to maintain the existing muscle tension for months and even years. The result of this is flat feet, curvature of the spine, varicose veins and other serious diseases, including compression of internal organs.

The relaxation technique includes 3 steps:

  1. Put off solving the problem that bothers you for a while.
  2. Engage in relaxation for 2-3 minutes, using one of the methods given below.
  3. Once you are free of tension, return to solving the original problem.
  1. How to relax your body from tension - a break

When you are upset, you probably begin to involuntarily hold your breath - you breathe more shallowly, and sometimes even completely hold your breath.

This happens unconsciously, because deep breathing opens access to emotions, to feeling. At the same time, when a person breathes shallowly, tension in the body automatically turns on, because it’s not for nothing that you breathe this way, which means there is some kind of danger.

Releasing the breath is one of the main ways to relax and relieve tension in the body and a way to “throw everything out of your head.”

Put aside all the problems that are bothering you at the moment. You can come back to them whenever you want, but nothing will happen if you give yourself a break and stop thinking about them for a few minutes.

For 3 minutes, breathe slowly, calmly and deeply, breathe into your stomach. You can even close your eyes if you prefer. If you want to. then count to five when you inhale and to seven when you exhale.

Spending more time exhaling creates a mild, calming effect. Imagine that when you enjoy this deep, leisurely breathing, all your worries and troubles disappear...

Taking a breather is a relaxation technique. But at the same time, it can also work as a means of distracting attention, taking thoughts away from your problems at least for a few minutes.

  1. Think tenderly

You can relax your body from tension with the help of your imagination. This method is good at relieving tension from a certain part of the body.

Direct your attention to the tense muscle. Mentally see how hard this muscle has become, what does it remind you of? Concrete, granite, iron?

Imagine a burning candle that you hold in your hand. The wax melts and drops drop by drop onto your hand.

You feel its warmth. Your muscles begin to relax...

Feel the warmth in your muscle, and that your muscle turns into soft and warm wax...

You can imagine that your tense muscles turn into soft clay, cotton wool, foam rubber, soap suds, etc.

If the Think Gentle method helps you reduce stress by 10 or 20%, then you should use it. After some training, you will learn to relieve tension from your body within 1 minute.

  1. Associations with peace and trust

To relax and relieve tension in your body, you can use any imagery associated with safety and trust.

For example, imagine yourself as a curled up sleeping kitten or a stretched out big fluffy soft cat...

To relax your face, you can imagine it in the form of a luxurious flower. Mentally picture its beautiful petals and shiny green foliage.

The flower is delicate and fresh and you can smell its scent. Take a deep breath and exhale smoothly, while imagining how the tension goes away.

  1. Inanimate objects

You can relax and relieve stress by associating your feelings and emotions with inanimate objects. For example, imagine despair or helplessness as a tightly stretched rubber band.

You hold one end of the rubber band in your hands and it vibrates with tension... let go of the end and it contracts and the despair disappears.

Imagine your problem as a fishing line that gets caught on a snag in the water...

You cut the line and the problem went away...

Imagine that you are holding your unhappiness (problems, tension) in your hand clenched into a fist... Slowly open your palm and let the unhappiness disappear...

  1. Relaxation and stress relief – “The Magic Word”

How to relax your body from tension? In addition to images, you can use some phrases and words that help relieve tension. Words have a magical power to influence our behavior and mood.

This method interrupts the flow of automatic thoughts and promotes refocusing and relaxation.

Choose simple words such as peace, rest, calm, calm, balanced, etc. Instead of words, you can count: 1001, 10002, etc., or use phrases like: “deep and even deeper relaxation.”

  • Let thoughts run through your head, but don't let them take over your attention.
  • Close your eyes and concentrate.
  • Repeat a word, phrase, or count to yourself for sixty seconds.
  • Breathe slowly and deeply.
  • To better assimilate this method, first practice in a quiet place for at least 10 minutes.

Gradually your mind will learn to associate this method with relaxation. In the end, the tension will go away in two to three minutes, and then as soon as you mentally pronounce your cherished word or number.

Train, don't waste your time! Train your brain to relax your body!

Now, when you are suffering from tension, pain and anxiety, your brain considers this to be the norm!

If you start training and spend at least 15 minutes a day relieving tension in your body, then after a few weeks, relaxation will occur quickly and almost automatically as soon as you feel tension.

Start with these simple exercises; in order to learn how to relax, relieve anxiety and tension, you don’t have to use super complex techniques.

This is where I end, and I hope that you have received the answer to your question - how to relax the body from tension?

Be loved and happy!

Sincerely, family psychologist Natalia Gnezdilova.

IMPORTANT! DO NOT forget to download my gift for you “Brief instructions for relieving tension” + meditation in audio format for deep relaxation and stress relief!

Additional materials on this topic:

Symptoms and signs of chronic stress.

7 Ways to Relieve Emotional Stress

How to stop beating yourself up?

My courses and trainings

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