Clinical variants of psychopathy. Antisocial psychopaths

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Psychopaths are people who prey on other people. These are “wolves in sheep’s clothing” who gradually suck your self-esteem, strength and resources out of you, and then do the same to others - endlessly, until death.

It is very difficult to be completely sure that the person you are dealing with is truly a psychopath.

Because in everyday life we ​​are accustomed to calling sociopaths psychopaths, as well as people with narcissistic or antisocial personality disorders, excitable hysterics, people with asthenic disorders, and some others. Diagnosis of such a plan can be difficult. Why? Because you are most likely a sincere and kind person who believes that other people are good too. It can be extremely difficult to accept the idea that the person you trusted is not really who he seems.

Dealing with a psychopath

You must maintain inner strength and honor. Accept the fact that this is a psychopath in front of you, and be prepared for what awaits you ahead. Please don't confuse a psychopath with a serial killer. Without a doubt, the vast majority of articles in newspapers and magazines, as well as television programs, are devoted to psychopathic serial killers. However, severe cases occur at a rate of approximately one in 30,000. Most psychopaths prefer to live undetected.

No contacts

The most important thing you must understand is that you must stop any contact with the psychopath. It's easy to say, but much more difficult to do. Of course, the difficulty of breaking up with a psychopath directly depends on how seriously you got stuck in the relationship. If your romance was fleeting, the breakup will happen almost painlessly. If you have an affair with a business partner, breaking up will require a tougher position on your part. Deciding to stop contacting a psychopath is only the first step, and it won't be worth a dime unless you take effective steps to actually reduce any means of communication and interaction with this human predator.

Keep your decision a secret

Use stealth technology. This means that you must be very careful and keep your plan to end your relationship with a psychopath a deep secret. Do not try to confront or influence a psychopath with a group of people. This will have long-term unpleasant consequences for you.

You may feel like you have to warn others that this person next to you is a psychopath... for the love of God, don't do it! The sad truth is that psychopaths have a brilliant ability to juggle facts and carry out masterful counterattacks, and the target of these counterattacks is your weaknesses and shortcomings. A sudden counterattack will leave you wondering: “What happened? Why am I being attacked? What happened is that you are a good guy who wanted others not to be hurt the same way as you. Have you tried to open the eyes of those around you? Congratulations, now everyone sees that you are actually very bad.

The Psychology of Yawning

The results of the study showed something extremely interesting: those participants who scored the highest on the psychopathic questionnaire also had one similar trait - emotional distance from what was happening, sometimes even with a clear disposition of hostility. And it was these people who were least likely to respond to the standard human reaction to yawning. Most of the time, when people see someone next to them yawning, they are also drawn to yawn. People prone to psychopathy completely ignored any stimuli caused in other participants by a video of a yawning person.

Organize your support

Because you will need it. You should find a professional - a psychologist, lawyer or doctor - who has experience dealing with psychopaths. You will need someone who will be on your side, helping you maintain mental and physical health, because if the psychopath is not willing to let you go in peace, really ugly things will happen. You may think that your friends will be a good source of support for will be a complete surprise to you that if your psychopath saw this coming, he or she may have already worked with your friends, spreading false stories about you, so that the time you contact them... they will be sure that of the two of you, it is you who is the psychopath (although, of course, they will be afraid to tell you about it to your face). So your friends, of course, can be the best support system... unless your psychopath has already worked with them and released a dose of poison towards you.

Protect yourself

Protect your assets. Psychopaths completely drain their victims, and this is not only about the emotional state, but also about everything else that you have, including money, power, social status or reputation, as well as any other property. If a psychopath sees you as a threat to his prosperous existence and an obstacle to manipulating other people, he will strive to destroy you and will watch with ecstasy as you lose everything step by step. And the point here is not that he or she wants to take over your things or status; they are simply obsessed with the desire to see you completely destroyed and stripped of everything you had. They demand that you pay exactly this price for not allowing yourself to be persecuted anymore. Don't let them take everything from you. Do what you can to save at least something of what you have... of course, if it is not too late.

If you want to save your job, contact your boss and let them know that you are in a relationship with a vindictive and lying psychopath, and that you are taking steps to get out of this relationship and cut off all ties. This is a true preventative measure, because the psychopath will try to deprive you of your job. This is the usual revenge of a psychopath, which is always expressed in such an attack. If management is warned about this, they will be less likely to believe new information that begins to appear to them. For example, that you received bribes at work, engaged in theft, used or sold drugs, spread rumors discrediting your superiors, shared confidential information about the company with competitors, and so on, and so on. Regardless of the specific content, all stories of this kind will sound very plausible (down to the smallest detail) and will be aimed at discrediting and firing you.

