Causes of piriformis syndrome The cause of the syndrome can be various pathological changes in the piriformis muscle
Interesting and unusual topics for conversation with a girl What can you talk about with a girl,
Medical information is reliable Checked by Shaidullin Renat Flyurovich Reason and emotions... They write a lot about them
Stroke is an acutely developing deviation of cerebral circulation, which is caused by spasm, sudden rupture, blockage
Such a phenomenon as coma has been known since ancient times and is still
26 Nov 2021 at 23:15 MRI of the head in Tushino 41124 The term “empty sella turcica”
Clinical manifestations Regardless of the nature of its occurrence, the clinical picture of meningitis has a set of common symptoms: General infectious
Action of phenibut It has several heterogeneous effects on the nervous system and mental state: Reducing anxiety
Rabies is a vaccine-controlled zoonotic viral disease. At the stage of clinical symptoms appearing, its mortality rate is
What is it and what does it consist of? The human brain consists of two types