As soon as the psychopath begins to understand that you are avoiding him, not communicating and not spending time with him, if he feels that it has become more difficult to manipulate you, he will certainly begin (if he has not already started) to throw mud at you; especially if he understands that you suspect that he is a psychopath. Sometimes - and such cases are quite rare, when if your relationship for a short time was limited to only light flirting and did not have time to develop deeper - a psychopath may not see you as a threat to continue manipulating other people, and therefore will allow you to simply disappear from his life and eventually just let it go.

Be steadfast like a rock

Be firm in your decision. Don't respond to a psychopath's counterattacks. If you want to communicate something to this person, it should sound quiet and firm - as if you are a rock. He or she must understand that he or she will not be able to manipulate you or cause you to respond with irritation or fear, regardless of what and how he says. You should maintain good posture: back straight, shoulders free, gaze calm, maintain a positive outlook, smile and exude self-confidence. Even if inside you are not sure of anything at all, on the outside you should look like a calm and firm person. Because any sign of your weakness will be instantly noticed and used against you: either as an opportunity to offer yourself to help, or as a reason to launch a new offensive.

Save your Reputation

Protect any positive reputation you have. Psychopaths have the unique ability to influence people's opinions of themselves and who is being manipulated. Try not to take it personally. I know it's hard to lose the support of friends, family, co-workers and perhaps society at large, but you can't blame people who succumb to the psychological spell that a psychopath weaves around the world like a spider.

A psychopath's overriding goal is to maintain his reputation. He needs to look like an innocent victim in the eyes of as many people as possible, and he has a tremendous track record of proving his impeccable reputation, no matter whose reputation suffers in the process.

Be prepared for the worst

A psychopath will use everything you said or did against you. Expect attacks, slander, slander, gossip, denials like “it was a long time ago” or “oh, it was a joke”; statements that he or she was upset, tired or deceived. These attacks can take countless possible forms. If you communicate via the Internet, please note that your social contacts are easy prey for psychopathic attacks. Friends on Facebook, followers on Twitter, friends and partners on linked-in or any other social networks are very easy prey, and a psychopath, without any embarrassment, will start a wide media campaign against you on social networks.

Document everything

Take photos, save screenshots, copy correspondence, save conversations as audio files. Keep printed copies of everything you can to document any interactions or statements made by your psychopath; Keep these documents in a safe place. Pay attention to what and how you say. Act as if your every word is being recorded and may be read at a future time by a jury or prosecutor, or may be taken out of context in an attempt to make you sound like you are crazy.

Perhaps someday the people who once trusted you will be able to see the truth, but even so, if your psychopath was a master of his craft, they still will not be able to fully trust you as they once did. Even after the essence of the psychopath is fully revealed to the public eye. So do not hold on to the false hope of one day refuting all the undeserved accusations to which you have been subjected. In most cases, the effects of such accusations are permanent, although they may lessen over time. So …

They order black coffee

This point could easily be attributed to a person who simply wants to reduce their intake of dairy and sugar. One study found that if you prefer to drink your coffee black without any additives, you will be more prone to psychopathy. The study involved thousands of volunteers, and the results showed that people who prefer bitter foods and drinks, such as black coffee, are more prone to the “Dark Triad”, that is, narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy, as well as everyday sadism. The list of bitter foods used in the study included radishes, celery and tonic water.

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Forgive yourself

The main thing is to forgive yourself. You are not a criminal, you just became a victim. And as a victim, you may have seen yourself as vulnerable or in compromising circumstances, and you may have felt like a fool. But you are not a fool. Anyone can become a victim of an experienced psychopath, and this happens every day in all walks of life and in all walks of life.

You couldn't see it coming... but now that you know, you're less likely to fall victim again... and maybe you can help others see the signs - or at least be aware - that there are evil people, human wolves in sheep's clothing who seek to destroy the lives of other people without any remorse.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only, approved by certified physician Mikhail Vasiliev, diploma series 064834, in accordance with license No. LO-77-005297 dated September 17, 2012, by a certified specialist in the field of psychiatry, certificate number 0177241425770.

They are immune to other people's yawns

In one study, scientists gave 135 students a task: fill out a questionnaire that was supposed to reveal their tendency towards psychopathy. Participants were then given three videos to watch in random order. On one of them there was a man with a neutral expression, on the other he was laughing, and on the third he was yawning. And while the participants watched these videos, the researchers closely watched their faces, trying to notice any activity in the facial muscles.

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